Festive season inspires poetry | Aga Khan Academies

Festive season inspires poetry

12 December 2018

Grade 7K’s English unit on poetry came to a close with the students writing poems centered on the theme of celebration: celebration of nature, of the end of exams, or of various festivities. The poems were made up of a series of rhyming couplets that were comprehensible to a younger audience: the grade 3s! Students spent a week composing their poems, peer reviewing them, and illustrating them. They then split themselves into groups and prepared how each group would engage the grade 3s. "This was my first experience working with grade 3," shared Ramin Nazari of grade 7K. "Sharing my poem made me nervous but they were the best audience and were very engaged.”

The theme of “festivities” was chosen to coincide with grade 3s chosen AKA strand of pluralism. “The idea came sort of spontaneously," explained Himani Sood, grade 7 English teacher. "There was such a wave of relief after the exams that we decided to use the opportunity to pen down our feelings and thoughts through poetry; after all, the whole point of the unit was for students to understand the cathartic effect of poetry on both poet and reader.” 

Grade 3 class tutor, Nivedita Paul, was delighted with the exchange across the Junior and Senior Schools. "Poetry is one of the mediums that enables us to express our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. In the unit of inquiry “how we express ourselves” grade 3 began their poetic journey with grade 7. Every creation needs an audience for its critical appreciation, and magic happens at the confluence. Further, learning is sustainable when it's supported by the entire community!" 

Contributed by Himani Sood, I&S & English faculty