Typical African House Projects | Aga Khan Academies

Typical African House Projects

01 January 2016

After exploring the many different types of houses used on the African continent, as a hands-on experience the kindergarten 3 students worked in groups to build typical African houses using natural materials from the environment, such as hay, sticks and leaves.

The group members had to reflect about what form the house would take, how they would build the roof and how they would keep the walls standing. 

The results were remarkable! Congratulations to the young architects and engineers of kindergarten 3 for their performance.


Depois de terem explorado os diversos tipos de casa típicas do continente africano, os alunos do Pré 3 puseram mãos à obra e construiram, em grupos, casas típicas usando materiais do meio envolvente, tais como: barro, palha, paus, folhas, etc.

Os elementos do grupo tiveram que reflectir sobre qual seria a forma da casa, como iam construir o telhado, como manter as paredes de pé, etc.

Os resultados foram incríveis! Parabéns aos pequenos arquitectos e engenheiros do Pré 3 pelo desempenho demonstrado.