Voices for Change Impress Guests at First Lady's Event | Aga Khan Academies

Voices for Change Impress Guests at First Lady's Event

13 June 2017

Her Excellency the First Lady of Kenya welcomes Princess Zahra Aga KhanOn Friday 9 June 2017, Voices for Change members were privileged to perform the national anthem and other pieces during the unveiling of the latest Voices for Change performs at the event led by Choral Director, Philip Mbinji Voices for Change performs at the event led by Choral Director, Philip Mbinjitechnolgy in cardiology by the First Lady of Kenya, Margaret Kenyatta at the Aga Khan Hospital Mombasa, in the refurbished catheterisation laboratory (Cath-Lab).

The First Lady also Voices for Change with Princess Zahra Aga Khan Voices for Change with Princess Zahra Aga Khaninaugurated the hospital’s cardiology programme during the ceremony, which was attended by the Aga Khan Health Services Board Executive Committee chair, Princess Zahra Aga Khan; Regional Director, French Development Agency (AFD), Mr Bruno De Prince and several foremost cardiologists and partners.

The Cath-Lab, the latest in Kenya and the first of its kind outside Nairobi, can offer more than 20 heart-related services and has a capacity to handle 15 patients with cardiac problems per day. 

Photos: (1 and 2) The Offcial Page of the First Lady of Kenya