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Dania Quadri (Class of 2014): Giving back as an alumna

“Being part of an open-minded community that encouraged challenging what we were taught, the willingness to accept one another and inspire each other to grow constantly, was very refreshing. I credit these experiences for much of whom I am today.”
– Dania Quadri, Class of 2014

Dania Quadri currently studies biomedical science at St George’s, University of London, United Kingdom. During her summer vacation in Hyderabad, she decided to put her time to good use through a short internship at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. She was involved in teaching science and leadership to Grade 7 students and assisted with Diploma Programme-level history, biology and theory of knowledge classes.

She was also instrumental in helping to organise the Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) in September 2016.

“As I aspire to be a doctor, I feel that it is necessary to acquire experience in a role that demands care, patience and a great deal of understanding,” she explains. “I knew teaching and organising the MHAW would contribute to my personal growth and career aspirations but it would also allow me to give back to my school – something very important to me.”

Through MHAW, Dania was able to contribute to reducing the stigma associated with mental illness within the Academy community.

“As a student myself, I know how hard it is for students who are mentally unwell to cope with studies and social life at school," she said. "I wanted to spread awareness about it being perfectly normal to feel mentally unwell, to know the difference between clinical illness and just a rough emotional phase, and to encourage students to seek help and advice if they are feeling low.”

Her internship made her realise she was more passionate about education than she thought. She particularly enjoyed the responsibility an educator has in developing a student’s personality and knowledge.

“As a teacher, it was interesting to observe school from the other side," she said. "Spending time with all the teachers made me realise how much they actually care for their students. The support is incredible at the Academy and different learning abilities are not only understood but truly valued.”

Samson Suhas – swimming to a better life

“I came to this school searching for better opportunities and better facilities through which I can improve in sports and excel in music and studies,” says Samson. “I didn’t have these opportunities in my previous school and didn’t get a chance to play any sport.”

Samson Suhas Srungarapti, a grade 10 student at the Academy and a professional swimmer, represented Rangareddy district at the 2nd Telangana State Winter Aquatic Championship held in Khammam district in December 2016. He came away with the bronze medal in 100mts free style and a renewed desire to participate in not just regional, but national swimming tournaments. This was the first time he had participated in a state tournament.

“I want to be an Olympic swimmer. I want to win medals in Olympics for India. And alternatively, I love music and would like to be a music director or a music teacher in the future,” expresses Samson, who trains at the Academy pool for four hours a day when school is on, and six during holidays. “My father is my coach and my role model. He is my inspiration for choosing sports as my career. Without his support and commitment, I wouldn’t have achieved as much as I have in my swimming career from when I started in December 2015 till today.

Samson has joined a swimming club for extra support and to get his know his competition better. When he is not training, he enjoys playing football with his peers, and remembers the moment the school team won the interschool football tournament as one of the most rewarding experiences at school. His favourite subject is Mathematics, because he loves the challenge of solving a tough problem. Besides swimming, music is his other great love.   

“I find the Aga Khan Academy very balanced in giving opportunities for students to develop their skills in academics as well as sports, and that is the most unique thing about this school.”

Samson feels confident of participating at a national level in 2017, and determined to continue working hard on his speed, endurance, and agility even if it involves longer training hours. He has his eyes set on the international swimming circuit, and we wish him all the very best!


Syeda Sayema Mayesha – tackling global issues through film

Watch Sayema's film "One Sky, Two Souls" below.

Sayema, currently in grade 11, directed and produced an impactful short film to create awareness on child rights for her IB MYP Personal Project towards the end of her IB Middle Years Programme journey. The film was screened in February 2017 at the Academy’s annual ‘innovation expo’.

What caused her to pursue this particular project? “I was inspired to make this film as I have often observed how privileged children do not appreciate what they have, whereas the ones who suffer continue to do so as they are neglected,” Sayema explains. “As a student of the Academy, where children are given the opportunity of holistic education regardless of their financial background, I could not have worked on a better project.”

Sayema is from Bangladesh and studied at the Aga Khan School in Dhaka before joining the Hyderabad Academy in 2014. Her favourite subject is I&S (Individuals and Societies), particularly Economics, because she loves how it engages students and sharpens their perception about the real world. “15 years from now, I see myself completing my higher studies in International Relations and working as a Public Relations Executive. The Academy has influenced this career choice as it has broadened my knowledge and perspective about the world making me enthusiastic to be a leader and play a part in constructive change.”

Soccer is a passion for Sayema, and she has been part of the Academy Senior School girls’ soccer team from the beginning. “It has been a splendid experience for me to play home ground tournaments as well as outside tournaments and win the first ever trophy for the team in Kerala.” Another momentous occasion for her was when she won the ‘Best Delegate Award’ at her first ever Academy Model United Nations in 2015. She is now a passionate MUN participant.

Her knowledge of global issues and her desire to contribute to social change is evident through the film that she made, discussing child rights through the angle of education and labour. “Ensuring child rights today will ensure a brighter future for all tomorrow. The entire process has taught me many aspects of filmmaking. It has taught me to become a leader while working with a team. I have learnt how to deliver stories to the world through my own lens.”

Watch Sayema's film: 

Master debater Aryan Srivastava of grade 11 spearheads MUN team

Aryan Srivastava, of grade 11, studied in Kolkata prior to attending the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. His innate love of learning led him to the Academy, where he has developed a passion for Model United Nations (MUN) and for public speaking in general. He currently serves as the vice-chair of MUN at the Academy.
Aryan’s favorite subject is History, taught by Ms. Priyodarshini Das. “It’s not a traditional class – not write on the board, copy in your notebook,” he remarked. “We have opinionated discussions.” The DP1 student had received advice from his seniors about which classes he would enjoy the most. “Every single one of them told me that I would never forget the experiences in my history class. I can already see that they were right.” 
Last year (January 2017), Aryan organized the Model United Nations conference designed exclusively for juniors as part his MYP Personal Project. “I wanted to offer the same chances I’ve had to participate in MUN to the younger classes.” During the process, he learnt a lot of lessons on teamwork, interfacing between different groups, time management and multi-tasking. “Before stepping into the conference that I organized, I never thought that I would have what it takes to lead. Throughout my educational career I was told that a good leader was the opposite of what I was. Throughout the process of organizing the conference, I learned what went into being a good leader. It wasn’t just telling everybody what to do. It was compromise, respect and most of all, a burning passion for the art of debate. Being able to stand in front of 250 students and fulfilling the opportunity to give them what I had been given, was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life."

What’s next for our expert debater? “I really want to get into law and politics,” answers Aryan. “I think MUN has prepared me a lot for that. Plus, I’m passionate about world events.” 

Srivastava attended IIMUN (India International MUN) – the world’s largest MUN conference – held at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, in August 2017. The experience helped solidify his big dreams. He hopes to attend Columbia Law School and explore more of what New York has to offer. We know you can do it, Aryan! 

Professional swimmer K. Surendra leads Academy swim team to victory

“It’s been a great pleasure to share my previous teaching experience here at the Academy,” commented Surendra. “The Academy is filled with enthusiasm when it comes to sports, particularly swimming.”
K.Surendra has been the swimming coach at the Academy for the past four years. Surendra began his career as a swimmer for the Indian Defense, where he worked for five years. Given his interest in education, he made the transition to teaching physical education and swimming. Prior to working at the Academy, he taught at an IB school in New Delhi for eight years. 
“It’s been a great pleasure to share my previous teaching experience here at the Academy,” commented Surendra. “The Academy is filled with enthusiasm when it comes to sports, particularly swimming.” 
Surendra has utilised his sports and teaching experience in several international schools to build an award-winning swim team at the Academy. The AKA Hyderabad swim team has been consistently successful, bagging several dozen medals during his tenure.
In fact, the Academy’s swim team has been awarded the title of PYP Network Champions twice. Students won 43 medals at the PYP interschool swimming competition held at Indus International School in 2017. More recently, Surendra’s team won 59 medals in the interschool swim meet held at Oakridge International School on 31st August 2017, and at Glendale School on 1st October 2017. Among the medals earned were 32 gold medals and 19 silver medals. 
“The swim team would like to thank all the parents and teachers for their support. Without them this wouldn’t have been possible,” added Surendra. 
In September 2018, Surendra participated in the Telangana Swim Master's Championships winning four golds for 50 and 100m backstroke, 50m butterfly and 50m freestyle. At the 5th Masters National Swimming Championship held in Kurnool at the end of October 2018, he outshone his competition to win four gold medals, one each in 50m, 100m backstroke, 50m butterfly and breastroke disciplines. He had also won two silver medals in the 4x50 medley relay & 4x50 freestyle relay. 
 Writer: Jennifer Tubbs

Tanaz Hudda (Class of 2016): Poster girl for University of Victoria

Tanaz Hudda currently acts as the new poster girl for the University of Victoria. She graduated from the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad in 2016 and has just completed her first year of university in Canada. While currently undeclared she plans to pursue a double major in History and Economics. Tanaz emphasises the usefulness of the Academy in her past year of study. "I definitely feel that the balance provided by the Academy has helped me get involved in different projects in university without compromising my academics."


Another lesson that is helping her through university came from one of her Academy teachers. "My teachers were my support system throughout my time at the Academy. One of my favourite teachers who pushed me harder and harder whenever I would perform well or sometimes not so well was Dr. Karuna Arya. I think she instilled this idea in me that one can always do better, even if it appears that you are the best at it. I genuinely cannot forget that lesson as it has helped me so much in the past few months at university." Tanaz also relied on the Academy's staff for help with university choices. "Choosing the kind of university that would suit you the best is always difficult. I had many questions and I had no clue where I would rather go as all universities seemed appealing. For me, the two things that mattered most was affordability and coop opportunities in the field of humanities. I was able to narrow down the list with the help of our University Counsellor, Ms. Pragati, and that made a huge impact on my university choice."

Even though Tanaz has found that Canada can offer her the best career opportunities she believes that giving back to her country and settling down in India is more important. "That connection is what motivates me to study harder and then settle in India to contribute to the greater good of the place I come from. The Academy taught me to strive for excellence, work for the community and be involved in as many extra-curricular activities as possible, as well as never forget where you come from. Giving back to the society has been my goal ever since I joined the Academy and would definitely influence my plans for the future." While at the Academy Tanaz volunteered at a local residential school and helped organise different events for the children there. This and other service projects, such as her volunteering in Nairobi, has convinced Tanaz of the importance of education for India's future, especially in rural schools.

Not only is it important for students to have an education but she also stresses the importance of a 'proper' education. "I have visited many local schools which have neither resources nor adequate training to teach kids what they are supposed to learn. I feel that education is the only chance we have to transform how the nation thinks and that needs to be instilled in rural areas, because India lives in its villages. No education and most of all, improper education could be dangerous in creating false knowledge and sometimes continuing the social evils that exist in a society. Hence, I would focus on making the education system better."

Academy Fellows

With the aim of bringing diverse perspectives and fresh energy to the Aga Khan Academies, a small number of carefully selected recent graduates from well-respected universities are recruited each year to serve as Aga Khan Academy Fellows. 

How can I become part of the Academy Fellow's Programme?

To find out more and submit your application, please visit the AKDN Career Centre 

Applications are now open for opportunities in Kenya, India and Mozambique for 2021

What is the Fellows Programme at the Aga Khan Academies?

Academy Fellows have the opportunity to work with gifted and talented students from diverse ethnic, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. Each Academy Fellow will live on campus and serve the student residential programme as a Dorm Parent promoting community life. 

Academy Fellows have a demanding and important role in our community and may be responsible for any of the following, depending on the Fellow’s interests and experiences and the Academy’s needs:

  • Key role as a Dorm Parent in the residential programme, which includes weekday duties and weekend duties.
  • Assistance in a specific curricular area under the mentorship of an experienced master teacher. 
  • Tutoring individual students or study groups.
  • Involvement in the administrative work of departments such as Admissions, Communications or University Counselling.
  • Coaching sports and athletic teams, providing music lessons, SAT prep, artistic pursuits.  

An integral part of the residential programme at the Academy, the Fellows participate actively in and chaperone off campus field trips, engage in the enrichment programmes (sports, arts, ...) and are closely involved in the student leadership development programme, including activities such as Model MUN, TedX etc.

These opportunities are offered at all our Academy campuses: Mombasa, KenyaHyderabad, India and Maputo, Mozambique - Future Academies are planned across Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East.,In which parts of the world can I hope to serve as a Fellow? 

Fellows can indicate a preference when applying. 

Is this a permanent role or can I come just for a few months or a year?

These will be two-year appointments, overlapping so as to assure continuity. Some Academies will consider one year appointments but prefer a longer commitment.

What are we looking for in our Fellows? 

  • Genuine interest and commitment to the mission of the Aga Khan Academies and to the development of young people.
  • A record of excellent academic achievement at a highly respected college or university.
  • A record of significant involvement in residential life, student leadership programming, music, athletic and/or community service during college or university.

The Fellow's programme also provides onsite mentoring and coaching by experienced faculty and staff and an opportunity to experience life in a lively and dynamic school environment. 

Some Fellows may come from the AK Academies’ alumni body and others may decide to pursue a career in teaching or education in general.

Do you want to hear more about the programme?

Click here to read what some of our former Fellow have to say about their experience and see them in action.

To find out more and submit your application, please visit the AKDN Career Centre

Academy Fellows - AA

With the aim of bringing diverse perspectives and fresh energy to the Aga Khan Academies, a small number of carefully selected recent graduates from well-respected universities are recruited each year to serve as Aga Khan Academy Fellows. 

How can I become part of the Academy Fellow's Programme?

To find out more and submit your application, please visit the AKDN Career Centre 

Applications are now open for opportunities in Kenya, India and Mozambique for 2020

What is the Fellows Programme at the Aga Khan Academies?

Academy Fellows have the opportunity to work with gifted and talented students from diverse ethnic, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. Each Academy Fellow will live on campus and serve the student residential programme as a Dorm Parent promoting community life. 

Academy Fellows have a demanding and important role in our community and may be responsible for any of the following, depending on the Fellow’s interests and experiences and the Academy’s needs:

  • Key role as a Dorm Parent in the residential programme, which includes weekday duties and weekend duties.
  • Assistance in a specific curricular area under the mentorship of an experienced master teacher. 
  • Tutoring individual students or study groups.
  • Involvement in the administrative work of departments such as Admissions, Communications or University Counselling.
  • Coaching sports and athletic teams, providing music lessons, SAT prep, artistic pursuits. 

An integral part of the residential programme at the Academy, the Fellows participate actively in and chaperone off campus field trips, engage in the enrichment programmes (sports, arts, ...) and are closely involved in the student leadership development programme, including activities such as Model MUN, TedX etc.

These opportunities are offered at all our Academy campuses: Mombasa, KenyaHyderabad, India and Maputo, Mozambique - Future Academies are planned across Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East.,In which parts of the world can I hope to serve as a Fellow? 

Fellows can indicate a preference when applying. 

Is this a permanent role or can I come just for a few months or a year?

These will be two-year appointments, overlapping so as to assure continuity. Some Academies will consider one year appointments but prefer a longer commitment.

What are we looking for in our Fellows? 

  • Genuine interest and commitment to the mission of the Aga Khan Academies and to the development of young people.
  • A record of excellent academic achievement at a highly respected college or university.
  • A record of significant involvement in residential life, student leadership programming, music, athletic and/or community service during college or university.

The Fellow's programme also provides onsite mentoring and coaching by experienced faculty and staff and an opportunity to experience life in a lively and dynamic school environment. 

Some Fellows may come from the AK Academies’ alumni body and others may decide to pursue a career in teaching or education in general.

Do you want to hear more about the programme?

Click here to read what some of our former Fellow have to say about their experience.

To find out more and submit your application, please visit the AKDN Career Centre

Clone of Academy Fellows

With the aim of bringing diverse perspectives and fresh energy to the Aga Khan Academies, a small number of carefully selected recent graduates from well-respected universities are recruited each year to serve as Aga Khan Academy Fellows. 

How can I become part of the Academy Fellow's Programme?

To find out more and submit your application, please visit the AKDN Career Centre 

Applications are now open for opportunities in Kenya, India and Mozambique for 2020

What is the Fellows Programme at the Aga Khan Academies?

Academy Fellows have the opportunity to work with gifted and talented students from diverse ethnic, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. Each Academy Fellow will live on campus and serve the student residential programme as a Dorm Parent promoting community life. 

Academy Fellows have a demanding and important role in our community and may be responsible for any of the following, depending on the Fellow’s interests and experiences and the Academy’s needs:

  • Key role as a Dorm Parent in the residential programme, which includes weekday duties and weekend duties.
  • Assistance in a specific curricular area under the mentorship of an experienced master teacher. 
  • Tutoring individual students or study groups.
  • Involvement in the administrative work of departments such as Admissions, Communications or University Counselling.
  • Coaching sports and athletic teams, providing music lessons, SAT prep, artistic pursuits.  

An integral part of the residential programme at the Academy, the Fellows participate actively in and chaperone off campus field trips, engage in the enrichment programmes (sports, arts, ...) and are closely involved in the student leadership development programme, including activities such as Model MUN, TedX etc.

These opportunities are offered at all our Academy campuses: Mombasa, KenyaHyderabad, India and Maputo, Mozambique - Future Academies are planned across Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East.,In which parts of the world can I hope to serve as a Fellow? 

Fellows can indicate a preference when applying. 

Is this a permanent role or can I come just for a few months or a year?

These will be two-year appointments, overlapping so as to assure continuity. Some Academies will consider one year appointments but prefer a longer commitment.

What are we looking for in our Fellows? 

  • Genuine interest and commitment to the mission of the Aga Khan Academies and to the development of young people.
  • A record of excellent academic achievement at a highly respected college or university.
  • A record of significant involvement in residential life, student leadership programming, music, athletic and/or community service during college or university.

The Fellow's programme also provides onsite mentoring and coaching by experienced faculty and staff and an opportunity to experience life in a lively and dynamic school environment. 

Some Fellows may come from the AK Academies’ alumni body and others may decide to pursue a career in teaching or education in general.

Do you want to hear more about the programme?

Click here to read what some of our former Fellow have to say about their experience and see them in action.

To find out more and submit your application, please visit the AKDN Career Centre

Inaara Sarfani (Class of 2016): Valuing personal development

The time I spent at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad helped me become the person I am today. The Academy served as a platform for me to develop my self-expression, confidence, balance, service and reflective ability. The Academy provided a prestigious curriculum through the International Baccalaureate (IB) which exposed me to a unique style of education that equally emphasised academics and extracurriculars. Through teamwork, both in classes and service projects, I built collaboration as well as communication skills. To be honest, there is nothing that has not helped me adapt to university life from the time I spent at the Academy and I identify the most with the ability to reflect.

Prior to joining the Academy, I was an introvert who kept to herself and preferred the company of people I knew. Studying at the Academy was first step out of my comfort zone, as I had to make new friends with the people I would share my classes with for the upcoming four years before graduation and university. For a person as shy as I was, it sounded terrifying but I was willing to take risks to receive quality education and learn skills that would help me in the future. Apart from the rigorous academics that kept students on their toes, the service projects and athletic events fostered a close relationship between students. I was a part of the service project that went to a government school for girls (Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya) and undertook the responsibility to improve their conversation skills in English along with imparting news of global events among them. Working with classmates, devising plans, organising meetings and keeping track of the students’ progress were some of the tasks that helped me understand my classmates further as we worked together to create positive changes in people’s lives. In this endeavour, tracking the progress of these students foreshadowed the importance evaluation and reflection would have in my life.

There was also a part of me that wanted to achieve something valuable; to me, this meant two things: true recognition and establishing relationships I would continue in the future. I was fortunate to achieve both of these by being a part of the Academy. I received recognition for my hard work and the faith my teachers, my career advisor and my parents put in me was rewarded when I received the Ontario Tuition Waiver. I have developed a close communication network with people I met at the Academy.

I integrated the qualities I learnt at the Academy into university life by participating in various extracurriculars. I have volunteered at the women’s centre who provide a supportive atmosphere to people regardless of their gender and currently a member of the Marketing Advisory Board and Residence Promotion Team for on-campus residences. Being a part of these teams required me to communicate effectively as well as form good relationships with my teammates; skills that I learnt at the Academy, proving useful.

I am currently planning to minor in human resource management and explore this field along with psychology. I plan to be open to experiences that will come along the way. Looking back on my time spent at the Academy, I cherish the small yet meaningful moments, such as going for service projects with friends and engaging history classes. I can see the introvert girl trying to fit in with a group of equally new students starting their first day at the Academy; I also see that same girl receiving the scholarship and realising the potential she always had. The transition to university would not have been easy if it were not for the time I spent at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad.

By Inaara Sarfani
