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Academic fairs help with decision making

Friday, September 15, 2017
Academic fairs help with decision making
Times of India

Visual Arts Educator Models Lifelong Learning

Within the three International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes at the Aga Khan Academy, the arts are given special focus. Students are encouraged to function as artists, as well as become learners of the arts. Art is understood and emphasised as a tool to build awareness of the aesthetic to support the development of an empathetic worldview, while students develop appreciation for art in the context of culture and history. At the Academy, the growing profile of the Art Department is demonstrated by talented and imaginative student outputs and directly reflect the enthusiasm and artistic capability of their teachers.

Vijayaraghavan Srinivasan is a prolific painter and video artist whose work explores the intersection between self and society. He facilitates IB Visual Arts at the Academy, in his words, “aimed at developing a strong formalistic and aesthetic understanding as a basis for unique personal expressions in my students. I believe the post-modernist approach to teaching Visual Arts enables students to rediscover the intelligence towards relationships by creating links with multiple disciplines and capitalise on imaginative novelty.”  

Over the last decade, he has participated widely in various biennales, video festivals, and art residency programs across India and the world. This allows him to gain insights into contemporary art styles and enhance his pedagogical strategies in teaching art appreciation to promote creativity, critical thinking and encourage artistic independence along with a spirit of inquiry.

“For seven years,” Vijay tells us, “I have had the wonderful opportunity to instruct a diverse group of primary, middle and senior school students. I encourage and expect my students to be confrontational towards themselves as well as towards what they are seeing, to always question – never settle, and to be aware of the wonder that can be revealed by the creation of a work through honesty, passion and empathy.” 

In 2016, Vijay’s piece The Trinity Saga was published by Aesthetica Magazine in the UK. The Aesthetica Artists Directory is a global network of artists engaging with the professional art world through forums for discussions and interactivity both in the print and digital spheres, where the best in emerging art from around the world has a chance to be discovered.

Proving that he embodies the philosophy of lifelong learning, in the summer of 2016 Vijay attended an advanced-level visual arts course at the Berlin Art Institute Studio Program, which is closely tied to the IB Diploma Programme art curriculum. The course work offered advanced-level studio art practice and experimentation with mixed media. “The avant-garde art practices and experiments with unconventional processes further enhanced my understanding of contemporary art practice,” says Vijay, “and focused on producing artwork in a transdisciplinary way, with compassion and responsibility as key themes.”

After the course, Vijay had the opportunity to work on a collaborative project with Kelly Reedy, an American experimental artist who specialises in art therapy. Labelled Under the Ageis, the mixed media video installation explored the archaic myth of Medusa in relationship to the primal aspects and duality of the ‘great mother’ and ‘terrible mother’ archetypes. Reedy’s research into psychological theories concerning the quality of the attachment of the primary care giver or “mother” in relation to the development of her child’s security and sense of self, accentuate her exploration of the transformative powers of the creative process in art to heal and make whole again.

“I encourage my students to develop  a strong formalistic and aesthetic understanding of art as a basis for expressing their own personal vision,” says Vijay. “I encourage each of them to grow on their own, to be free to make mistakes, to push themselves in ways that their work takes them. I feel that self-directed education is inevitably the best way to guide young people in their education as students of art.”


Nabil Patel: photographer par excellence and published author

Nabil Patel is currently studying in grade 11 at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad, where he has been a student for the last five years. "The Academy has provided me many opportunities to grow as a balanced individual and reach my true potential, both academically and athletically. In the last three years, I have been the Vice-Captain of the U-14 and U-15 football teams, and Captain of the U-16 team. Being part of a team and also having been given positions of authority has taught me about leadership and the qualities one should inculcate to be an inspiring leader."

Another passion of Nabil's that he has been encouraged and supported in pursuing is photography. He took part in the beginners and advanced Fredric Roberts Photography Workshops at the Academy in October 2015 and March 2017 respectively. Fred unleashed his talent and predilection for photography, and after the advanced workshop, he joined his team as a teaching assistant for a beginner’s workshop for Academy and government school students. With the experience and skill gained, Nabil now also runs a photography club as an after-school enrichment activity for three hours a week, to teach students how to tell stories through still images.

As part of his IB MYP (Middle Years Programme) Personal Project, he wrote a photography book to share his knowledge with those who were not as lucky as he was to have been trained by a world-renowned photographer such as Fred. In order to create a quality product, he held multiple interviews with professional photographers and spent hours collecting and clicking pictures for the book. "Many questioned the need for this book and said there were books on photography available on Amazon and other easily accessible platforms. I told them that my book is different because it starts with the basics of photography and steadily progresses to more advanced practical applications. I also wanted to write a book that was affordable for another ‘kid’ like me who could try his/her hand at photography and give it a shot." The book contains unique aspects such as ‘Section 7: A Professional’s View’ where a number of professional photographers unveil their secrets to achieve perfection and provide some quick tips. Keeping all this in mind, he decided to name the book ‘Click! Your Guide to Photography,’ which is now available for sale on Amazon at this link.

"My skill in photography has taken me a long way. I am currently working under the AKDN’s National Task Force for the Jubilee Celebrations as a photojournalist, capturing events and presenting them through my photographs. My work has been published through The Ismaili India on multiple mediums and featured in the Times of India student edition. I also assist the Aga Khan Academy’s communications department with in-house media projects and publications. Most recently, I was awarded an Outstanding Delegate Award at the India International Model United Nations held in August 2017 at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. Although I have been a longstanding participant at the Academy Model United Nations (MUN) and at other school MUNs, and have a 100%-win record in the International Press, this was my first time competing at an international forum. I came back more confident about my skills and more determined to make them better, even if it takes a lot of hard work!"

Rajan Thampi: Working for a cause

Slotted above the library in the Academy Building is the Outreach department, a corner office with spartan furnishing. You wouldn’t know it to look at it, but this office is a crucial link between the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad and local government school teachers and students in the region. Rajan Thampi, who has been connected with the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) for over a decade, is the program manager for the Outreach department at the Academy in Hyderabad. The opportunity to serve, he says, drew him to the job.

Rajan has played this role of connecting students to resources for his entire career. His work with Aga Khan Education Services began in 2008 in Maheshwaram Mandal, present day Telangana, where he implemented outreach programs for government schools and anganwadis. Rajan was in charge of programs like introducing life skills to high schoolers, leading health programs for adolescent girls, organising inter school sports competitions, and also training teachers for pre-primary and primary schools. Rajan’s other responsibility at that time, something he is still involved in, is creating and maintaining relationships with government officials.

A significant part of outreach depends on securing permission and getting recognition from government education bodies. Rajan played a major role in getting junior and senior schools recognised by the authorities. Rajan thanks the people who support the outreach department in these endeavors - the Academies Unit and members of the local board, Suleiman Hirani and Jayanthi.

Born in Kerala, the second of five siblings, Rajan grew up in Shakkarnagar, Telangana. Shakkarnagar is home to historical industrial era sites built under the Nizam. Most significant among these sites is the 1,600 square kilometer Nizam Sugar Factory that the town gets its name from. Designed as a model town, the place was built for factory employees and their families. “My father was an accountant in the factory,” remembers Rajan, “and we use to live in the accommodation provided by the factory in its colony.” Madhu Malancha high school, where Rajan went, was also created and funded by the factory. But India’s sugar trade has been in decline for decades, and in his lifetime Rajan has had to see the closure and privatisation of the massive factory. “Asia’s largest sugar factory is now shut,” he muses.

After completing senior school, Rajan gained a Bachelors in Commerce and started teaching at a private school. Finding his calling, Rajan then pursued a Bachelors in Education, focusing on social studies and education. Today he also has a Masters degree in social work under his belt. To Rajan, these degrees are tools to help others. Asked about the outreach department's future plans, his responses are ambitious and focused. “Reaching out to 31 districts of Telangana,” he says, “and to continue to share expertise through collaborative discussion forums for the government teachers are some of my plans.”

“Inner delight,” he says, “and the satisfaction obtained from working for a cause are the rewards I seek from my work." If the outreach program is a manifestation of the ethos behind service and stewardship, then Rajan exemplifies those ethos.

Aanya Athota - Junior School's budding concert pianist

Aanya Athota, grade 4K, is currently the youngest student being accepted to appear for the grade 8 musical examination, the highest graded examination conducted by the prestigious Trinity College London. She has also been invited to audition for the world renowned San Francisco Conservatory of Music (SFCM) where she intends to interact and tour with internationally famous musicians whilst pursuing her education. Aanya dreams of becoming a global music icon and spreading peace through music to make our world a better place.

Introduced to the piano at the age of five by her mother, Aanya has always been a quick learner and enjoys music immensely. “She took to the piano with such passion and dedication that she progressed in leaps and bounds,” says Aarti Tatineni, Aanya’s mother. “She started performing at several music recitals - notably those conducted by the Synergy Music Studio in Hyderabad. Her teacher encouraged her to appear for the music grade exams conducted by Trinity College London and within a few months Aanya had completed the Grade 4 musical exam at the age of 7, scoring 93% and being awarded a distinction and certificate of outstanding performance. She has also won local music competitions conducted in Hyderabad.”

One of the things Aanya looks forward to everyday at the Academy Junior School is when she has some free time and can rush to the music lab to practice piano with her teacher, Mr. Arshad. Her talents are not restricted to music, however, and Aanya’s favourite subject is creative writing. “She loves playing with words and churning out poems,” Aarti tell us. “Aanya feels that poems help her express her deepest thoughts, concerns and fears in a fun and exciting way. She has written over 25 poems and is currently working towards compiling her first book of poetry.”

Aanya’s love for poetry has been greatly encouraged by her form tutor, Anna Palmetshofer, with whom she shares a special relationship. They spend a lot of time reading together and coming up with quirky poems. “She’s very serious about her piano practice and she can play pieces by Mozart and Bach!” says Anna. “I have amazing conversations with her about music composers and the soothing effects of classical music on the brain, and she’s happy to play classical music for us while we are working in class.” Aanya also loves Ms. Robin’s story sessions which have had a profound impact on her creativity and imagination.

Art has also always been an escape for Aanya, helping her cope with her rigorous after-school schedule. “She can spend hours sitting down with a sketch pad etching interesting scenarios from her everyday life,” shares Aarti. “She enjoys creating abstract art by playing with colours which helps her depict complex moods and emotions with complete freedom.” A true performer, Aanya bagged the “best speaker” award for her skills in public speaking during a leadership camp in the city, during which she delivered a speech on Amanda Vincent, a Canadian marine biologist and conservationist. 

Aarti believes that the Academy, with its focus on holistic development, provides students with opportunities to express and create in a multitude of ways. “Aanya has not only been encouraged to pursue music at school but has also been presented with several other opportunities to stimulate growth and learning,” she elaborates. “Teachers at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad believe in making children independent and responsible rather than entirely focusing on learning outcomes and deadlines. This, we believe, will eventually result in children emerging as confident and compassionate lifelong learners." Click here to see Aanya's YouTube channel 

Faridah Lakhani - epitomising self-learning and personal growth

Faridah joined AKA Hyderabad in 2012 and has since worn as many hats as the number of years she has spent here. Initially appointed as PA to the incumbent Senior School Principal (Raymond Zinsli), Faridah has gone on to occupy roles in several different facets of the Academy’s operations. 

She has represented the Academy during talent identification trips alongside admissions officers. She worked as a learning support specialist in the SEN (Special Education Needs) department. In her capacity as community liaison, she recruits host families for international students from conflict areas. She is instrumental in the organisation of the annual graduation ceremony and in the creation of the yearbook. For the last two years, Faridah has also been responsible for coordinating various events in the outreach department, such as the Collaborative Discussion Forums, which facilitate exchanges between Academy teachers and their government school counterparts. In between, she is often to be seen chaperoning students on field trips, participating in city runs and rallies, and volunteering to put together staff get-togethers and farewell parties. 

These varied projects and activities are a testament to Faridah’s dynamism, eternal enthusiasm to learn, and diverse skill set. She is well-known for her graciousness and poise, while her beaming smile and affable spirit enable her to connect with people from all walks of life. “Usually a job comes with a set of criteria and does not allow you to explore other fields of interest,” she shares. “But I owe a lot to Mr. Ray, who played a major role in finding the best position available for me. To be able to focus on projects like the yearbook, or setting up a special learning support department – things which truly interest me, and bring out the best in me – is something I would never have discovered if not for the Academy.” 

Faridah’s personal growth has been paralleled by the giant strides AKA Hyderabad has made in scope and size since it began. “When we started out, we knew we had to set the standard for what the future would hold. The vision and the philosophy of His Highness the Aga Khan has been taught to us since when we were children; to see a culmination of this in the form of a school that aspires to raise leaders of tomorrow was immensely gratifying. And to have been a part of this process from the very beginning has been a true honour.”  Faridah speaks joyfully of the day His Highness the Aga Khan visited the Academy in 2013. “I was asked to give the family a campus tour and try to show them as many parts of the school as was possible. This daunting task was both a privilege and a chance for me to truly utilize everything that I had learnt thus far through my work at the Academy, and put it to practical use.” 

Of all the things she is involved in, perhaps the one that is closest to her heart is the yearbook. Rightfully so, considering she was responsible for initiating it in 2014-15. “I really wanted to implement the tradition of the yearbook here at the Academy, because I felt like it was a great way for students to always remember their school and their friends. We worked hard that first year to raise a budget, find a printer and gather the content. But all the efforts paid off when, at the graduation ceremony, we got to give the students something they could take away with them and use as a reminder of their time here.” 

Faridah is concurrently completing a B.Ed in Learning Disabilities, and hopes to gain more experience in this area in the future. “Working with children and helping them grow to be the best versions of themselves has always been very fulfilling for me personally. Learning is a lifelong process and the best way to learn is to be in an environment that facilitates self-learning and personal growth.” 

Written by Kamini Menon

Shaivya Arya: Striving for animal rights

During the 2017-18 academic year, 18 Academy students volunteered at the Blue Cross of Hyderabad as part of a CAS project for spreading awareness about improving the treatment and living conditions of animals. Among them was grade 12 student Shaivya Arya.  “It has been a source of motivation to help those who cannot help themselves,” she says, “to raise a voice for those who do not have their own.”


Animal welfare organisation Blue Cross of Hyderabad provides ceaseless support to animals in the city by improving their living conditions, and changing people’s mindset about animal rights. Academy students volunteer regularly at the Blue Cross as part of their CAS activities. Student volunteers walk and groom dogs, assist the shelter’s administration staff and run introductory sessions for new volunteers. Shaivya’s activities were centered around the dogs of the blind and disabled ward. She learnt about dealing with cases of dog bites and interpreting dog behaviour. During her time at the shelter, Shaivya also attended a session by Blue Cross of Hyderabad co-founder, Amala Akkineni.

In her time as volunteer, Shaivya found herself in situations beyond her ken but felt pleasantly rewarded when she worked through them. “Gradually, I learnt how to handle unfamiliar situations without anyone's assistance,” she says. “The work experience serves as a method to identify our strengths and weaknesses.” Shaivya says that working at the Blue Cross has improved her communication, organization and time management skills. 

Shaivya is passionate about animal rights advocacy. Before her stint at Blue Cross, she conducted surveys for her personal project, ‘Ethical Treatment Toward Animals,’ to better gauge the issue of animal abuse. “What we do not realise is that activities such as visiting the circus, the zoo or even purchasing a certain product can contribute to animal abuse,” she said. Shaivya went on to lead a successful fundraiser for the Blue Cross at the Academy’s parent teacher meeting in January 2018, raising ₹34,000. The money went toward vaccination programs for strays in the city.

Shaivya’s group members at Blue Cross constantly supported her. She credits them with helping her through tough situations and reflects on how they grew together. According to her, the team’s diversity directly impacted the work they did at the shelter. Dogs would run away from baths or refuse to be groomed and Shaivya notes that that could have been frustrating if it wasn’t for her friends alongside her.

“Each one of us has the power to make a change,” says Shaivya. “To save an innocent creature’s life, to help animals. It is time we make this a better world for us, for them, for all.”

Kamini Menon – communications for change

“I have always been inspired by the philosophy and implementing agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network, and it brings me great joy to have found a way to realise that career aspiration."

Kamini Menon joined the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad in August 2016 as its Communications Specialist, but her engagement with its educational vision had started long before – as a grade 5 student at the Aga Khan primary school in Kampala, Uganda. That was where she discovered talents in table tennis and athletics, became a class prefect and initiated cleaning campaigns to keep the buildings litter-free. “It’s interesting that I can draw parallels between that childhood experience and the Academy in Hyderabad – with its focus on holistic learning, opportunities to learn new sports and inculcating in its students an awareness about the environment,” she noted.

Kamini grew up primarily in Kenya and Uganda, and completed her undergraduate degree in journalism from an American university in Nairobi. While she was studying, she gained valuable work experience at various places including the PR department of the Kenya Wildlife Service, a South African magazine company, and a recreational space called the Village Market. She then pursued her Master’s in Global Communications from the American University of Paris in France with a focus on video and communications for the development sector. Since then, Kamini has worked in Morocco, Afghanistan and across India for various non-profits and has built her portfolio of skills to include content creation, photography, video production, branding, design, public relations, training and strategic communications.

What drew her to the Academy? “I have always been inspired by the philosophy and implementing agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network, and it brings me great joy to have found a way to realise that career aspiration. Being a part of the Academy resonates with the transformative educational models I experienced as a ‘plus two’ student at Rishi Valley. I see a lot of commonalities in purpose, and I feel at home here because of that. Furthermore, the students here are encouraged to demonstrate values of pluralism, ethics, global citizenship and service, and these values resonate with me as a person.”

Kamini first came to the Academy as a volunteer during the first kite festival in 2016, while on vacation from Kabul where she was working with a technology media start-up. “As I had never worked in a school before, it has been challenging and rewarding to adapt my existing skill-set to a new and dynamic environment. Schools are exciting places to work, as they are spaces of learning and have so much going on at any one point in time.”

While here, she has been instrumental in setting up a weekly global cinema club for residential students and a journalism club that has grown over the last six months to a committed group of about 15 students. Being able to interact with students and contribute to the cultivation of writing and reporting skills amongst them, she says, has been truly satisfying. “My role encompasses a broad and exciting spectrum of responsibility. I work closely with the senior leadership team, as well as faculty and students, and this integral element of collaboration makes the job that much more fulfilling.”
