New Student Orientation: Education for a global future | Aga Khan Academies

New Student Orientation: Education for a global future

06 July 2021

The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad hosted a 3-day virtual event to welcome all new students and their parents to the community. As we continue to live with Covid-19 and the implications that it has had nationally and globally, it was important for us to create a platform where we could ensure that our students, our parents and staff could engage in a meaningful manner.

One of the critical areas of focus was the ‘humanising experience’. We worked diligently to curate sessions across the grades, from Grade 1 to DP1, to help foster an experience that allowed each one of our participants to be actively engaged and involved. The ‘inclusivity’ factor was key in the planning and execution of this weekend long event. 16 sessions were planned to help everyone better understand our vision, our approach and our people. There were many a laugh along the way that helped create an environment of community!

Students and staff played vital roles in building this exciting and adventurous platform and through multiple sessions, ranging from keynote addresses to panel discussions, activity induced sessions for younger students from PYP to Scribbl sessions for DP1 students, we succeeded in creating a balance that was important. 

This celebratory milestone wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing support and encouragement of all our new students and their families. Most of whom attended each and every session over the weekend. The students and staff of Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad look forward to the day that our campus opens physically, so as to welcome them again (in person).

See you soon!