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Interschool basketball & football tournaments – 28th-30th August 2017

Academy boys are participating in U-14 and U-16 tournaments at Phoenix Green International School. Best of luck!

Aga Khan Executive Leadership meets Council in US

“Opening the doors of opportunity” – Academies and Dr Fisher are sharing His Highness the Aga Khan’s vision and details of upcoming projects. 3:30-6:00pm, Sunday 27th August 2017 in Atlanta, USA. 

Out-of-class learning through Saturday School - 26th August 2017

Junior School headed to Qutub Shahi tombs. Senior School visiting Golconda Fort, Chowmalla Palace, Nizam Museum; other grades enjoying team-building activities! 

Global Encounters – promoting pluralism and global citizenship

58 students from 19 countries, between the ages 15-17, attended a 25-day Global Encounters camp this summer at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad.

Sahir Devani - representing the Academy at the 2017 IB World Student Conference

Sahir Devani, grade 11, shares his experience as an Academy representative at the IB World Student Conference held at King’s College London, from 6-12 August 2017.

Careers Season kickoff event - Friday 25 August 2017

Click here to see our scheduled university visits for 2017-18, which starts with a presentation by University of British Columbia from 2-4:30pm on Friday for DP students and parents. 

Next Genius Scholarship Program - Thursday 24th August

Founders of the largest undergraduate study abroad scholarship fund in India are visiting the Academy to discuss opportunities for collaboration. 

August 2017 newsletters

Click here to access the Academy Junior & Senior School newsletters that were sent at the start of the year. 

Senior School newsletter - August 2017

Read the August 2017 edition of the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad Senior School newsletter.


Junior School newsletter - August 2017

Read the August 2017 edition of the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad Junior School newsletter.



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