Teacher Resources
The Aga Khan Academies work to develop curriculum units that are relevant to cultural contexts of schools in the developing world. These resources develop students’ understanding of the Aga Khan Curricular Strands – Ethics, Pluralism, Cultures (with an emphasis on Muslim civilisations), Governance and Civil Society, and Economics for Development.
Resources are freely available for schools to download and use for education purposes, with appropriate attribution. We would welcome feedback about your experiences using these resources in your school. If you have comments, ideas for improvements, or would simply like to know more about our work, please send an email to: curriculum@agakhanacademies.org.
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture
The following units have been developed as part of a collaborative project between the Aga Khan Academies and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. They follow the guidelines for IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) units, but can be used in any curriculum.
Parks and Gardens as Sanctuaries: an interdisciplinary unit for MYP1 students bringing together learning from language and literature or language acquisition (Phases 3-5) and the arts.
- Teachers' Guide
- Companion Slides
- Case Study (English language acquisition)
- Case Study (English language and literature)
Evolving Identities and Navigating Cultures: a unit to promote student well-being, which could be used as part of a pastoral or PSHE programme in MYP2.
Musical Expression is a Universal Feature of Human Experience: a music unit for students in MYP4 or MYP5.
Treasures of the Silk Routes
Treasures of the Silk Routes: Interdisciplinary Unit Planner
Treasures of the Silk Routes: Teachers' Guide
Treasures of the Silk Routes: Objects from the Aga Khan Museum Collection (slideshow)