Aga Khan Curricular Strands
The Aga Khan Academies aim to develop young people who will have the capacity to lead and to build strong civil democratic societies. As part of achieving this vision, the Academies have enhanced their curriculum with specific areas of focus known as the Aga Khan Curricular Strands (AK Strands).
The AK Strands aim to strengthen understandings and dispositions needed by leaders of the future. They encompass five critical areas of study:
- Ethics
- Pluralism
- Cultures (with an emphasis on Muslim civilisations)
- Governance and Civil Society
- Economics for Development
The five AK Strands
Two of the AK Strands, Ethics and Pluralism, help students develop values and attitudes required by ethical leaders. Students both discuss these ideas in theory and put them into practice in their daily lives.
The other three AK Strands concentrate on ideas that are integral to the functioning of societies, and in particular on issues related to societies of the developing world.
Integration into school life
The Aga Khan Curricular Strands are not structured as additional subjects but rather are woven through the existing curriculum. They are also integrated into the broader functioning of the school.
For example, school policies, co-curricular activities and everyday school life are consciously considered through the lens of each Strand.
While the AK Strands examine issues of global importance, they are also tailored to the cultural context of each Academy, which ensures their local relevance. This allows students to engage with international issues and challenges while remaining strongly grounded in their local context.
Through the Aga Khan Academies Network, teachers and students will be able to explore the strands in different cultural contexts through visits and exchanges with other Academies.