AKA Dhaka equips parents with strategies for healthy tech habits in children | Aga Khan Academies

AKA Dhaka equips parents with strategies for healthy tech habits in children

19 May 2024

The Aga Khan Academy Dhaka continued its series of informative workshops for parents with a session titled “Your Child and Technology” held from 14 to 16 May 2024.

This was the second session following the event on 20 April, which let parents reflect on their technology usage before discussing options for their children. This month’s session emphasised the importance of guiding children to make good decisions online. The workshop was conducted by the Academy’s Student Support and Wellness Coordinator Maliha Afzal, who emphasised the crucial role of values in shaping children's online behaviour.

"As parents, we want to instil good values in our children but rarely take time to prioritise them," Ms Maliha said. "Children need to learn how to cope with their emotions healthily with parent's support."

The workshop encouraged parents to connect with their children and evaluate how children would like to be spoken to. Junior School Principal Shatila Reza reiterated the importance of these strategies as part of her parenting style.

“Conscious parenting is essential in helping children navigate the challenges posed by technology and life,” Ms Shatila said.

Many parents expressed that the real challenge lies within the adults themselves.

“The workshop made me understand that our children are not the issue; it is our habits and approaches that need change,” one parent said. “Understanding that we need to model healthy behaviour ourselves was a significant takeaway from the session.”

Through the implementation of conscious parenting practices, parents learnt how they can provide their children with the required skills to appropriately manage the complex aspects of technology. 

The Aga Khan Academy Dhaka looks forward to hosting more insightful workshops for its parents and teachers to ensure the safe well-being of the students both inside and outside the classroom.