AKA Dhaka students receive COVID-19 vaccine | Aga Khan Academies

AKA Dhaka students receive COVID-19 vaccine

03 February 2023

On 26 January and 1 February 2023, students of the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The Academy has received complimentary vaccines from the Government of Bangladesh as part of the government-led vaccination drive for school children. To get the vaccines, students had to register on Surokkha App with their birth certificates.

The vaccination started at 10 am at the Academy’s Junior School and Nursery building. Students were excited as they lined up to get their first dose. A vaccination committee was formed to help every student get their vaccines on time by ensuring a smooth and safe process.


The vaccines were administered by a team of highly experienced medical professionals from the government. Students overcame the fear of needles and came out of the vaccination booth with broad smiles.

“I was a little scared at first,” said Grade 1 student Rifaya Tahrin. “But it was done very quickly and I barely felt any pain.”

Head of Academy Bill O’Hearn drew attention to the importance of keeping the students safe and creating a healthy environment at the Academy.

“This is a major step towards ensuring the safety of our students,” Ms Shatila said. “The vaccines will help us ensure a safe and healthy environment for learning. Our students are our future and it is our duty to take all the necessary steps to ensure their well-being.”