DP students raise funds for Bangladeshi flood victims through bake sale | Aga Khan Academies

DP students raise funds for Bangladeshi flood victims through bake sale

08 September 2024

From 2-4 September 2024, Diploma Programme (DP) students at the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka organised a three-day bake sale event to raise funds for victims of the recent floods in Bangladesh.  

"Watching so many people suffer from the floods, I knew we had to do something,” said DP1 student Shayan Alam Shah who initiated the event. “This bake sale was a way for us to help in any way we could, and it was amazing to see how everyone came together."   

For three days, the Academy community came together with a shared goal. Creating a sense of purpose and responsibility across the Senior School, the bake sale became a symbol of student spirit and unity. Eight baking groups worked hard to create a diverse selection of baked goods, from the classic “fuchka” to other sweet items made with efficiency and love. The finance team documented every purchase to maintain transparency and accountability among the bakers and the buyers.    

“What sets this event apart was the unparalleled level of student involvement,” said Grade 10 student Parisa Tazmeen Islam. “It was not just about selling baked goods, it was about teamwork, unity and a shared commitment to making a difference.”   

Every student played a role in the event from baking and decorating stalls to organising other activities, such as the game, "Beat the Keeper." Through this event, students learnt about responsibility, time management and collaboration, but more importantly, they embodied the purpose of the event which was to give back to Bangladesh. They also demonstrated two attributes of the Aga Khan Academies Learner Profile, “Caring” and “Principled”. 

"It was incredible to see how much we could achieve together,” said DP2 student and vice president of the Student Council Safrin Amin. “Knowing we made a difference for the flood victims was the best part."