Grade 4 students and staff organise unit celebration | Aga Khan Academies

Grade 4 students and staff organise unit celebration

05 March 2023

On 2 March 2023, Grade 4 students and staff of the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka celebrated the completion of the “Civilisation” unit with a special event under the theme, “Where We are in Place and Time”. The celebration culminated weeks of learning and exploration as students delved into the different aspects of civilisations worldwide – culture, geography, history and society.

Students from all three sections of Grade 4 appeared in traditional attires of different civilisations – Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indus Valley, Chinese, Roman and Greek. The celebration started with poster and model presentations by the students at the Academy’s Senior School Courtyard and was attended by parents and teachers. By building models of ancient landmarks and creating posters, students were excited to showcase what they had learned in the unit, and demonstrated their understanding of different civilisations.

“This unit display gave me a great opportunity to share my learning with all,” said Grade 4 student Laibah Mehjabin.

After the presentation, the students performed at the Academy’s amphitheatre. The students’ performance was a cultural showcase that featured a fashion show, traditional dances and songs from different civilisations. Each group represented one civilisation and demonstrated its unique aspects. The performances were a joy to watch and the audience was thoroughly entertained. The students' colourful costumes added to the festive atmosphere at the amphitheatre.

One of the Grade 4 homeroom teachers Ms Shahnaz Khan was elated to see how the students were able to build a suited connection between the past and present world, and act as responsible individuals.

“It is fantastic to observe how students have identified connections between ancient civilisations and the present world,” Ms Shahnaz said. “They recognised various complicated challenges of different civilisations and ways to overcome those. Students were also able to provide various ideas on how to preserve civilisations as responsible citizens.”