Grade 8 students meet novelist Anisul Hoque | Aga Khan Academies

Grade 8 students meet novelist Anisul Hoque

29 September 2022

On Tuesday, 27 September 2022, renowned author, journalist and novelist Anisul Hoque was welcomed by the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka’s Senior School faculty and Grade 8 students. The novelist came for a guest speaker session as a part of their ongoing unit in their Bangla class focusing on his novel, Maa (Mother).   

Mr Hoque participated in an interactive Q&A session with the students and responded to their questions about the novel. The students who asked Mr Hoque questions also received popular Bangla children’s magazines as gifts from him.  

“It was truly a fascinating experience to meet the author of the novel we are currently reading,” said Grade 8 student Fabihha Aman. “To be able to personally speak to the writer helped us understand certain aspects of the novel from a closer perspective.”  

The novel, Maa, tells a compelling and emotionally gripping story of freedom fighter Azad and his mother. Mr Hoque states that the story of Safia Begum, Azad's mother, is Bangladesh's greatest proof of how strong the power of motherhood can be. The novel has been translated into several languages and has reached the hearts of people all over the world. 

“It was an amazing experience,” said Lead Bangla Teacher Syeda Razia. “The students approached the session with great enthusiasm, and they were eager to meet the author of the very novel they are currently reading in class.”  

Before departing, the novelist signed the Academy’s guestbook, conveying his amazement at the depth of questions the Grade 8 students asked. He also spoke of their enthusiasm and highly appreciated their interest in learning the true history of Bangladesh and its Liberation War.  

“This [was] a wonderful experience,” Mr Hoque wrote. “I met with the students of Grade 8 who read Maa, one of my novels. I was amazed by the questions they asked. They were so curious, so enthusiastic! I am overwhelmed to see their interest in learning about Bengali, Bangladesh and the Liberation War.”