Grade 8 students showcase ingenious game design | Aga Khan Academies

Grade 8 students showcase ingenious game design

24 March 2023

From 21-22 March, Grade 8 students and teachers at the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka organised a captivating exhibition where they created and showcased their self-designed interactive games. The event featured an array of innovative game concepts, demonstrating students’ ability to learn, collaborate and apply new skills in game development. The young learners made use of “Scratch”, a visual-based programming language, to bring their game ideas to life as part of their design class.

One of the most striking aspects of the games was the students’ thoughtful integration of local culture into their designs. The students effectively drew inspiration from Bangladeshi traditions, folklore and history, which resulted in games that are not just entertaining but also educational. Visiting students and staff spent a great time trying out different games at the exhibition and learning about the background stories behind each creation from the creators.

“Organising this exhibition was a very rewarding experience,” said Grade 8 student Dara Gomes. “Watching everyone interact with the games we made was really gratifying.”

Design Teacher Ms Atia Maqshura and Mr Nishan Virani, who supervised the students during the exhibition, highlighted the importance of organising such events and reflected on students’ accomplishments.

“Exhibitions like these allow students to showcase their creativity and knowledge in a unique setting.” Ms Atia said. “It is also a perfect opportunity for the students to learn about various skills while working together to organise such events.”