High Commissioner of India visits the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka | Aga Khan Academies

High Commissioner of India visits the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

07 June 2024

On 3 June 2024, the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka welcomed the High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh, His Excellency (H.E.) Mr Pranay Kumar Verma, to the campus. H.E. Mr Verma was accompanied by the Political Wing Counsellor of the Indian High Commission, Mr Pawankumar Badhe, and the Aga Khan Development Network Resident Diplomatic Representative for Bangladesh, H.E. Mr Munir Mirali. 

The team of emissaries started their tour of the Academy with the Junior School students, where they learnt about the unique ways in which the young learners are taught. During the tour, H.E. Mr Verma praised the vast Maidan and greeneries around the Academy's campus. Later, a group of Senior School students had an engaging question-and-answer session with the distinguished envoy. The session was highly interactive and the guests appreciated the students’ queries as they demonstrated their critical thinking skills and knowledge about global affairs.  

“What is the most significant thing flourishing India’s economy?” asked a Diploma Programme 1 student.  

H.E. Mr Verma mentioned technological development as one of the most influential drivers in India’s economy. As the social and economic development were quite visible, people saw the benefits and trusted the government. 


Another DP1 student felt curious about India’s policy to fill the gap created due to technology’s flourishment. 

“We see an exponential digital uprise in India, especially in finance, computer and astronomy,” said a DP1 student. “What approach are you taking to ensure digital knowledge is shared with everyone?” 

The High Commissioner, inspired by hearing a question of such scale with critical thoughts, replied enthusiastically inspired by hearing a question of such scale with critical thoughts, replied with much enthusiasm.  

“We are following a bottom-up approach to include all in the country’s progression. No one will be left behind,” replied H.C. Mr Verma. 

Later, H.E. Mr Merali highlighted the importance of developing educational collaboration between India and Bangladesh for inclusive positive changes. 

“Inclusive development is an improvement that sustains,” H.C. Mr Verma said. “It is a basic tenant that India and Bangladesh are pursuing. I hope all of you will contribute to it when you grow up.”