Parent orientation on PYP exhibition | Aga Khan Academies

Parent orientation on PYP exhibition

13 May 2024

On 9 May 2024, the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka hosted a parent orientation session on the upcoming Primary Years Programme (PYP) exhibition for Grade 5 students. 

The exhibition, as part of the PYP curriculum, is a culmination of the students’ learning throughout the PYP. Students select a global issue they are passionate about and share their understanding using the knowledge and skills they have learnt, while also developing their research and presentation skills. The session began with a brief discussion led by PYP Coordinator Ms Tanjina Hossain focusing on the significance of the exhibition and the role of parents in supporting their children throughout this challenging journey.

“The exhibition is a culminating experience where students demonstrate their ability to conduct independent inquiries and present their findings,” Ms Hossain said. “We want parents to create an enabling environment for our students so they can give their best in it.”

Group mentors, or teachers, introduced themselves during the session and briefly described the issues their groups would explore. Students from three sections of Grade 5 also presented their issues, objectives and possible solutions through a confident presentation.

“Preparing for the exhibition taught us a lot about teamwork and research,” said Lameed Ur Rahman, a Grade 5 student. “It is challenging but very rewarding to see our progress and the support from our parents and teachers.”

Parents were impressed as they saw their children’s gradual progress.

“I am happy to see my son’s improvement in presentation skills and boosted confidence,” said Abdul Khan, parent of Arib Marjuk Khan from Grade 5. “I feel assured as I see him growing and thinking critically.”

Both parents and teachers look forward to the students’ exhibitions and seeing their growth throughout the PYP.