Student proposes for adoption of renewable energy in Zanzibar island
Maaher Bhaloo painting the solar farm model he designed.As part of his personal project, ‘Zanzibar - The Solar Island’, Maaher Bhaloo, a Year 10 student at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, proposed to the government of Zanzibar to adopt renewable energy as opposed to using fossil fuels to power up Zanzibar island. His project recommended the installation of a solar farm that will compensate for the limited access to electricity for many of the island’s local households.
“My project aims to bring affordable power by using natural resources like the sun to light up the homes of many locals who lack access to electricity because it is expensive,” Maaher said. “Access to electricity will in turn develop the socio-economic aspects of our community thus promoting its sustainability.”
Maaher Bhaloo presenting his project to Zanzibar's minister for Land, Water, Housing and Energy.Inspired by his passion for the environment and the vision he has for his country to become more eco-friendly and sustainable, Maaher designed a model of his proposed solar farm using wood, artificial turf and real solar cells, which he presented to the Zanzibar’s Director of Energy and Minister for Land, Water, Housing and Energy, who approved of the project.
As he awaits his project's implementation, Maaher is confident that the generation of affordable and reliable electricity will bring rise to many development opportunities in his country.
“Electricity is such a basic necessity in modern day life; businesses and homes will be able to function efficiently and students can study at night all because there’s access to reliable power,” Maaher said.
Beyond the importance of giving back and making a difference in the lives of others, Maheer is adamant about the role everyone must play to achieve sustainable development.
“We must strive to create a sustainable environment for all of humanity and we can achieve this by making a positive impact on society and supporting one another,” Maaher said.