AKA Mombasa DP2 student Ambuj Rajan is featured in the Aga Khan Development Network for his project, which provides clean water to a community in Kilif, Kenya.
In the Press
The following articles can be found in the press:

AKA Mombasa's basketball teams are featured in The Standard for their previous achievements and upcoming tournaments they will participate it.

DP2 student Ziyaan Virji is featured on the International Baccalaureate community blog for his organization, Affordable and Accessible Sanitation for Women (AASW).

Nurturing the next generation of tycoons
Juwaira Lota, Year 10, is featured in the Daily Nation for her entrepreneurial experience during AKA Mombasa's annual Zawadi Bazaar event.

The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa Organises 10th Annual Zawadi Bazaar
AKA Mombasa is featured in The Asian Weekly for its 10th annual Zawadi Bazaar on 7 December, 2019.

Rising golf star Alyssa Jamal, an year 9 student at AKA Mombasa is featured in The Standard for securing a silver medal at the Ladies Medal Golf Tournament held on 16 November 2019.

Mahek Shah takes flight to her dreams
Mahek Shah, a budding aviator from Aga Khan Academy Mombasa is featured in Sunday Nation for her gender shattering initiative 'Wings for Women.'

DP2 student Ziyaan Virji is featured in ze.tt for his work to end period poverty.

Digital learning tool that’s teaching children reading and writing skills
The Daily Nation features a technological initiative led by AKA Mombasa's Professional Development Centre, which President Uhuru Kenyatta appreciated at this year Mombasa International Show.

Ziyaan Virji, DP2, is featured in The Star for winning the Diana Award for his project, which provides women with access to sanitary towels.