“Voices for Change” Brings Relief to Kilifi Residents
Students and members of the Kilifi community carry bags of food On 19 March 2017, the AKA Mombasa Senior School Choir, also known as Voices for Change, visited Kilifi County to help the local community as they face the effects of severe drought by donating some much-needed food supplies.
Food distributed to families in KilifiAs our brothers and sisters in Kilifi suffered from the conditions of drought and impending famine, Voices for Change felt that they should use their talents to help alleviate the problem in any way possible. The group decided to begin an initiative known as the ‘Jaza Lorry’ Initiative, Kiswahili for ‘Fill the Lorry’. The aim of this campaign was to gather as much food and beverages possible to donate to the Tsanzuni Primary School community. In order to achieve their goal, they collected monetary donations from individuals and also set up donation sites around the Aga Khan Academy, where parents, students and teachers alike could donate dry foods and beverages for the cause.
Playing ice-breaker games with the young members of Tsanzuni Primary SchoolThe choir also organized a wonderful concert at the Academy on Saturday 11 March to raise awareness about the dire situation in Kilifi and to encourage individuals to donate whatever they could for the cause and the people of the county. This concert was a success as it allowed the members of Voices for Change to spread their message of unity and empathy and to motivate individuals to make a difference.
Members of Voices for Change with the primary school studentsAfter the concert, the choir had collected sufficient food and beverages from donations to take to Kilifi. The members and volunteers made their way there early on the morning of 19 March. Upon their arrival, everyone helped offload the buses and organize the distribution of the goods. The members also played bonding games with the children of the school to break the barrier between both parties. It was a privilege to witness the joy expressed by the community whilst the donations were being distributed. This was an incredible opportunity for the Academy students to witness, first-hand, the situation taking place in Kilifi and to lend a helping hand in any they could.
AKA Mombasa’s Voices for Change are grateful to all those who supported the initiative by attending the concert, donating and volunteering during the day of the donation.
By Voices for Change
Photo Credit: Ciiku Karau