Academy students win laurels at the PIPSSA National Swimming Competition 2019
Academy students won laurels at the PIPSSA National Swimming Competiton, 2019 held at Oshwal Academy Mombasa on 5 October.
On 5 October, 36 Junior and Senior school students from the Academy participated in the highly attended the Private and International Schools Sports Association (PIPSSA) National Swimming Championship 2019 at Oshwal Academy Mombasa. The girls’ team from the Academy scored first position, out of 13 other schools, with a total of 350 points. The boys' team scored 254.50 points and were placed second behind Oshwal Academy Nairobi.
AKA Mombasa's JS swimming team with their medals. The following students gave outstanding individual performances contributing to the Academy’s overall victory. Tracy Serem (year 4) emerged top swimmer in the age category 8-9 (boys and girls combined results with 44 points), Ariella Zuri (year 2) emerged top swimmer in the age category 7 & Under (boys and girls combined results with 43 points), Samaria Akeno (year 5) emerged top swimmer in the age category 10-11 (boys and girls combined results with 40 points), Melissa VanNierkerk (year 7) emerged top swimmer in the age category 12-13 (boys and girls combined results with 36 points), Sayed Omer Abdurraham (year 8) emerged top swimmer in the age category 14 & Over (boys and girls combined results with 28 points), David Kiago (year 3) emerged second in the age category 7 & Under (boys and girls combined results with 27 points).
"Coach Polycarp and I are so proud of our team’s performance and we look forward to further improvement," Coach Marcelino Ngalioma said.
The Academy congratulates Coach Marcelino and Polycarp and the students on their brilliant victory!