Aga Khan Academy Mombasa students win laurels at Kenya Music Festival
Students from Aga Khan Academy’s Junior and Senior Schools competed at the recently held 93rd edition of the Kenya Music Festival. Out of 24 Academy students who participated at the Mvita Sub-County, Mombasa County and Coast Regional Music Festivals in the months of June and July 2019, 12 qualified to compete at the National Level at Kabarak University in the County of Nakuru from 3-15 August 2019. Each category had between 16-24 competitors.
Hilda Maichibu (year 10), Sonakshi Roy (year 9) and Abigail Obiero (year 6)AKA Mombasa won 10 top three placings including six firsts, two second places, as well as two third positions, concluding an enthralling performance by our students. Special first-place mentions go to Abigail Abiero (year 6) for her solo piece in the 107H category, Abigail Abiero and Sonakshi Roy (year 9) for their duet in the 121H category, Abigail Abiero, Sonakshi Roy and Hilda Wambui (year 10) for their trio performance in the 122H category. In addition, in the 106H Boy Solo and 105H categories, the Academy was placed in 4th position, secured by Levern Mungai (year 6) and Jazmine Locklear (year 3) respectively.
Abigail Obiero (year 6)When asked about his experience of participating in the KMF, the Academy’s choral director Francis Nyadida said, “The students put on a bright face, and exhibited great confidence despite facing stiff competition from a range of competitors from other regions.”
The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa congratulates all student participants on their exemplary performance, and extends sincere gratitude to the Music director for training students and making this trip such a huge success.