AKA Mombasa wins first place at CASA Junior Swimming Championship
Champions from the girls' categoryThe Aga Khan Academy Mombasa has won first place overall at the Coast Amateur Swimming Association Junior Championship (ages 11 and under) held on-campus from 30 April – 01 May. The Academy was awarded a total of 108 medals, consisting of 12 Bronze, 31 Silver, and 65 Gold medals.
In the girls’ category, AKA Mombasa secured first place, followed by Oshwal Academy. In the boys’ category, Nyali Primary achieved first place, while AKA Mombasa followed suit in second place.
Champions from the boys' categoryThe continued winning streak of the young AKA Mombasa swimmers displays their commitment to excellence, resulting from the focused training provided by their swimming coaches. Director of Sports at the Academy, Gervais Ramar explains, “Our young swimmers attend regular training sessions three times a week and their progress is closely monitored by experienced coaches. We believe that it is only by applying rigor in the application of techniques, coupled with the appropriate training dosage, that we can expect our swimmers to develop resilience and readiness for loading.”
Ramar adds, “The swimmers’ willingness to excel and their sense of belonging to the AKA Mombasa community are two driving factors in their personal development. These elements help the squad maintain focus on both short and long-term achievement through their determination to reach greater heights. The two next levels, that is, the “build-up” phase (12-14 years old) and the “follow-up” phase (15-16) are crucial if we want a wider group to reach the high performance group.”
We congratulate the talented swimmers at the Academy, and wish them good luck for future championships as well!