Cultural Day for the AKA, Mombasa Senior School
Nicole Chemelil (Year 10) dressed in traditional cultural Masaai garments
Flamboyant shalwar-kameezes, vibrant kitenges and khangas, vivid abayas and khanzus, and colourful Tajik outfits filled the hallways of the Senior School on 9th October, 2015 for AKA, Mombasa’s first ever Cultural Day organized by the Student Representative Council (SRC). The first of its kind, the Cultural Day was a non-uniform day which entailed various other interesting activities that celebrated the diversity of our school community.
Rabia Dhanani and Ashiqa Abhoo (DP2) perform a traditional Indian danceThe day started off with all students and teachers arriving in attire that represented any culture, whether their own or of other students. Quite fascinatingly, most of them chose the latter of the two options. This appreciation of diversity was well received by the entire school community with compliments being exchanged around every corner.At lunch, dance performances showcasing various cultures mesmerized the entire school. The routines represented the Indian, French and Tajik cultures and some were even performed by students who did not belong to the culture of the dance they were performing. The entire school community enjoyed the entertainment while enjoying scrumptious chicken curry and jeera rice.
The school day continued as normal and the rejoicing of culture could be seen all over as photos were being taken and facts were being shared.
A student dressed in traditional Tajik cultural garmentsJasmin Tharani of Year 10 found it a “really interesting experience” and appreciated the fact that most people wore traditional attire. “It was meant to create appreciation for the tremendous diversity we have within our community and we achieved our aim beyond expectation due to the support of our entire school,” said SRC Expression Representative, Arshi Ratansi.All in all, it was an enriching experience as the entire school came together to celebrate our diversity, which makes our community so very strong and unique.
Click here to see a gallery of images for a glimpse of all this...
Inaara Gangji, Year 11
Photos by Farosat Alamshoeva, Year 10