An eventful beginning for this year's SRC
Students pledge unity against bullyingThe newly elected Student Representative Council (SRC) at the Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa has begun the 2015-2016 academic year in full stride!
The SRC organized the anti-bullying week activities that were observed during the first week of September at the Academy. As part of the campaign, various activities were conducted to increase awareness about standing up against bullying. Over a 100 students from the Senior School gathered to put their handprints on a large “We Pledge Unity” banner. This activity sought to encourage students to take a pledge to actively stand up against bullying. The second anti-bullying week activity held was a mix-up lunch at the Commons, where both students and teachers were randomly assigned tables to share for lunch. Each table featured prompts to drive group discussion as a way of encouraging people to converse with someone new and those they normally would not take initiative to speak to.
Head of Academy answers student questions at town hall meetingSimilarly, in the spirit of encouraging greater dialogue between the student community and the top management at the Academy, the SRC organized a town hall meeting on 25th September between the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the student body. SRC Presidents Racheal Ayugi and Waseem Chaudhary asked the questions on behalf of the student body. The aim of the town hall meeting was to provide an open forum for the students to share their questions and concerns with the school leadership. The event was quite successful with over 200 student questions addressed by the SLT.
Finally, the SRC also held a weekend retreat on September 26th to 27th for its newly elected committee at Sun ‘n’ Sand Beach Resort in Kikambala. The retreat is an annual event that takes place after the new committee has been appointed in September. This year’s event included 36 participants, which included SRC Executives, House Captains, and MYP representatives.
Newly elected SRC at their retreat in KikambalaThe weekend began with ice-breaker games and fun activities, followed by planning time for all of the committees, during which they brainstormed the upcoming programmes for the year. There were also presentations on the SRC Constitution, the Tuck Shop, the Finance Committee, and the art of taking minutes. The students also choreographed and filmed a dance for an upcoming SRC music video, scheduled for completion before half-term.We look forward to more exciting events organized by the SRC!