Hawks Check into First Place in Inter-House Chess Competition
Students take their allotted places as pieces on the chess boardFriday, 11 March 2016 saw the first Inter-House Chess Competition in AKA Mombasa history. However, this was no ordinary competition, as the chess pieces were actually students! It was a hot afternoon full of fun and different minds were at work, while people were moving up and about on the gigantic chess board made by the SRC. After two rounds of competitive gameplay full of strategy and tactics, the Hawks emerged victorious.
The first round of this new event took place in the Commons during lunch period. During this round the Ravens were playing the Eagles as the Hawks played on the Falcons. The rules were quite simple: two players from each house had to be the ones controlling the pieces, telling their housemates where to go on the board. Otherwise, all normal chess rules applied and after the first round, the winners of the two games were the Ravens and the Hawks.
The game masters consult on their next moveAfter the sixth period of school, the whole of Senior School gathered together at the Multi-Purpose Hall to watch the finals. The Eagles and Falcons went up first killing and sacrificing their pieces to win their way towards the third position. After the game was done and declared the Eagles to be the third place holders, the Ravens and the Hawks came up gearing themselves up for the battle coming up to be the almighty rulers of the Inter-House Chess Competition.
After a whole game of thinking and playing their pieces wisely, the two players from the Hawks managed to survive throughout and deliver a ‘Check Mate’ to their opponents, the defeated Ravens. All in all, this was a creative way for the SRC to involve the students in this game, and we look forward to more chess next year!
By Preet Savla, Year 9 (The Reporters)