Residential Students Bond at Talent Night
“If you are young and talented, it’s like you have wings.”- Haruki Murakami
The Commons, decorated by the Dorm CaptainsTalent Night, which took place on 01 October 2016, brought out the best of hidden talents within the residential community. Since the event was a competition between the different residential blocks, it resulted in amazing performances by everyone. The theme this year was ‘Movies’ which sparked a lot of creativity within the residents and showed how each block can come together and have block spirit as they compete, but also have fun at the same time.
Upon entering the lavishly decorated Commons, we had an amazing dinner awaiting us. Talent Night was a wonderful time for everyone to bond and get to know each other better.
Block 4 performance based on the movie 'Suicide Squad' Each block portrayed an array of talents through a different movie or series. The unique performances ranged from Block 4’s comedic piece based on Suicide Squad to Block 1’s 'Cup Song' rendition from Pitch Perfect to Block 3's dances from Mama Mia!. Each of these was wonderfully compiled and clearly showed the efforts of each of the blocks.
The preparation period was very hectic and each block practiced really hard in order to win. Each of the residential blocks did a wonderful job, but in the end, there had to be a winner. Continuing their winning streak from last year, Block 2 stole the show with their wonderful plot centered around the characters of Lucious and Cookie from the TV series Empire. The main characters interacting in-between the music and dance pieces, gave the entire performance a vibrant touch.
Lively individual dance performance by girls from Block 1Furthermore, not only were there block performances, but there were also individual performances that clearly showcased the talent we have within the residential community. These ranged from dances to comedic plays.
Lastly, the after-party was the perfect end to Talent Night. Everyone had a lot fun dancing to their favorite songs, living life to the fullest and enjoying as much as they could. Talent Night was a very memorable event for every residential member, including the Dorm Parents. Moments such as Talent Night bring together the residential body as a whole and show that in our school, we don’t only focus on academics, but instead, strive to bring out the best in everyone.
By Tabreek Somani (Year 10)
Photo Credit: Sara Alidina and Saher Budhwani