University visits and events
The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa’s University Counselling Office has organized various events and visits from numerous universities from around the world. Here is a list of the upcoming visits and events:
Thursday, 20 September 8.00 – 8.50 am, on campus: Macquarie University will be on campus to present about their university and talk to students about studying in Australia.
Monday, 24 September 9.40 am, off campus: Mauritius Education Fair at Whitesands Hotel. Please keep checking Managebac for sign-up information.
Monday, 24 September 1.00 pm, on campus: Education Canada will be on campus to give a presentation on Higher Education Opportunities in Canada in the private dining room during lunch time.
Tuesday, 25 September, on campus: Mauritius Economic Development Board will be visiting campus and presenting/meeting with students (time to be announced later).