Zawadi Bazaar 2016
Principal of Senior School, Mr. Kariuki being sponged by his young son at a game stallOn December 03 2016, the Zawadi Bazaar was held at the Academy. The school transformed into a carnival-like setting as food stalls, vendors, game stalls and a bouncy castle took the place of the regular school set-up. It was a much anticipated event which saw hordes of people gathered to contribute to success of the Bazaar. Students brought their parents and friends and had a great day out as they bought 'zawadis' (gifts) either for themselves or for their loved ones.
The event is one that is used to raise money for the Mombasa community by promoting their various businesses while also raising funds for service programmes and student activities at the Academy. Furthermore, the Bazaar is led by the Year 10 students as they learn about entrepreneurship through the planning and participation in the Zawaadi Bazaar. Additionally, it was also a great opportunity for teachers and students to make some money from their hobbies or even their MYP Personal Projects!
We're all already looking forward to the Bazaar next year!
See some great pictures from the event taken by one of our DP2 students, Inaara Gangji: