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Spotlights on Alumni

Below are spotlights on some of the Aga Khan Academies alumni:

Fatema Sheikh (Class of 2012): Advocating Educational Equality

“My experience at the Academy definitely prepared me better [for life after graduation] than some of my other friends who attended different schools.”

Fatema Sheikh carries the lessons she learnt during her time at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa with her to date.

Fatema joined the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa community in 2009 and graduated in 2012. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in consumer behaviour and marketing at the University of Reading on a full scholarship – an achievement for which she appreciates the support she received at the Academy through university counselling. She has had a colourful university career so far and hopes to graduate with her degree in the summer of 2015.

In the summer of 2013 after her first year at university, Fatema underwent a three-month internship with Champions Life Academy  an organisation which recruits and trains undergraduate students from universities to raise funds for various charities.

“This internship appealed to me, especially because it was related to my course of study as well as being able to support a worthwhile cause.”

She raised funds for a charity called Action for Blind People.

“This internship strengthened a lot of my skills, such as communication, negotiation and time management as well as improving my people skills tenfold. I am now able to approach and communicate with anybody.”

In addition to the work she did over the summer, Fatema was also heavily involved in various community activities through the university’s RED Award scheme.

Currently, she spends her time as a volunteer working with special needs children. Her desire to get involved with something like this was sparked during her time at the Academy in Mombasa. As part of her creativity, action, service (CAS) component of the Diploma Programme (DP), she spent time working with children in the special support unit of the Junior School, helping them with one-on-one or small group sessions on areas such as reading and comprehension.

“As difficult as it is, it is equally rewarding. When you get the child to enjoy what they are doing and play a part in helping them learn, it is very fulfilling.”

One situation she reflects on is her success in working with a student with several impairments, such as delayed speech, hearing impairment and a slight problem with balance.

“Helping and encouraging her made me feel like I was contributing to her understanding of various concepts," she says. "Working with children is always a two-way thing – they teach you as much as you teach them.”

In the past, she has also been involved in cultivating a garden at a school as well as volunteering at a family church in Reading during Christmas.

Fatema also places great worth on the advice she got from the Academy in preparation for university.

“My experience at the Academy could not have prepared me for life at university any better. While at the Academy, I was immersed in a diverse and multicultural environment which allowed me to adjust relatively easily to university where I was and still am constantly meeting people from different backgrounds.”

Having studied in this environment made her more open-minded and accepting of other people, and that has contributed to her being able to make friends and interact with people more easily. She also reflects on the value the International Baccalaureate (IB) DP added to her education.

“Deciding to do the IB DP is probably one of the smartest decisions I have made. I feel that the work ethic and skills such as time management required to do the programme have prepared me to take on any challenge.”

However, it was not just the academic component of the programme that pushed Fatema to stretch her limits. The DP's CAS component requires students to be actively involved in extra-curricular activities, and the theory of knowledge lessons encourages students to think critically in all disciplines. She commends both these aspects of the programme for instilling values in her that have become intrinsic to the way she lives her life.

“It made me into a more well-rounded and holistic individual,” she says. “It prepares you for life outside of school and makes you think about things that would not cross your mind or that you normally would not consider important. My ability to think and analyse situations critically has improved significantly due to constantly being challenged throughout the programme.”

Fatema has also been able to think about the time she has spent away from home and how her experience at the Academy prepared her for life in a new environment. The abundance of the AKA Mombasa alumni at the University of Reading was a part of that, and she was able to form connections quickly within the community. She also felt that the Academy offered education and opportunities just as good, if not better, than the schools in more developed places such as England, which made it very easy to transition into the unfamiliar environment.

“The Academy and the IB encourages independent thinking and this served me well since it was the first time I was living away from home for a long period and where I would have to make a lot of decisions on my own.”

A lot of Fatema’s involvement in her local community at university is inspired by the ethics she picked up at the Academy. One of the projects of which she is particularly proud is an outreach programme she conducted while interning for the Kenya School Improvement Project (KENSIP) as part of the Aga Khan Foundation internships offered to DP students at the Academy. She visited rural schools and worked with the adolescent girls there towards educating and counselling them on the day-to-day challenges faced. Initially, she focused on identifying the key issues to be tackled and then tried to come up with a way in which sensitive issues such as abuse, early pregnancy and the menstrual cycle could be approached.

“I formed a very close bond with the girls I worked with as well as their teachers. I truly felt like I helped to make a difference and taught them something worthwhile. Although I spent most of my time with the girls, I also included the boys and led forums which discussed issues such as bullying and drug abuse.”

As part of her outreach project, she worked to raise awareness in local rural communities about equal education opportunities for both boys and girls.

Fatema's commitment to providing education opportunities remains strong to this day. In particular, she feels passionate about eradicating gender inequality when it comes to education in rural parts of the world. Her work with KENSIP highlighted the need for equal education for boys and girls as the key to future development.

“It is only through education and knowledge that the current and future generations can flourish. I believe the key to breaking the poverty cycle is improving education opportunities. So, if I had all the resources at my disposal, I would advocate for the importance of the girl child being allowed to attend and stay in school.” 

Mirabelle Arodi (Class of 2012): Working Towards a Healthier Future

“I believe [the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa] is where I shaped my values that I still hold to this day. It is also where I saw and felt the importance of building a community, no matter how large or small.”

Indeed, the importance of these values to Mirabelle Arodi is obvious in her actions after graduation from the Academy. 

Moving from Nairobi to join the residential programme at the Academy in Mombasa, Mirabelle Arodi has come leaps and bounds. She was one of many students at the Academy on financial aid and reiterates her gratefulness for the access it gave her to an excellent education. She joined the AKA Mombasa community in September 2010 and graduated in 2012. She was also awarded a full scholarship at The University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada and is studying for a Bachelor of Science in Medical Biochemistry. She has had a very eventful university career so far, and hopes to graduate with her degree in the summer of 2016. 

While at university, she has worked as a residence advisor for two years now, building a community and running different events and programmes to help enrich student’s experiences while living in residence. Her own experience as a residential student at the Academy has allowed her to fulfil her responsibilities even more effectively.

“The weekly activities such as family dinners and Saturday night activities also stimulated me intellectually and allowed me to interact with students of all ages and backgrounds, which made the experience of living in residence all the more enriching," she recounts. "This is something that I strive to create as a residence advisor here in university.”

She has also worked as a research assistant with two different professors: one, as a lab assistant in a Biological Solutions in Engineering research project, and another for economics-based solutions to water systems in British Columbia. This past year, she was also part of the planning committee for the 7th UBC Okanagan Student Leadership Conference, which was attended by over 200 university and high school students. In addition, last year she was able to attend the Berkeley Model United Nations Conference as a delegate representing UBC Okanagan. This year, she is part of the executive committee for the UBC Okanagan Model United Nations Club (UBCO MUN), in which she helped train delegates for an external international conference, organised a football tournament for over 100 people and is currently helping to organise the UBCO MUN Conference in late January. In the future, Mirabelle hopes to go to medical school and eventually return to Kenya where she intends to work in public health and raise the standards of healthcare. 

Mirabelle also valued the advice she got at the Academy in terms of preparing her for life in university and beyond.

“I definitely had excellent university counselling at the Academy and was able to get my first choice of university. The process was made very easy and smooth by the structure of weekly university counselling sessions in which I was able to perfect my personal essays. In addition, the availability of the counsellors, even outside of school hours, was a huge help and I was able to get constant support and feedback. The willingness of other teachers as well, not just counsellors, to help in the university applications was much appreciated.” 

But Mirabelle valued her experience at the Academy for more than just getting her to university.

“The Academy definitely enhanced my intercultural fluency, which has been very valuable in interacting with the diverse student and staff population at university. Its emphasis on being well-rounded also helped me to pursue different interests other than just academics. In addition, the discipline that the Academy instilled in me has enabled me to keep on track at university and not be overwhelmed by the freedom that university offers. This gave me an advantage over other schools that my peers attended; they had more of a hard time adjusting and finding their footing.” 

She also reflects on the way her time at the Academy affected the way she lives her life outside the academic sphere.

“I think one of the most important values that the Academy instilled in me is critical thinking. My peers often ask me why I ask so many questions about everything and I believe this is a testament to the Academy encouraging critical thinking not only in academics through theory of knowledge [a mandatory multidisciplinary course taken by all students in the Diploma Programme], for instance, but also through involvement in other extracurricular activities. I believe that always reflecting and analysing has helped me narrow down the interests I pursue in university because I am able to discern why I am doing what I am doing and how it will impact me and those around me. In doing so, I am able to get as much meaning and value out of every activity that I pursue.” 

Mirabelle is still actively involved in the local community at the UBC Okanagan campus.

“I am currently taking on a legacy project that has been going on at the university for the past three years. It is a cultural fashion show in which we have students model and represent clothing from different countries in the world, as well as entertainment in the form of dances, for example, from different countries. The show is a fundraiser and this year we will be supporting local charities in the Okanagan. In doing so, we will be more engaged with the surrounding community and be able to tangibly see the effects of our fundraising efforts.” 

When looking back on her choice to pursue the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, she recognises the value it brought to her academic capability and how it set her apart from her peers who came from different systems.

“I highly value the IB curriculum and completely credit it with me being where I am now; at a well-renowned university on a full scholarship, excelling in both academic and extra-curricular activities. The IB was definitely very challenging, and the workload prepared me very well to handle the first and second years of university. My peers did not find it as easy to meet the academic demands of school. In addition, the IB helped me balance school work while still being actively engaged in extracurricular activities which has been very valuable in enriching my university experience so far. Lastly, the course content of the IB is at a very high level, which enabled me to better understand university courses and in some cases, allowed me to skip ahead and take more advanced courses in my first and second years.” 

Her passion for excelling and engaging with issues that are important to her shows no signs of waning. She feels strongly about problems regarding the lack of adequate healthcare in particular.

“I believe that healthcare is incredibly important and should be a right rather than the privilege it is in some areas of less economically developed countries. If I had all the resources at my disposal, this is where I would focus; ensuring that medical care is easily accessible and affordable for all.”

AKAHMUN 2014 – The Future is Now

“I declare AKAHMUN 2014 open.” The crowd roared with applause. A smile broke out on our faces, for we knew the story of the three months that had gone into making this day a reality.

 It all began on 22 August, 2014, when the Secretariat for the Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad Model United Nations 2014 was finally announced. There was excitement in the air, as well as anxiety. We weren’t sure how we would raise the bar set last year. I was unsure of how the team would work together, how passionate they were and whether offsite management would work. I had organized the Model UN last year too, but this time, it was different. I wasn’t on campus and I didn’t know the new lot of students I was dealing with.

We began our journey with our first ever Model UN meeting. I expected the meeting to start late, for punctuality was rare to see. However, I got my first surprise, when every single member turned up not only on time, but half an hour early! That day I knew that no one would follow the timeline. Not because they’d miss the deadlines, but because their absolute dedication to AKAHMUN drove them to accomplish much more than what was required of them.

We planned out an extensive timeline of every aspect of the conference, a string of meetings and the nature of committees. Although everything looked perfect, I knew from experience that I must expect speed breakers, for if there are no problems, I know that I am surely doing something wrong.

The first hurdle we encountered was in dealing with the day scholars. As part of the pre-Model UN preparation, we decided to organize trainings for the delegates. However, because this time around we had day scholars taking part too, we needed to ensure that we included them in every aspect of the conference. Arranging bus timings, coordinating with parents and taking permissions from teachers was a massive task. There were times when we wouldn’t be able to include the day scholars, when the timings wouldn’t match or when the day scholars had other programmes on schedule. However, we tried to reach out to as many as possible because it was a start, indeed. If it weren’t for my anchor, the Secretariat back on campus, it would have been impossible to organize such trainings.

The second hurdle we encountered was when we needed to finalise the committees. All the members of the Executive Board were excited about the idea of a Joint Crisis Committee (the Allied and Axis Cabinet), where the workings of one committee affect the workings of another. We had just one question in mind: would the first-time delegates be able to pull it off? The decision to go ahead with this committee was a risk, for crisis committees require a certain level of debate and experience. However, I also knew that with the Directors I had, I could trust that they would leave no stone unturned.

Logistics are by default the biggest area of concern in any conference, for it is by far the hardest job to pull off. The job entailed printing folders, placards, arranging the venue, the speakers, lights, cold drinks and much more. Last year, we didn’t have as many delegates to cater to, but this time around the number was massive. There was surely an inverse relationship between the number of days left for the conference and the number of challenges we faced. There were times when we were disheartened at a permission not going through or a delay in procurement of materials. Yet, it was the DP1 lot of the logistics team that stood strong. They travelled off campus, to far away locations, to get materials, send documents for printing and purchase eatables. I was truly surprised at the amount of effort they put in both during and after the conference. They worked during Diwali breaks and on weekends, like professionals, and never complained at having to do the most trivial tasks.

Fast forward three months. It is 14 November 2014. After hours of tireless work, pushing ourselves to meet deadlines, and sleepless nights, it was D-Day. The air was filled with excitement and nervousness, as first-timers walked into committees, unaware of what to expect. And it wasn’t just the delegates, the Directors too were nervous, for most of them were taking the other side of the dais for the first time. Seeing the delegates buzzing through the committee rooms, we knew that the roller coaster ride had just begun. All we heard over the next three days were: Do we have projectors in all committees? Is the AC working? Are there enough chocolates in each committee? Where are the pens? Whether it be lunch, breakfast or dinner, we all forgot what it was to have a proper meal because our main focus was to get the delegates in committee.

All the efforts paid off when I received two unusual requests, over the three days of the conference. A member of the IT team, who had enrolled his name on the team to avoid participating in debate, came up to me and asked if he could participate in a committee. Initially, I was upset at this last minute request and so I asked him why he had made such a sudden request. What he replied then stayed with me throughout the conference. He told me that on seeing the enthusiasm amongst the delegates, he wanted to experience what it was like to be one. And so without any prior research, he sat through committee sessions and eventually won an award. This incident made me realize the potential at the Academy. It is only a matter of pushing them to apply themselves.

Another time, a 7th grader, who had entered the conference as a logistic member, came up to me and expressed his grief. On further probing, he told me that he really wanted to be a delegate, but couldn’t because he was a 7th grader. He had been so mesmerized by the whole event that he wished to take part. I smiled, with a sense of pride, at the impact of the conference. Over the next three days, the 7th grader debated issues in ECOSOC, argued with his seniors, and remained unintimidated by their age or knowledge.

AKAHMUN 2014 had the power to bring about change. The JCC, which we were most skeptical about, brought out the best in delegates. The morning crisis, which initially made the students cranky, became the highlight of the three days. Students who initially didn’t openly accept the idea of a Model UN, jumped to take part. More importantly, though, I learnt, in the months leading up to the conference, the value of a great team. This team had dedication, passion and the will power, to make the impossible, possible. They were patient in low times, calm when faced with criticism and passionate about their goal. They worked day and night, at times when IB work was at its peak and applications lingering on their heads. They were truly the support system of this conference.

When I hear today how after the MUN, 7th grade students returned to their rooms, formed their own committees, elected their own Secretary General, came up with their own crisis and still use  parliamentary language in daily conversation, I know that the Model UN tradition started in 2013, will continue for years to come. When I hear students asking about the next conference they can attend, I know that a spark has been ignited. When I hear that people are vying for the posts on the Secretariat next year, I know a culture has been sowed.

As we pass the baton on, we have realized the power of Model UN conference.

By Alisha Sonawalla

Dhan Prasad - the Academy's own renaissance man

In 1996, then a commis chef at the Oberoi Krishna hotel in Hyderabad, Dhan Prasad was faced with a choice. He could finish up his Bachelors in Fine Arts, a dream that well-wishers had made possible for him, or join the Indian Army, accepting a prestigious charge that had come his way. He chose the latter. In 2015, Subedar Major Dhan Prasad retired from the Indian Army having been in charge of kitchens across India and abroad for nearly 20 years. Later that year, he came to be catering manager at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad.

Dhan Prasad was born in Hyderabad after his parents relocated here from Nepal, and grew up in Red Hills. He joined the Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, completing their Food Production & Patisserie course in the year 1993. In the following years, Dhan Prasad trained and worked at two of the premiere hotels in India, the ITC Grand Chola in Chennai and Oberoi Krishna in Hyderabad (renamed Taj Krishna). It was during this stint in Hyderabad that Dhan Prasad decided to pursue his passion for the arts. “You can call it my first love,” he says.

As a school boy, Dhan Prasad often visited the Jawahar Bal Bhavan in Nampally. The Bal Bhavan, with its high ceilings, yellow walls and large play area was created to be a place where children could hone their talents in the arts, learning music, dance, and, of course, drawing and painting. Here, he trained under artist and National Film Award winner, Thota Vaikuntam, whom he describes as his role model, guru and inspiration. “He used to encourage me by giving me big drawing charts and colours.” Dhan Prasad re-entered university in 1995, this time as a fine arts student at the Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University. His art, mainly sketches and acrylic, portray scenes of men and women, often at work, and always in conversation. The paintings are on large canvases, and though they have some of the stylistic attributes of Madhubani art, they are strikingly unique. The Bal Bhavan he went to is still active today and caters to around 3000 children in spite of being under-funded, and sharing its space with a local fire department.

“It was very tough to manage my work and my painting,” he says. Dhan Prasad was juggling university work and his job at the Krishna simultaneously at this time. As the pressure mounted, he was informed that he had been chosen to be Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) of catering in the Indian Army, a proposition that comes from the desk of the President of India. Dhan Prasad describes joining the army as a bold decision. He remembers thinking, “I cannot ignore this opportunity to serve my country.” So he, in his words, left his white chef’s robes and donned the olive green of the Indian army.

Glad to have the opportunity to serve his country with his culinary abilities, he worked in the army for 19 years, serving in its storeyed institutions across the country and even abroad. Dhan Prasad was among the forces sent from India to be a part of the UN’s mission to maintain ceasefire between Syria and Israel. “My most memorable days were as kitchen manager of an international kitchen at UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force), Israel,” he shares. “My most challenging work was at IMA (Indian Military Academy), Dehradun and OTA (Officers Training Academy), Chennai.” In these kitchens, Dhan Prasad organised meals and hospitality services for 2000-2500 people every day. Standing in charge of these large operations gave Dhan Prasad an understanding of the workplace, responsibilities and leadership, which make him revered by those who work under and alongside him.

“Being an army man he brings discipline to our catering,” says Head of Operations at AKA Hyderabad, David Roy. “He’s always on the dot.” Dhan Prasad and David work very closely, and often under high pressure. “In three years, we have never missed catering at a single event, and this is because of our excellent kitchen, its staff, and of course, Dhan Prasad.” It is a great compliment to him that in spite of the demanding nature of their job, Dhan Prasad has created an atmosphere of conviviality in the kitchens and among his support staff. “He understands his job, his responsibilities,” says David. “But the problem with him is that he doesn’t say no to anyone!”

The demands of the Academy’s kitchen are different from those of a military kitchen, and Dhan Prasad relishes the challenges that come with this job. “The diversity [in the students, faculty] gives me an opportunity to challenge myself and be innovative and creative in our day to day catering services,” he says. Dhan Prasad also looks forward to the holy month of Ramzan and being able provide for fasting students at the early hours of dawn. “The Global Encounters holiday camps offer other opportunities to test our calibre,” he adds.

Working at a school, Dhan Prasad believes learning about the mammoth effort that goes into their meals could be beneficial to students’ education. “Students need to have responsibility toward their food." He wants students to be informed about the processes of the food & beverage industry and also about etiquette. “Our students are future ladies and gentlemen who will go out internationally and later become responsible citizens of the nation. Table manners count for a lot when it comes to the personality of an individual.”

At 17, Dhan Prasad knew he wanted to be in hospitality. Today, he is a chef, an artist, and a retired Subedar Major. The praise heaped on him is the kind that Swiss watchmakers pine for. He is efficient, dependable and yet creative. “Art is long and life is short,” he muses. “Cooking is an art and science, it never ends and we can’t master it. The only thing we can do is try, practice and keep doing good work.”

Written by Ajay Sundaram

Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

 Please click here to download the 2024-2025 Academic Year Fee Schedule (PDF format)


The above fees are applicable for the Academic year 2024-2025 and are subject to an annual review. 

The Tuition fees include course fees, the use of essential course books, library books, co-curricular activities, IT infrastructure, science laboratory equipment, day trips, and certain classroom supplies. 

The Residential fee in addition to the tuition fee also includes housing, weekend excursions and activities, laundry, and meals.


1. Miscellaneous Charges

1.1 Non-Refundable Admission Fee. Payable for students enrolling for the first time. The admission fee must be paid to secure a place for a child in the Academy. 
This cannot be deferred or paid in instalments. The due date is one week after the offer has been accepted.

1.2    Refundable Security Deposit. Around 10% of the fees are payable on acceptance of admission and 
should be paid together with the admission fee mentioned above. As the Security Deposit is different between 
the PYP, MYP and DP, the differential will be invoiced when the child is transferred from PYP to MYP and from 
MYP to DP. It is refundable when a student leaves the school as long as the required notice has been given in 
writing and “No Dues” clearance is obtained from the Academy. No interest is payable on this deposit.

1.3    Good Faith Deposit. Paid for Grade 1, Grade 11 day students and all residential students to secure their 
place, as part payment against their first Semester fee, due to limited capacity. This will have to be paid as soon 
as the admission of the student is accepted for new joiners (including Grade 1)students and before 30 April for the 
Grade 11 Students. All other residential students will pay the Good Faith deposit together with the Admissions Fee. 
In the event that the student does not join the Academy, this deposit will not be refunded.

1.4   Lunch. The rates indicated above are applicable only if paid in advance at least for a whole semester 
(50% of the total cost). The daily lunch rate is KES 400 for MYP and DP students and KES 350 for PYP students.

1.5    Medical Insurance Premium. Paid separately by residential students with the first tuition fee instalment.

1.6    Stipend. Paid separately by residential students and will be managed by the Academy. The students will be 
able to withdraw a maximum KES 500 per week to cover any personal expenses. Any balance with the Academy will 
be paid to the students at the end of the Academic Year.

2. Tuition

2.1 Sibling Discount. 5%  is applicable for the second child, 10% for the third child, and 15% for the fourth and subsequent children. The discount will be adjusted according to the number of 
children attending the Academy at the same time. This discount is not applicable where a family is receiving financial assistance.

2.2 Tuition Fee. Academic Year 2024-2025 fees are payable in two equal instalments (for each Semester), no later than 15 July 2024 
and 15 December 2024 

2.3 Discount of 3% will be given on the tuition fees if paid for the whole yeabefore the deadline (15 July 2024). These discounts 
are applicable on the net amount payable after other discounts have been deducted and is not applicable to the families who receive 
financial assistance.

2.4 AKDN Discount. AKDN employees, upon confirmation with any of the AKDN agencies, will get the following discount: 
20% for residential students and 5% for any day students.

2.5 Currency. The fees can be paid in US dollars or Kenyan Shillings. The US Dollars fees will be indicated on the invoice using the exchange rate at which the banks are buying USD from the Academy. The Academy however reserves the right to change this policy.

3. Late and Outstanding Fees

3.1 A monthly surcharge of 3% will be added to the total outstanding dues older than 30 days.

3.2 If fees are not paid within one month’s period following the deadline, the student will be asked to stay at home or in the residences and will not be allowed to attend classes or participate in the other activities undertaken by the Academy. If the fees for the residential students are not settled within 2 weeks following the student being withdrawn from classes, the school may send the student back home. Any student who is out of classes for over 4 weeks could be asked to withdraw from school.  

3.3 The Academy reserves the right to withhold results, school certificates, transcripts, or any other information and/or document until all outstanding dues are settled in full.

 4. Financial Assistance

Newly admitted students who demonstratfinancial needs can apply for Financial Assistance 
through the Admissions office immediately after the admission has been confirmed. All current 
students have to submit their applications before 8 March, 2024. An independent Committee is 
responsible for reviewing and approving any request for Financial Assistance.

5. Withdrawal

If a student wishes to leave the Academy, three months’ advance notice of withdrawal must be given in writing and if not done the pro-rated three months' fees will be due and payable. School clearance will not be possible until any outstanding dues are settled in full. 

6. Other Education-related costs 

6.1 Field Trips. Students are expected to participate in compulsory curriculum and bonding trips as well as optional trips, for which the parents will be invoiced separately. Information on these field trips will be shared with parents at least one month in advance. 

6.2 Exam fees. MYP and Diploma will be billed separately based on actual fees from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).

6.3 Personal Computer. MYP and DP students are required to own a personal computer that meets minimum performance standards as most of the assignments as well as the communication between the teachers and the students are computer-based. The system should be loaded with either iOS or Windows, MS Office, Internet browser, and Antivirus.

7. General Notes Regarding Payment

7.1 The Academy does not accept cash for fee payments. 

7.2 All payments must be made by direct bank deposit, bank transfer, or M-pesa even if payment is made by a third party such as a sponsoring organisation.  

7.3 Parents are responsible for ensuring that the fee payments are made into the correct bank account of the Academy. In the unlikely event of any change in the bank account, the changes will be communicated to parents in writing via a hand-delivered letter from the Academy.

7.4 Parents must provide the finance office (, with a hard or an electronic copy of the proof of payment showing the full name of the student and Student Identification Number as soon as the funds have been transferred for issuance of payment receipt. The absence of this information may delay crediting the fees reflected on your account in our system.

7.5 The above terms and conditions may be modified, or new terms may apply to reflect changes in the law or our services. For further information please contact us at

8. Note on disclosure and sharing of student-related data and information:

Schools will store and may disclose and share information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honours and awards, exam papers and other works of the student, parents’ contact and other details, fees charged and outstanding fees against the student, and dates of attendance with third parties as and where is required for the normal operations of the school. The fees-related information can be shared with third parties to assist the school to collect fees where the payments have been delayed and not made for the services provided as per the above term. 

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