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PLES - launch of Telangana Education Department partnership with the Academy

The Academy Outreach department started an intensive English language teacher training pilot this week for 30 government school teachers as part of a 3-year MoU with the state education department. Congratulations to the Outreach team!

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Ultimate Frisbee - 8-9 December 2016

30 national coaches from 7 Indian cities will experience Ultimate Frisbee workshops provided by UK Coach Liam Kelly. 100 Aademy students will be involved in practical sessions. 

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Ultimate Frisbee National Tournament @ Academy – 10-11 December 2016

The Academy is a supporting partner for 2016 National Championship, this emerging sport that stands for socio-economic inclusion and gender equality. 120 Ultimate Frisbee players will be participating.

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Academy Junior & Senior School Annual Athletic Meet – 13 & 15 December 2016

Ending the sports season with inter-house sports competitions, focused on track and field events. Parents welcome to attend and support. Good luck to all!

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Parent Teacher Meetings @ Academy – Friday 16 December 2016

Academy Senior School parents are invited to individual consultations with Grade Leaders and Subject Teachers from 8:30am – 3:30pm to update on first semester student progress for 2016-17.

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Academy term ends, vacation 17 December 2016 – 9 January 2017

An action-packed term comes to an end today. We wish all students & faculty a restful holiday. See you back in 2017! 

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Sunset 'Silk Route' Concert - 6:30pm, Wednesday 25 January 2017

An ensemble of soloists from the Aga Khan Music Initiative performs at the Academy amphitheatre this evening to celebrate the rich musical traditions of Central Asia and the Great Silk Route.

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Admissions team in Mumbai – Sunday 29 January 2017

Academy Talent Identification team is in Mumbai this weekend for student assessment and interviews at Diamond Jubilee High School in Mazagaon. Click here to email the admissions office for more info.

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Academy students at MUN Qatar - 26-29 January 2017

Following our intra-Academy and then inter-school Metro Model United Nations in 2016, 5 Grade 11 students are participating at the international MUN in Qatar this weekend.

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Admissions talent search in Delhi – Saturday 4 Feb 2017

Academy talent identification team is in Delhi this weekend to assess and interview 56 students shortlisted by Teach for India from 40 lower-income schools for full Academy scholarships.

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