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Articles of Interest

The articles listed below have been drawn from the Aga Khan Academies newsletter. They include feature stories and information on aspects of the Aga Khan Academies programme.

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International Baccalaureate - Middle Years Programme

International Baccalaureate - Middle Years Programme

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Rising Beyond: Inspiring Debate at the MUN

The Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad’s second edition of the Model United Nations was a simulation that resonated with zest and passion. It enabled students of the Academy to form a transformative and a communicative mindset and inspired sincere exploration within the students – as individuals in a pluralistic community dealing with an assortment of issues of global importance.

The simulation opened with an aesthetic dance performance showcasing culture that exists in great depth, as well as having Birad Yajnik speaking about global citizenship and leadership. The opening ceremony was followed by the first session of this simulation which consisted of students prepared for heavy debate.

The first session was preliminary and introduced the agendas and topics of debate of each committee to all the delegates. DISEC (Disarmament and International Security Committee) was engaged in debating over the international intervention in Civil Wars; ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) debated over the impact of science, innovation and technology in achieving the millennium development goals; the JCC (Joint Crisis Committee) went back into history and debated over issues concerning World War II; and lastly, we had the Press Corps which interacted with each committee and their delegates of the conference, and got intensely rooted in the simulation, in order to provide for a very holistic experience of the whole event that took place.

The second day still carried on with the same passion and enthusiasm. The second session started off with a morning crisis update, which proved to be quite a surprise to all the delegates. However, the debates in each committee over the crisis initiated slowly, and later escalated into deeper and effective discussions. The Press were involved in initiating Crisis in each committee which proved to be operative as it provoked heavy debates and discussions, further on the day. The second day proved to be an ecstatic and progressive one as it stimulated every mind, which resulted in exciting preparations for resolutions for the last day. The Delegate Dance was of course one of the highlights of the second day of the simulation.

Eventually came the final day of the simulation. The day proved to be brief but tense as delegates of each committee had to come up with effective resolutions according to their agendas. Every committee except for JCC (as it was historical) and DISEC succeeded in coming up with resolutions. Although DISEC failed to pass a resolution, it still instilled the sense of intrigue, passion and enthusiasm to overcome problems that are faced on the surface of the planet – each day and every moment.

After having come up with a variety of resolutions, the time for closing the simulation had come. This time was much awaited by the delegates as it was also an award ceremony. Titles such as “Best Delegate”, “Outstanding Delegate”, “Best Photographer” and “Best Reporter” echoed the halls of the venue wherein the ceremony took place. After having a hearing of speeches of inspiration and accomplishment by the Security General and the Executive Board, as well as teachers and staff who functioned as a backbone to the simulation; and watching proud delegates walking towards their much deserving awards, came the time of saying a proud goodbye to the Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad’s second edition of the Model United Nations conference. Now awaits the third edition which shall happen in Fall, 2015.

By Akanksha Dev

Aman Punjani – alumnus turned state cycling champion

Aman Punjani graduated from the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad in 2016 and took a gap year to pursue his career as a competitive cyclist. He was the U-18 and is now the U-23 Telangana state champion. In November 2018, Aman became the first cyclist from the state in 25 years to win a gold medal at the 23rd National Road Cycling Championship, in both the 40km Individual Time Trial and 100km Mass Start events. Currently, Aman is a full-time athlete and a developmental rider of Ciclo Team Racing, India’s only elite amateur cycle racing team. He trains every day and clocks an average of 500 kilometers per week, working on various aspects such as speed and endurance on different terrain, and works on strength in the gym. 

With a mission to put Indian cyclists on the international racing map, Ciclo Team Racing focuses on all aspects of rider development including training, coaching, nutrition, equipment and racing. In May 2017, Aman finished first in the prestigious Elite Men’s category at the Bangalore Bicycle Championships (BBCH).

Aman’s riding career began when he bought a road bike to start competing in triathlons as part of his IB MYP Personal Project, which was to write a book for triathletes. His first competitive race was in January 2014, when he was in grade 10, and later that 

year he won the overall championship in the inaugural edition of the Hyderabad Racing League. At the national competitions in the same year, he placed 7th in the road race which fueled his desire to continue riding, racing and perfecting his performance.

In 2015, Aman spent a month training in Belgium as part of the Indian Pro Cycling Project’s ‘Class of 2015.’ One year later at the nationals, he placed 5th in the U-23 category. “This is just the beginning of something big,” says Aman. “My goals for the year ahead are to make it to a U-23 development team in the US, and to represent India at the Asian and world championships.”

Aman again headed to Europe (Belgium and Switzerland) for a month in July 2017 where he trained and raced with bikers from all over the world. He is presently studying Psychology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia, and wants to better understand these conditions and assist those with similar issues. Biking has been, for him, therapy in itself.

When asked which part of the Academy education most impacted him, he says, “The service component. It’s something I carry forward, even though I’m not in school, even though it’s not required. I tend to look out for people who aren’t as lucky or fortunate or talented as I am because I’ve had the right support. I look forward to putting more people in that position.”

The Academy is incredibly proud to have as its alumnus such a dedicated and gifted athlete who leads in his field at the age of 20. We wish him all the best as he sets his sights on the international cycling circuit!

Kamini Menon – communications for change

“I have always been inspired by the philosophy and implementing agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network, and it brings me great joy to have found a way to realise that career aspiration."

Kamini Menon joined the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad in August 2016 as its Communications Specialist, but her engagement with its educational vision had started long before – as a grade 5 student at the Aga Khan primary school in Kampala, Uganda. That was where she discovered talents in table tennis and athletics, became a class prefect and initiated cleaning campaigns to keep the buildings litter-free. “It’s interesting that I can draw parallels between that childhood experience and the Academy in Hyderabad – with its focus on holistic learning, opportunities to learn new sports and inculcating in its students an awareness about the environment,” she noted.

Kamini grew up primarily in Kenya and Uganda, and completed her undergraduate degree in journalism from an American university in Nairobi. While she was studying, she gained valuable work experience at various places including the PR department of the Kenya Wildlife Service, a South African magazine company, and a recreational space called the Village Market. She then pursued her Master’s in Global Communications from the American University of Paris in France with a focus on video and communications for the development sector. Since then, Kamini has worked in Morocco, Afghanistan and across India for various non-profits and has built her portfolio of skills to include content creation, photography, video production, branding, design, public relations, training and strategic communications.

What drew her to the Academy? “I have always been inspired by the philosophy and implementing agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network, and it brings me great joy to have found a way to realise that career aspiration. Being a part of the Academy resonates with the transformative educational models I experienced as a ‘plus two’ student at Rishi Valley. I see a lot of commonalities in purpose, and I feel at home here because of that. Furthermore, the students here are encouraged to demonstrate values of pluralism, ethics, global citizenship and service, and these values resonate with me as a person.”

Kamini first came to the Academy as a volunteer during the first kite festival in 2016, while on vacation from Kabul where she was working with a technology media start-up. “As I had never worked in a school before, it has been challenging and rewarding to adapt my existing skill-set to a new and dynamic environment. Schools are exciting places to work, as they are spaces of learning and have so much going on at any one point in time.”

While here, she has been instrumental in setting up a weekly global cinema club for residential students and a journalism club that has grown over the last six months to a committed group of about 15 students. Being able to interact with students and contribute to the cultivation of writing and reporting skills amongst them, she says, has been truly satisfying. “My role encompasses a broad and exciting spectrum of responsibility. I work closely with the senior leadership team, as well as faculty and students, and this integral element of collaboration makes the job that much more fulfilling.”

Rajan Thampi: Working for a cause

Slotted above the library in the Academy Building is the Outreach department, a corner office with spartan furnishing. You wouldn’t know it to look at it, but this office is a crucial link between the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad and local government school teachers and students in the region. Rajan Thampi, who has been connected with the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) for over a decade, is the program manager for the Outreach department at the Academy in Hyderabad. The opportunity to serve, he says, drew him to the job.

Rajan has played this role of connecting students to resources for his entire career. His work with Aga Khan Education Services began in 2008 in Maheshwaram Mandal, present day Telangana, where he implemented outreach programs for government schools and anganwadis. Rajan was in charge of programs like introducing life skills to high schoolers, leading health programs for adolescent girls, organising inter school sports competitions, and also training teachers for pre-primary and primary schools. Rajan’s other responsibility at that time, something he is still involved in, is creating and maintaining relationships with government officials.

A significant part of outreach depends on securing permission and getting recognition from government education bodies. Rajan played a major role in getting junior and senior schools recognised by the authorities. Rajan thanks the people who support the outreach department in these endeavors - the Academies Unit and members of the local board, Suleiman Hirani and Jayanthi.

Born in Kerala, the second of five siblings, Rajan grew up in Shakkarnagar, Telangana. Shakkarnagar is home to historical industrial era sites built under the Nizam. Most significant among these sites is the 1,600 square kilometer Nizam Sugar Factory that the town gets its name from. Designed as a model town, the place was built for factory employees and their families. “My father was an accountant in the factory,” remembers Rajan, “and we use to live in the accommodation provided by the factory in its colony.” Madhu Malancha high school, where Rajan went, was also created and funded by the factory. But India’s sugar trade has been in decline for decades, and in his lifetime Rajan has had to see the closure and privatisation of the massive factory. “Asia’s largest sugar factory is now shut,” he muses.

After completing senior school, Rajan gained a Bachelors in Commerce and started teaching at a private school. Finding his calling, Rajan then pursued a Bachelors in Education, focusing on social studies and education. Today he also has a Masters degree in social work under his belt. To Rajan, these degrees are tools to help others. Asked about the outreach department's future plans, his responses are ambitious and focused. “Reaching out to 31 districts of Telangana,” he says, “and to continue to share expertise through collaborative discussion forums for the government teachers are some of my plans.”

“Inner delight,” he says, “and the satisfaction obtained from working for a cause are the rewards I seek from my work." If the outreach program is a manifestation of the ethos behind service and stewardship, then Rajan exemplifies those ethos.

Sarah Keshvani (Class of 2018): using biology to tackle environmental challenges

Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad alumna (Class of 2018), Sarah Keshvani is currently in her first year at the University of Victoria, Canada. She plans to major in either biological sciences, with a concentration in neuroscience or kinesiology, or biochemistry. 

Sarah’s love for the sciences flourished during the Diploma Programme (DP) at the Academy in Hyderabad. Through her extended essay, she found the opportunity to learn more about how biology can provide solutions to modern challenges faced in local communities. She decided to tackle the issue of water shortages and soil nutrient deficiencies hindering large scale rice cultivation in the state of Telangana, leading to reduced crop yields. Due to zinc deficiencies in the soil, farmers resort to using huge amounts of fertilisers, which further degrade soil quality.

Sarah’s research centred on hydroponics as a possible solution to this problem. Plants are grown in water-based, nutrient solutions instead of soil.

“This technique has recently garnered a lot of attention because experiments have shown that growth is more than doubled when compared to traditional methods of agriculture,” Sarah explained. “Nutrient uptake is more efficient, and farmers can control the type of nutrients the plant is exposed to, in order to enhance different features of the yield. The use of water in hydroponics is still much more efficient than how it is used in open paddy fields that need to be covered in water during certain times of the crop cycle.”

“I designed my semi-closed hydroponics system based on the deep water culture technique,” Sarah elaborated. “Instead of buying the nutrient solution, I made my own. I wanted to specifically observe and analyse the effect of zinc uptake on the plant’s overall health. So I used four different zinc concentrations, and for the fifth set of plants, zinc was not added at all. Data was recorded over the course of three weeks. The effect of zinc was analysed through five variables: shoot length, root:shoot ratio, chlorophyll content, biomass and relative water content percentage. The goal was to find out an optimal concentration of zinc from those four different concentrations.”

Sarah’s conclusions were positive. Rapid growth was observed and the flexibility to control the nutrient uptake played a huge role in optimal plant health. She realised that a closed system would have provided more accurate results, as the higher evaporation rates disturbed the pH levels. Overall though, she deduced this technique could definitely tackle the challenges faced by paddy farmers.  

Sarah’s work with hydroponics was instrumental in securing her a role as a molecular biology research assistant at university. Her duties include assisting professors and doctorate students in their research; basic lab maintenance and keeping stocks; preparing bacterial and plant growth media; plant samples; and solutions for analysis. She also gets to work with graduate and PhD students on experiments involving nucleic acid isolation, amplification and cloning.

“The IB curriculum followed at the Academy has played a pivotal role in building many essential skills for university life,” Sarah reflected when asked how she has settled into this new phase. “The emphasis on academic integrity and independence have served me really well here. I was taught to think critically rather than blindly follow textbooks. Its skill-based learning approach, and connecting classroom learning to the real world, also prepared me well for higher education.”

Inaara Sarfani (Class of 2016): Valuing personal development

The time I spent at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad helped me become the person I am today. The Academy served as a platform for me to develop my self-expression, confidence, balance, service and reflective ability. The Academy provided a prestigious curriculum through the International Baccalaureate (IB) which exposed me to a unique style of education that equally emphasised academics and extracurriculars. Through teamwork, both in classes and service projects, I built collaboration as well as communication skills. To be honest, there is nothing that has not helped me adapt to university life from the time I spent at the Academy and I identify the most with the ability to reflect.

Prior to joining the Academy, I was an introvert who kept to herself and preferred the company of people I knew. Studying at the Academy was first step out of my comfort zone, as I had to make new friends with the people I would share my classes with for the upcoming four years before graduation and university. For a person as shy as I was, it sounded terrifying but I was willing to take risks to receive quality education and learn skills that would help me in the future. Apart from the rigorous academics that kept students on their toes, the service projects and athletic events fostered a close relationship between students. I was a part of the service project that went to a government school for girls (Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya) and undertook the responsibility to improve their conversation skills in English along with imparting news of global events among them. Working with classmates, devising plans, organising meetings and keeping track of the students’ progress were some of the tasks that helped me understand my classmates further as we worked together to create positive changes in people’s lives. In this endeavour, tracking the progress of these students foreshadowed the importance evaluation and reflection would have in my life.

There was also a part of me that wanted to achieve something valuable; to me, this meant two things: true recognition and establishing relationships I would continue in the future. I was fortunate to achieve both of these by being a part of the Academy. I received recognition for my hard work and the faith my teachers, my career advisor and my parents put in me was rewarded when I received the Ontario Tuition Waiver. I have developed a close communication network with people I met at the Academy.

I integrated the qualities I learnt at the Academy into university life by participating in various extracurriculars. I have volunteered at the women’s centre who provide a supportive atmosphere to people regardless of their gender and currently a member of the Marketing Advisory Board and Residence Promotion Team for on-campus residences. Being a part of these teams required me to communicate effectively as well as form good relationships with my teammates; skills that I learnt at the Academy, proving useful.

I am currently planning to minor in human resource management and explore this field along with psychology. I plan to be open to experiences that will come along the way. Looking back on my time spent at the Academy, I cherish the small yet meaningful moments, such as going for service projects with friends and engaging history classes. I can see the introvert girl trying to fit in with a group of equally new students starting their first day at the Academy; I also see that same girl receiving the scholarship and realising the potential she always had. The transition to university would not have been easy if it were not for the time I spent at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad.

By Inaara Sarfani
