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News from the Network - AKA Maputo hosts mathematics workshop for parents with Karim Ismail

Video: Tips from AKA Maputo's 5-year-old hand washing expert on fighting #COVID-19!

Students create weekly Portuguese newspaper at AKA Maputo

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Students create weekly Portuguese newspaper at AKA Maputo

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Why choose the Academy - Maputo

Why Choose the Aga Khan Academy Maputo

Admission to the Aga Khan Academy Maputo is based on merit. This is broadly defined as exceptional intellectual potential, leadership, a commitment to learning, a strong sense of integrity, and the desire to work towards and instigate positive change.

As part of a network of Academies, we aim to provide exceptional students, from all backgrounds, with an outstanding education.

We seek students representing a diverse range of economic, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. We look for students who have the ability and motivation to excel academically and who are or will be capable of demonstrating leadership in community service and other co-curricular pursuits.

"But above all, it is my hope that these schools will stimulate creativity, intellectual curiosity and honest inquiry so that their students can adapt and thrive in a world of rapid change; can make informed judgements on life’s daily challenges, and place those judgements in an ethical framework."His Highness the Aga Khan (Maputo, 25 June 2004)We are more than just schools that strive to give their students a sound academic foundation. We emphasise the importance of academic excellence while instilling in students a sense of civic responsibility and the desire, ability and commitment to give back to their communities locally and globally.

Our educational approach measures success not just by academic achievement, but how students apply what they know to make the world a better place.

The overall educational programme is designed to foster students’ curiosity while providing them with the skills and intellectual confidence to engage with what they do not know and find answers and solutions.

AKA Maputo Parental Questionnaire: July 2020

Dear parents,

Please find a questionnaire below seeking your feedback on the Academy’s re-opening plans. As you will know, the President has recently announced the phased re-opening of public schools. We are, therefore, in the process of considering scenarios for re-opening the Academy.

We seek your feedback on four scenarios available to us currently:

  1. School re-opening on August 10th as per the calendar with a phased introduction of classes to ensure health and wellness.
  2. School postponing a phased opening until 1st September 2020 but with online learning taking place from August 10th.
  3. School re-opening in August with online learning until mid-term in October
  4. School continues to provide online learning until Jan 2021

Please note that we seek your views in order to help us make the best decision. We know that not everybody will have the same opinion – but we will, along with a representative group of parents, ensure that any scenario places the educational and social well-being of the students at the heart of the decision making process.




Caros Pais e Encarregados de Educação,


Encontrem nesta comunicação um questionário que servirá para obter o vosso feedback sobre os planos de reabertura da Academia. Como devem saber, o Presidente anunciou recentemente a reabertura faseada das escolas públicas. Estamos, portanto, no processo de considerar cenários para a reabertura da Academia.

Temos em análise quatro possíveis cenários:

  1. Reabertura da escola a 10 de Agosto, de acordo com o calendário, com uma introdução faseada das aulas para garantir a saúde e bem-estar;
  2. Adiamento da abertura gradual até 1 de Setembro de 2020, mas com aprendizagem on-line a tomar lugar a partir de 10 de Agosto;
  3. Reabertura da escola em Agosto, com aprendizagem on-line até meados de Outubro.
  4.  A escola continua com aprendizagem on-line até janeiro de 2021

Note que buscamos as vossas opiniões para ajudar-nos a tomar a melhor decisão. Sabemos que nem todos terão a mesma opinião - mas, juntamente com um grupo representativo de pais, garantiremos que qualquer cenário coloque o bem-estar educacional e social dos alunos no centro do processo de tomada de decisão.


Campus reopening guidelines


Thank you for your interest in the Aga Khan Academy Maputo.

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Please contact the Academy regarding admissions or any other enquiries. Contact information can be found here.

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