Academy annual international careers fair - Friday 5th October
40 universities from nine countries are visiting campus on the last day of term to interact with students & parents of all grades between 1-3pm at the Student Lounge.
US university group visit - Friday 1st February 2019
20 American universities will conduct workshops and individual counselling sessions for Diploma Programme students between 2:30-3:30pm at the Student Lounge. Parents welcome!
TEDxYouth@AKAHyderabad - Saturday 23rd Feb 2019
Themed "Infinity & Beyond" & organised by grade 11 students, TEDx 2019 features 10 groundbreaking talks delivered by students, staff and external speakers.
Camping on campus - 30th November - 1st December 2018
52 grade 9 students and 10 teachers will be camping on school grounds from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Students have a list of fun activities planned including capture the flag and a bonfire.
Junior School Newsletter No. 3 - September 2015

Read on to find out about the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conference, student assessments, sports, Years 3 and 5 student assemblies, and collaboration around curriculum!
IBO Pre-DP Preparation Camp!
The Academy is running an induction for all residential and non-residential Grade 10 students entering DP1 in 2016-17.Between Monday to Friday, May 23 to May 27, 2016.Students will be staying on campus.
Afternoon classes suspended - Friday 23 September 2016
Due to heavy rains and concern for student safety, all non-residential students are to leave by 1pm today. For any information, please contact Academy Reception at 040-66291313.
Student Exchange 2019

Student Exchange 2019: Photo Galleries
Photo Gallery: AKA Mombasa students visiting AKA Hyderabad
Photo Gallery: AKA Hyderabad students visiting AKA Mombasa

Join our students on their exhange journey by taking a look at our first photo gallery.