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Academy annual international careers fair - Friday 5th October

40 universities from nine countries are visiting campus on the last day of term to interact with students & parents of all grades between 1-3pm at the Student Lounge. 

Taxonomy family: 

US university group visit - Friday 1st February 2019

20 American universities will conduct workshops and individual counselling sessions for Diploma Programme students between 2:30-3:30pm at the Student Lounge. Parents welcome! 

Taxonomy family: 

TEDxYouth@AKAHyderabad - Saturday 23rd Feb 2019

Themed "Infinity & Beyond" & organised by grade 11 students, TEDx 2019 features 10 groundbreaking talks delivered by students, staff and external speakers. 

Taxonomy family: 

Camping on campus - 30th November - 1st December 2018

52 grade 9 students and 10 teachers will be camping on school grounds from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Students have a list of fun activities planned including capture the flag and a bonfire.

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Junior School Newsletter No. 3 - September 2015

Read on to find out about the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conference, student assessments, sports, Years 3 and 5 student assemblies, and collaboration around curriculum!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

IBO Pre-DP Preparation Camp!

The Academy is running an induction for all residential and non-residential Grade 10 students entering DP1 in 2016-17.Between Monday to Friday, May 23 to May 27, 2016.Students will be staying on campus.

Taxonomy family: 

Afternoon classes suspended - Friday 23 September 2016

Due to heavy rains and concern for student safety, all non-residential students are to leave by 1pm today. For any information, please contact Academy Reception at 040-66291313. 

Taxonomy family: 

Student Exchange 2019

29 September 2019
This week we will hear from Isbah and Rayyan in Mombasa, who recount how the Garba night made them feel right at home, whilst learning about different elements of their own culture. We also hear from from Mwanapwani and Gakenia in Hyderabad, who took part in a sports competition against a local school.
23 September 2019
In this week's exchange student blog, we hear from Hotep and Shafyna in Hyderabad, who have been particularly fascinated by the natural environment within the AKA Hyderabad campus. In Mombasa, we hear from Ashrith and Sujith, as they share their thoughts on how they enjoyed the enrichment programmes available at their new campus in Mombasa.
15 September 2019
Students have already completed the first week of the Exchange Programme at the Aga Khan Academies in Mombasa and Hyderabad. Elizabeth MacFarlane, International Exchange Manager, shares her thoughts on the first week
07 September 2019

Join our students on their exhange journey by taking a look at our first photo gallery.

05 September 2019
The AKA Student Exchange 2019 is fully underway! Over the next three months, 35 students from our Academies in Mombasa and Hyderabad will ‘exchange’ places, beginning a journey of self-disovery in a new environment. Learn more about how the students' expedition commenced.

World Water Day: AKA Mombasa student creates inexpensive electricity supply and water purification system

Luciano Torriani, a Year 10 student at AKA Mombasa

World Water Day: AKA Mombasa student creates inexpensive electricity supply and water purification system

Luciano Torriani, a Year 10 student at AKA Mombasa
