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Back to School!

We welcome back our students, parents and staff as we kickstart the new year!

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Easter Break

Students will break from school 26 March- 6 April. Hope you all enjoy the holiday!

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Middle Years Programme exams: Monday 18th - Wednesday 20th November

We wish our students in grades 6-10 all the best in their term exams!

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DP1 examinations – 17-26 April 2017, Academy Building basement

We wish our grade 11 students all the best with their end-of-year examinations!

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Grade 10 e-assessments – Tuesday 9 – Friday 19 May 2017

All the best to our grade 10 students for their final IB Middle Years Programme examinations!

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International Model United Nations, New York City - 12-19 August 2017

A delegation of 8 Academy students and an accompanying teacher are headed to the annual IMUN at the UN headquarters. All the best! 

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Academy holidays: Monday 9 - Sunday 22 October 2017

Happy holidays, faculty and students! Admissions office remains open throughout. 

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"Mukoon" travels to Amravati National Theatre Festival in Vijaywada - 4pm, Friday 24th November

Congratulations to our drama students who were the only performers selected for the children’s category! 

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Academy back in session - Monday 8 January 2018

A warm welcome to our students, parents and faculty back to the second semester of the 2017-18 academic year! 

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Grade 12 mock exams: Tuesday 16th – Friday 19th January

We wish our DP2 students the best of luck as they write their mocks in preparation for their finals in May!

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