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Junior MUN at Chirec International School 27-30 October 2017

15 Academy students from grades 6, 7 and 8 will participate at the Chirec Junior Model United Nations this weekend, all the best! 

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“Hyderabad 10K Run” – 5:30am, Sunday 26th November

37 Academy students and staff will take part in this weekend’s city run at Necklace Road and Hussein Sagar lake. Run tall and strong! 

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Parsons School of Design visiting from NYC - 1:45-3:15pm, Monday 4th Dec

In collaboration with Indian School of Design & Innovation - informative presentation for grades 10 & 11 visual arts students!

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Academy team bags gold medal @ FIRST Lego League competition!

Congratulations to the 27 students from grades 8-11 who won 'best project' at a regional robotics competition this weekend!

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Symposium Dinner with Aga Khan University - 6:30pm, Friday 2nd March, Academy Building basement

Panel discussions on themes of civil society and development followed by moderated Q&A session and dinner. Open to all students & staff.

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Grade 10 mock exams - 26-28th March 2018

We wish our grade 10 students the best of luck as they work towards their e-assessments in May 2018.

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Grade 5 overnight stay - Friday 1st June 2018

33 students will spend the night on campus to get a sense of residential life. A campus walk, swimming, boardgames and star gazing are on the agenda!

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Summer service internship orientation camp: 2nd - 8th June

Over 50 grade 11 students are currently in Ananthpur in preparation for their month-long internships at various service sites around India. 

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Summer service internship presentations: 11am, Saturday 11 August

45 Diploma students will share their experiences from working with non-profits across India during the summer vacation. 

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Independence Day, national holiday – Wednesday 15th August

Flag hoisting at 8:15am at the boulevard for residential students & faculty, with special breakfast to follow. Academy not in session. 

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