Junior MUN at Chirec International School 27-30 October 2017
15 Academy students from grades 6, 7 and 8 will participate at the Chirec Junior Model United Nations this weekend, all the best!
“Hyderabad 10K Run” – 5:30am, Sunday 26th November
37 Academy students and staff will take part in this weekend’s city run at Necklace Road and Hussein Sagar lake. Run tall and strong!
Parsons School of Design visiting from NYC - 1:45-3:15pm, Monday 4th Dec
In collaboration with Indian School of Design & Innovation - informative presentation for grades 10 & 11 visual arts students!
Academy team bags gold medal @ FIRST Lego League competition!
Congratulations to the 27 students from grades 8-11 who won 'best project' at a regional robotics competition this weekend!
Symposium Dinner with Aga Khan University - 6:30pm, Friday 2nd March, Academy Building basement
Panel discussions on themes of civil society and development followed by moderated Q&A session and dinner. Open to all students & staff.
Grade 10 mock exams - 26-28th March 2018
We wish our grade 10 students the best of luck as they work towards their e-assessments in May 2018.
Grade 5 overnight stay - Friday 1st June 2018
33 students will spend the night on campus to get a sense of residential life. A campus walk, swimming, boardgames and star gazing are on the agenda!
Summer service internship orientation camp: 2nd - 8th June
Over 50 grade 11 students are currently in Ananthpur in preparation for their month-long internships at various service sites around India.
Summer service internship presentations: 11am, Saturday 11 August
45 Diploma students will share their experiences from working with non-profits across India during the summer vacation.
Independence Day, national holiday – Wednesday 15th August
Flag hoisting at 8:15am at the boulevard for residential students & faculty, with special breakfast to follow. Academy not in session.