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University visits - 2:30-3:30pm, Wednesday 29th & Friday 31st August

Five Canadian and three US universities will make presentations and offer counselling for DP students. Click here for full careers calendar. 

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His Highness the Aga Khan's birthday - Thursday 13th December

In honour of our founder's birthday, the Academy will close early. Students & staff will depart at 1pm. 

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Grade 12 mock exams: Tuesday 15th - Friday 25th January 2018

We wish our DP2 students the best of luck as they write their mocks in preparation for the final IB exams in April. 

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IB PYP network athletics meet - Thursday 24th & Friday 25th Jan 2019

We welcome students from seven IB schools from Hyderabad who will be participating in the sports competition this week! 

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First Lego League robotics competition - 24th & 25th Jan 2019

20 students from grades 7, 9 and 10 will be participating in two teams at the annual international FLL in Hyderabad. Good luck!

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Term break: Monday 18th - Friday 29th March 2019

We wish our students, parents, and faculty colleagues a restful and refreshing break! Admissions Office open throughout. 

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PYP Music Blast - 9:30am, Friday 17th May

All Junior School students from daycare to grade 5 will showcase their musical skills at the annual concert, taking place at the Commons. Parents welcome! 

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Grade 12 graduation ceremony: 6:30pm, Saturday 25th May

74 students will complete their IB Diploma Programme examinations and graduate from AKA Hyderabad in the presence of their peers, teachers and families. Congratulations! 

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Annual holidays: 3rd June - 4th August 2019

We hope all our students, staff and parents have a restorative, fun-filled vacation! Admissions office remains open throughout. 

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Grade 11 final exams commence

DP1 students will sit for their finals from 16th-25th April. We wish them the best of luck!

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