University visits - 2:30-3:30pm, Wednesday 29th & Friday 31st August
Five Canadian and three US universities will make presentations and offer counselling for DP students. Click here for full careers calendar.
His Highness the Aga Khan's birthday - Thursday 13th December
In honour of our founder's birthday, the Academy will close early. Students & staff will depart at 1pm.
Grade 12 mock exams: Tuesday 15th - Friday 25th January 2018
We wish our DP2 students the best of luck as they write their mocks in preparation for the final IB exams in April.
IB PYP network athletics meet - Thursday 24th & Friday 25th Jan 2019
We welcome students from seven IB schools from Hyderabad who will be participating in the sports competition this week!
First Lego League robotics competition - 24th & 25th Jan 2019
20 students from grades 7, 9 and 10 will be participating in two teams at the annual international FLL in Hyderabad. Good luck!
Term break: Monday 18th - Friday 29th March 2019
We wish our students, parents, and faculty colleagues a restful and refreshing break! Admissions Office open throughout.
PYP Music Blast - 9:30am, Friday 17th May
All Junior School students from daycare to grade 5 will showcase their musical skills at the annual concert, taking place at the Commons. Parents welcome!
Grade 12 graduation ceremony: 6:30pm, Saturday 25th May
74 students will complete their IB Diploma Programme examinations and graduate from AKA Hyderabad in the presence of their peers, teachers and families. Congratulations!
Annual holidays: 3rd June - 4th August 2019
We hope all our students, staff and parents have a restorative, fun-filled vacation! Admissions office remains open throughout.
Grade 11 final exams commence
DP1 students will sit for their finals from 16th-25th April. We wish them the best of luck!