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1st TedX at the Academy! 5-8:30pm, Saturday 26th May

4 student speakers and 4 external speakers will talk on topics ranging from experimental film to pluralism. Two performances of dance and song in between. We are excited! 

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Annual vacation: Monday 4th June - Sunday 5th August 2018

Yet another academic year has come to an end. We wish our students & faculty a refreshing break. Admissions office will remain open throughout. 

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New parent orientations: Sunday 5th August 2018

An orientation on the MYP from 12-1pm; and another introductory session on the residential programme from 1:30-2:45pm. Both take place at the Student Lounge. 

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1st 2018-19 University Fair - Friday 24th August

8 universities (7 US and 1 Indian) will be presenting to DP students at 2:30pm in the Academy Building basement. DP parents welcome to attend. Click here for full careers calendar. 

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University fair: Tuesday 11 September 2018

12 US universities are visiting between 2:30-3:30pm to interact with and counsel Diploma Programme students. View the list of universities here. 

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Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad Model United Nations - 20-22 Sept 2018

Over 500 students will participate in the Academy's annual MUN conference. Grades 6-8 will take part in Mini-MUN. Closing ceremony on Saturday afternoon. 

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Semester 1 break: 8 - 19 October 2018

We wish our faculty & students a restful mid-term break. Admissions office will remain open throughout for enquiries, campus tours and assessments. 

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International football camp: 8-19 October 2018

80 students from grades 6-11 are participating in an intensive residential football camp organised by the Aga Khan Youth Sports Board, run by four seasoned professional coaches from UK and Canada. 

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Annual ShakeOut drill - 9am, Tuesday 30th October

All staff and students will participate in the "drop, cover and hold on" earthquake drill promoted by the AKDN and aimed at better disaster preparedness. 

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Children's Day - Wednesday 14th November

Annual celebrations on Jawaharlal Nehru's birth anniversary, with faculty performing skits, songs & dances for students at Commons, 3:30pm. 

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