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Why Choose the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka

Admission to the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka is based on merit. This is broadly defined as exceptional intellectual potential, leadership, a commitment to learning, strong sense of integrity, and the desire to work towards and instigate positive change.

As part of a network of Academies, we have been established to provide exceptional students from all backgrounds with an outstanding education.

We seek students representing a diverse range of economic, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. We look for students who have the ability and motivation to excel academically and who demonstrate leadership in community service and other co-curricular pursuits.

We are more than just residential schools that strive to give their students a sound academic foundation. We emphasise the importance of academic excellence while instilling in students a sense of civic responsibility and the desire, ability and commitment to give back to their communities locally and globally.

"In my view, the most important thing a student can learn in any educational institution is the ability to keep on learning."His Highness the Aga Khan (Mombasa, August 2007)

Our educational approach measures success not just by academic achievement, but by how students apply what they know to make the world a better place. The overall educational programme is designed to foster students’ curiosity while providing them with the skills and intellectual confidence to engage with what they do not know and find answers and solutions.

Why Choose the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa

Admission to the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa is based on merit. This is broadly defined as exceptional intellectual potential, leadership, a commitment to learning, strong sense of integrity, and the desire to work towards and instigate positive change.

As part of a network of Academies, we have been established to provide exceptional students from all backgrounds with an outstanding education.

We seek students representing a diverse range of economic, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. We look for students who have the ability and motivation to excel academically and who demonstrate leadership in community service and other co-curricular pursuits.

We are more than just residential schools that strive to give their students a sound academic foundation.

We emphasise the importance of academic excellence while instilling in students a sense of civic responsibility and the desire, ability and commitment to give back to their communities locally and globally.

"In my view, the most important thing a student can learn in any educational institution is the ability to keep on learning." His Highness the Aga Khan (Mombasa, 2007)

Our educational approach measures success not just by academic achievement, but by how students apply what they know to make the world a better place.

The overall educational programme is designed to foster students’ curiosity while providing them with the skills and intellectual confidence to engage with what they do not know and find answers and solutions.


You can call the admissions team on their direct lines:
+254 (0) 736 200 008 or +254 780 223 703

Academic Programme

The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa offers an education of an internationally recognised standard of excellence to prepare students to become intellectually curious, global-minded citizens of the world.

The Academy programme develops students who are committed to positive change and are able to understand and analyse complex issues of local, national and global significance.

Our curriculum is built on the framework of the International Baccalaureate (IB). The IB is a thorough, multidisciplinary curriculum that fosters:

  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Leadership development
  • Social consciousness
  • A pluralistic sensibility 

The IB is also known for preparing students for admission to the best universities in their own countries and abroad.

Our focus is on developing students' critical thinking skills and the ability to analyse issues. We also emphasise multicultural understanding and awareness. One of the ways in which we help our students develop skills for ethical leadership is through the Aga Khan Curricular Strands. These are cross-disciplinary areas of study that have been developed for the network of Aga Khan Academies.

Overall educational programme

Our curriculum is complemented by co-curricular, athletic and community service initiatives. The overall educational programme is designed to educate well-rounded, civic-minded individuals. It enhances students’ academic excellence, leadership skills, sense of civic responsibility, understanding of global issues, and analytical and study skills. The programme also reinforces an understanding of local languages, history, cultures and environment.

When they graduate from the Academy, students are expected to be computer literate and have a thorough understanding of the diverse academic disciplines covered in the IB curriculum. They should have mastered at least two languages, including English. Through the planned international exchange programme, our students will be able to enhance their foreign language learning and appreciation of other cultures. 

Our graduates are thus well prepared for the rigours of higher education and to pursue opportunities in an increasingly interdependent world.


For further information on the IB programmes offered at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa please visit the following pages:

Middle Years Programme

The Senior School of the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad is an authorised International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering the Middle Years Programme (MYP).

We offer the IB Middle Years Programme for students in grades 6–10 as part of an integrated curriculum that includes the Primary Years Programme (grades 1–5) and the Diploma Programme (grades 11–12).

The MYP covers a study of the major disciplines, including:

  • languages
  • sciences
  • literature
  • social sciences
  • mathematics
  • arts
  • technology
  • physical education. 

The five Aga Khan Curricular Strands, which are unique to the Aga Khan Academies, are integrated throughout the curriculum.

Learning through the MYP

Our MYP students are immersed in a challenging and enriching educational environment. We ensure that they master basic skills, develop the ability to analyse and think critically, and become computer literate. We also emphasise the development of self-discipline and good work habits.

The programme encourages students to reflect on their learning and make connections with real world issues. It also helps students develop an awareness of their thought processes and learning strategies, and of how they learn best.

The MYP includes a service component that makes students aware of community and global needs. We also ensure that each student has a strong leadership experience and receives grounding in ethics, which helps prepare them for future leadership roles. 

The final performance of our MYP students is assessed by teams of teachers and is validated by the IB through a monitoring process that ensures the high standards of IB schools worldwide.

MYP – grade 10 equivalence

In January 2013, the Association of Indian Universities signed an agreement with the International Baccalaureate to equate the completion of the Middle Years Programme with grade 10 of an Indian board assessment. This agreement now allows students who complete the MYP to apply for admission for higher studies to any school in India.


For further information about applying to the MYP at the Academy, please see the admission requirements or contact us.

Meet Our School Community

The students, faculty and parents of the Aga Khan Academy are a socially conscious group of people committed to the development of their communities, their nation and civil society in the world at large. They understand that knowledge is a lifelong process of inquiry that leads to intellectual and personal growth. In this section we offer vignettes of members of the Academy family who are driven by the common goal of making a positive contribution to their society.

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Why Choose the Aga Khan Academy, Dar-es-Salaam

Admission to the Aga Khan Academy, Dar-es-Salaam, is based on merit. This is broadly defined as exceptional intellectual potential, leadership, a commitment to learning, strong sense of integrity, and the desire to work towards and instigate positive change.

As part of a network of Academies, we aim to provide exceptional students, from all backgrounds, with an outstanding education.

We seek students representing a diverse range of economic, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. We look for students who have the ability and motivation to excel academically and who are or will be capable of demonstrating leadership in community service and other co-curricular pursuits.

"In my view, the most important thing a student can learn in any educational institution is the ability to keep on learning."His Highness the Aga Khan (Mombasa, August 2007)We are more than just schools that strive to give their students a sound academic foundation. We emphasise the importance of academic excellence while instilling in students a sense of civic responsibility and the desire, ability and commitment to give back to their communities locally and globally.

Our educational approach measures success not just by academic achievement, but how students apply what they know to make the world a better place.

The overall educational programme is designed to foster students’ curiosity while providing them with the skills and intellectual confidence to engage with what they do not know and find answers and solutions.
