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International Exchanges

As the network of Aga Khan Academies becomes further established, we will offer our students the opportunity to broaden their experience through exchanges with other Academies.

The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa will include an international exchange programme as part of the Senior School curriculum. This will provide our students with the opportunity to study for an extended period in another of the 18 Academies (planned or currently under development) in Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East.

An inaugural programme is planned for the 2018-19 academic year for grade 9 students at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa and the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. The programme will grow over the coming years, drawing in more Academies as they open and giving students the opportunity to experience life in a range of different countries and cultures.

Campus life

Students from Mombasa who participate in an exchange with another Academy will live in residential facilities in a secure campus setting.

Campus life is an important part of the international exchange programme. Many of the least tangible but most important elements of an education – the development of practical leadership skills, the capacity to make ethical judgments, the ability to navigate through complex cultural settings – are formed outside the classroom. Mealtimes and other informal gatherings offer opportunities for discussion, meetings, and study groups. 

The exchange will offer a structured programme of activities, both on and off-campus. This is designed to increase students’ understanding of their own and other cultural identities, to recognise different components of culture, to interact with the local community through service learning, and to reach a comparative understanding of the process of development in another country.

Benefits of study abroad

The International Baccalaureate programme is implemented through the medium of English at all Aga Khan Academies. The common curriculum will allow students to study abroad without facing uncertainties regarding compatibility of course study or examinations.  Students will also learn to appreciate and respect other nationalities, cultures and intellectual traditions through direct contact with people in other countries. They will broaden their worldview and learn to be at ease in different cultural settings.

The exchange will increase students’ willingness and ability  to collaborate across borders and cultures, as they form networks of friendships across the world. It will build the strength of character necessary for ethical and pluralistic leadership. Students will develop greater adaptability and resilience as they learn to overcome the challenges of living in a new cultural setting with local peers. 

For further information on the educational programme offered at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, please visit the Academic Programme page.

About the Academy

The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School and is the second in the network of Aga Khan Academies established by His Highness the Aga Khan.

The Academy features state-of-the-art facilities, a multicultural student body, and an experienced team of educators and staff. We provide students with education of the highest standard in order to prepare them for lives characterised by leadership and service.

Admission to the Academy is competitive and based on student merit, regardless of a family’s ability to pay. We consider all eligible students regardless of socio-economic status.

Mission statement

The following is the mission statement of the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad:

"The Academy will identify and nurture exceptional young people from any background with the potential to become effective, ethical leaders. It will be a joyful community of lifelong, fearless learners who are culturally-rooted and internationally-minded. Academy graduates will be reflective, compassionate, adventurous and creative citizens empowered as stewards to make a positive contribution in a changing world."

A culture of excellence

As with all the Aga Khan Academies, we are committed to excellence in all aspects of education. This commitment includes the academic curriculum as well as the campus where students live and learn. 

Our campus is architect designed and purpose built. It features state-of-the-art classrooms and resource areas, and extensive sports facilities. These outstanding facilities provide an inspiring environment for both students and staff.

At the Academy, we strive to create a balance between academic demands, sports, cultural activities, and community life. We challenge our students to be intellectually inquisitive and socially conscious. We also encourage them to respect and appreciate other people’s cultures, social structures, values and beliefs. 

A rigorous academic programme

Our academic programme has been developed through the implementation of the widely-recognised International Baccalaureate. The programme is designed to challenge students of all backgrounds.

Our aims for our students include:

  • promoting academic excellence
  • enhancing analytical and study skills
  • building leadership skills
  • fostering an ethical outlook and sense of civic responsibility
  • developing an understanding of global issues
  • encouraging creativity.

Experienced local and international teachers lead our programmes. Faculty members are up-to-date with the best educational practices. They are committed both to their students’ learning and to their own continuing professional development.

Admission Requirements

Choosing a school is an important decision in a child's and parent's life. We are here to help and answer any questions you might have. 

We welcome enquiries about applying to the Academy. Our programmes are based on the principles and practices of the International Baccalaureate for primary and secondary-level students. The admission requirements for all the Academy's programmes, including language requirements, are outlined below.

Admission is competitive and based on student merit, regardless of a family’s ability to pay. The Academy endeavours to meet the demonstrated financial need of each admitted student.

Junior School

Grades 1–5: Primary Years Programme (PYP)
Students entering grade 1 ideally will have completed at least three years of nursery school and must be 6 years of age by 1 September of the year of entry.

Students may enter the first two years of the PYP without a strong prior knowledge of one of the languages of instruction, English or Hindi. However, in the last three years of the PYP, students must have a basic level of proficiency in both languages before they may be admitted.

Senior School

Students applying to the Senior School must have attained high scholastic achievement in their former educational institutions. They should also demonstrate a keen interest and participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, arts and music, and/or participation in community service projects outside the classroom.

Grades 6–10: Middle Years Programme (MYP)
Students without an intermediate level of proficiency in English may be admitted to the Middle Years Programme on a case-by-case basis. MYP students have the opportunity to study language A (language and literature) in both the official language (English) and national language (Hindi).

Grades 11–12: Diploma Programme (DP)
Applicants for the Diploma Programme must have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement as well as a record of active involvement in extracurricular and community service activities.

New students will not be accepted in the year of the Diploma exam.

Applying to the Academy

For further information about admissions, please contact the admissions office. Application and financial aid forms can be downloaded from the Application Forms page. Copies are also available from the admissions office.

*Please note that a completed financial aid form must be submitted together with the application form in order to apply for a bursary.

Tours of the Academy are held reguarly through the school year by appointment.

International Exchanges

As the network of Aga Khan Academies becomes further established, we will offer our students the opportunity to broaden their experience through exchanges with other Academies.

The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad includes an international exchange programme as part of the Senior School curriculum. This will provide our students with the opportunity to study for an extended period in another of the 18 Academies (planned or currently under development) in Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East.

An inaugural programme took place in the 2018-19 academic year for grade 9 students at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa and the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. The programme will grow over the coming years, drawing in more Academies as they open and giving students the opportunity to experience life in a range of different countries and cultures.

Campus life

Students from Hyderabad who participate in an exchange with another Academy will live in residential facilities in a secure campus setting.

Campus life is an important part of the international exchange programme. Many of the least tangible but most important elements of an education – the development of practical leadership skills, the capacity to make ethical judgments, the ability to navigate through complex cultural settings – are formed outside the classroom. Mealtimes and other informal gatherings offer opportunities for discussion, meetings, and study groups. 

The exchange offers a structured programme of activities, both on and off-campus. This is designed to increase students’ understanding of their own and other cultural identities, to recognise different components of culture, to interact with the local community through service learning, and to reach a comparative understanding of the process of development in another country.

Benefits of study abroad

The International Baccalaureate programme is implemented through the medium of English at all Aga Khan Academies. The common curriculum will allow students to study abroad without facing uncertainties regarding compatibility of course study or examinations. Students will also learn to appreciate and respect other nationalities, cultures and intellectual traditions through direct contact with people in other countries. They will broaden their worldview and learn to be at ease in different cultural settings.

The exchange will increase students’ willingness and ability to collaborate across borders and cultures, as they form networks of friendships across the world.  It will build the strength of character necessary for ethical and pluralistic leadership. Students will develop greater adaptability and resilience as they learn to overcome the challenges of living in a new cultural setting with local peers. 

For further information on the educational programme offered at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad, please visit the Academic Programme page.

Enrichment Programme

The enrichment programme enables students to realise their potential in a variety of settings beyond the classroom. Students develop a sense of self-awareness and an understanding of school and community needs and opportunities. They also learn how to apply their gifts and skills to make a positive impact.

At the Academy, we believe in a balanced, rounded, comprehensive school experience. As this includes both academic and enrichment experiences, we encourage our students to do their best both in and outside the classroom.

We offer outstanding sports facilities that include:

  • swimming and diving pools
  • cricket pitch
  • sports fields, for soccer, hockey and athletics
  • tennis and squash courts
  • athletics track. 

Children with special sporting gifts are encouraged to develop their talents in every way. Children with special gifts in music, art or drama are similarly encouraged through opportunities to practise and perform while at the Academy.

Our enrichment programmes for both day and residential students are clustered into three main streams, each with a different focus:

Creativity and culture

Whether through visual or performing arts, this cluster engages students to think creatively and express their identities and thoughts aesthetically. Through theatre, art, music and drama, students learn to work together and infuse their projects with values and lessons from other parts of their schooling. Individual and collaborative creative projects emphasise growth and development through personal challenge, ultimately resulting in achievable personal goals.

Programmes are currently offered in contemporary dance, arts and crafts, animation, robotics, science, software, photography, chess, drama and music.


The student as a reflective practitioner is a basic tenet of the physical cluster. Through physical sport, both competitive and non-competitive, students are challenged in their physical growth, and learn values such as good sportsmanship, teamwork and ethical behaviour. We encourage them to extend themselves by trying different activities and working with teammates to pass on their knowledge. In line with developing the student as a whole, a healthy lifestyle complements and enhances academic achievement.

Programmes are currently offered in football, squash, basketball, cricket, swimming, table tennis, tennis and yoga/gym.

Language and service

At the Academy, we encourage knowledge and understanding of humanity and civil society. Through their involvement in citizenship activities, students gain an understanding of the practical implications of their work and study. By collaborating with community groups on sustainable projects, they develop an appreciation for human rights and human dignity, and of how their actions impact the world around them.

Programmes are currently offered in Model United Nations, Reflections (school publication), yearbook, organic farm, film making, book club, foreign language and mother tongue, and environment club.


To learn more about the Academy's programme, please visit the Academic Programme page.

International Exchanges

As the network of Aga Khan Academies becomes further established, we will offer our students the opportunity to broaden their experience through exchanges with other Academies.

The Aga Khan Academy Dhaka will include an international exchange programme as part of the Senior School curriculum. This will provide our students with the opportunity to study for an extended period in another of the 18 Academies (planned or currently under development) in Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East.

An inaugural programme is planned for the 2018-19 academic year for grade 9 students at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa and the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. The programme will grow over the coming years, drawing in more Academies as they open and giving students the opportunity to experience life in a range of different countries and cultures.

Campus life

Students from Dhaka who participate in an exchange with another Academy will live in residential facilities in a secure campus setting.

Campus life is an important part of the international exchange programme. Many of the least tangible but most important elements of an education – the development of practical leadership skills, the capacity to make ethical judgments, the ability to navigate through complex cultural settings – are formed outside the classroom. Mealtimes and other informal gatherings offer opportunities for discussion, meetings, and study groups. 

The exchange will offer a structured programme of activities, both on and off-campus. This is designed to increase students’ understanding of their own and other cultural identities, to recognise different components of culture, to interact with the local community through service learning, and to reach a comparative understanding of the process of development in another country.

Benefits of study abroad

The International Baccalaureate programme is implemented through the medium of English at all Aga Khan Academies. The common curriculum will allow students to study abroad without facing uncertainties regarding compatibility of course study or examinations.  Students will also learn to appreciate and respect other nationalities, cultures and intellectual traditions through direct contact with people in other countries. They will broaden their worldview and learn to be at ease in different cultural settings.

The exchange will increase students’ willingness and ability to collaborate across borders and cultures, as they form networks of friendships across the world. It will build the strength of character necessary for ethical and pluralistic leadership. Students will develop greater adaptability and resilience as they learn to overcome the challenges of living in a new cultural setting with local peers. 

For further information on the educational programme offered at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, please visit the Academic Programme page.

Sujana Veeramachaneni: Teacher, Assistant Coordinator, Dorm Parent, Mentor

At the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad, Sujana Veeramachaneni holds more than her official titles of biology teacher and Assistant Coordinator for the Diploma Programme (DP), science teacher for the Middle Years Programme, and dorm parent. Sujana also ensures her students see her as a friend, mentor and pillar of support.

“They should always feel that I’m there for them, no matter the situation, or condition or time of day,” she insists. “Sometimes I get midnight phone calls! They don’t hesitate to approach me.”

Since the majority of DP students live on campus, “My job doesn’t end in the school,” she explains. “We see them as students, and the dorm is like a home for them – so it’s like seeing them at school and at home – same child, different behaviour. Sometimes it’s difficult to draw a line, because we see them here as well as in the school – so that emotional role is with us, also."

“Of course, I have to draw the line – otherwise maintaining discipline is quite difficult – but at the same time, that line is flexible. It’s not firm – but of course, there is a thin line.”

From her side, Sujana believes that she and other staff can learn from the students’ impressive ability to control their emotions at school. “These are all teenagers,” she reflects. “We see them here, inside and outside. Sometimes, even we lose control – but the students don’t have tantrums in front of their teachers. That’s what I learn from them – how to control our emotions.”

Sujana remembers what she went through at her students’ ages, and understands the pressures they face, especially those approaching graduation from the Diploma Programme, who face multiple deadlines, university applications, and academic and personal challenges. “I always put myself in their shoes,” she emphasises, and shares with her students her anecdotes on how she dealt with stress as a student. 

At the same time, she acknowledges times have changed. “This generation is under more pressure – we were not exposed to so many kinds of media or diversions. They are dealing with many things at the same time – compared to them, when we were students, we had less complexity in our lives.”

The demanding IB curriculum motivates Sujana as a teacher, even though her switch to a career in teaching was first supposed to be temporary. Sujana holds an MSc in life sciences, with a specialisation in endocrinology, and a PhD in plant physiology. Her research focused on the physio-biochemical parameters of the post-harvest life of roses, after which she worked in post-harvest floriculture in Bangalore. In 2002 she relocated to Hyderabad and started working as a teacher in an international school.

She was drawn to the demanding and challenging nature of the International Baccalaureate curriculum and in 2013 joined the Aga Khan Academy as a biology teacher. Her career at the Academy has been a learning trajectory: “I’m definitely enjoying the professional development here.” She highlights the different positions she has held over the years, as well as gaining confidence over the years in teaching, helping, and guiding Special Education Needs (SEN) students, and the training, support and resources she has received from the SEN specialist at the Academy.

She also appreciates that the Academy itself is always developing – every year different projects, opportunities and ideas are introduced or planned for the future, and she praises the community service that the school ensures students experience:  “It is inculcated in the students – the mission itself is very good and strong.”

The Academy is also always learning from its students; if, for example, some students stand out at drawing or music, the staff will learn from those strengths, and apply what they learn with students in the next batch. The curriculum is reviewed every year, and coordinators and deans take sessions every year to improve and upgrade their skills.

Academically, Sujana especially appreciates the opportunities students have to explore their own interests and to learn independently – “That is the beauty of the Extended Essay.” 

“It’s very dynamic,” she explains, and she describes the Extended Essay as a “piece of research work, where the student will find their passion” and submit an essay akin to a mini-thesis.

Because “the curriculum has the scope to identify the strength of the student in different ways” and “the student will design their own labs,” independence and the opportunity to follow one’s own interests is important: “Every student’s choice is different,” she says.

As their teacher, Sujana enjoys the intricacies of guiding the students individually and tailoring her teaching style to their interests and strengths. This year, she is supervising six students, whose self-selected Extended Essay projects explore a range of topics including hydroponics, the greenhouse effect and carbon dioxide concentrations, mushroom cultivation, seed germination, and the effect of music on the growth of plants.

Sujana enjoys being able to show her dynamic, expressive side at the Academy and the freedom of teaching styles and resources that is not always available at other schools. But she finds even more satisfaction in mentoring than in teaching, and it is most rewarding when her students achieve their goals – obtain university admission, get their diploma, or overcome an obstacle when they thought they couldn’t cope, but were “able to achieve something with our guidance.”

She emphasises the need to be adaptable and compassionate towards her students, both for academic and emotional support. “You have to tailor yourself to the needs of the students because some students, you really have to encourage them, motivate them, and some students – at times you have to be firm, strict,” she explains. “I change myself, as per their needs.” 

When asked what she envisions for her students’ futures, Sujana replies that she wants them to identify their passions and to continue doing what they like. “I want them always to be confident.

By Natasha Pirani

Middle Years Programme

The Aga Khan Academy Dhaka is an authorised International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering the Middle Years Programme (MYP).Our MYP curriculum for students in Grades 6-10 is part of an integrated curriculum that forms a continuum from the Primary Years Programme (Grades 1-5) to the Diploma Programme (Grades 11-12). 

Students study a broad and balanced range of disciplines, including: 

  • Languages;
  • Literature;
  • Sciences;
  • Social sciences;
  • Mathematics;
  • Ats;
  • Technology; and
  • Physical education. 

The five Aga Khan Curricular Strands, which are unique to the Aga Khan Academies, are integrated throughout the curriculum.

Learning in the middle years

Our MYP students are immersed in a challenging and enriching educational environment. We ensure they master basic skills, develop the ability to analyse and think critically and become computer literate. We also emphasise the development of self-discipline and good work habits.

The programme encourages students to reflect on their learning and make connections with real-world issues. It also helps students develop an awareness of their thought processes and learning strategies, and of how they learn best.

The curriculum includes a service component that makes students aware of community and global needs. We also ensure that each student has a strong leadership experience and receives grounding in ethics, which helps prepare them for future leadership roles. 


For further information about applying to Grades 6-10 at the Academy, please see the admission requirements.

Middle Years Programme

The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa is authorised by the International Baccalaureate (IB) to offer the Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students in years 6–10. 

The Academy is the only school in Mombasa and one of two in Kenya to offer the full range of IB programmes from year 1 to university entrance. We offer the IB Middle Years Programme as part of an integrated curriculum that includes the Primary Years Programme (years 1–5) and the Diploma Programme (years 11–12).

The MYP covers a study of the major disciplines, including:

  • Languages
  • Sciences
  • Literature
  • Social sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Arts 
  • Technology
  • Physical education 

The five Aga Khan Curricular Strands, which are unique to the Aga Khan Academies, are integrated throughout the curriculum.

Learning through the MYP

Our MYP students are immersed in a challenging and enriching educational environment. We ensure that they master basic skills, develop the ability to analyse and think critically, and become computer literate. We also emphasise the development of self-discipline and good work habits. 

The programme encourages students to reflect on their learning and make connections with real world issues. It also helps students develop an awareness of their thought processes and learning strategies, and of how they learn best.

The MYP includes a service component that makes students aware of community and global needs. We also ensure that each student receives a strong leadership experience and grounding in ethics, which helps prepare them for future leadership roles. The final performance of our MYP students is assessed by teams of teachers and is validated by the IB through a monitoring process that ensures the high standards of IB schools worldwide.


For further information about applying to the MYP, please see the admission requirements or contact us.

Aga Khan Curricular Strands

The Aga Khan Curricular Strands (AK Strands) are a unique part of the programme offered by the Aga Khan Academies. The AK Strands are areas of learning aimed specifically at developing knowledge, skills and attitudes required by future leaders.

Our goal at the Academies is to develop young people who have strong local roots and are also globally minded. They should be able to become leaders in whichever fields they choose.

To help achieve this goal, we have identified five areas of learning, the Aga Khan Curricular Strands, that we believe are important for our students. These are:

  • Ethics
  • Pluralism
  • Cultures (with an emphasis on Muslim civilisations)
  • Governance and Civil Society
  • Economics for Development.

Implementing the AK Strands

The Aga Khan Curricular Strands are not taught as independent subjects. Instead, we weave them into the existing subject areas of the academic curriculum. They help inform the selection of content and themes for study. The AK Strands also provide direction for school life outside the classroom in areas such as policy making, recruitment, student life and residential life.

Two of the AK Strands, Ethics and Pluralism, help students develop values and dispositions required by ethical leaders. Our students learn about these areas in theory and are also encouraged to practice what they learn in their everyday lives.

Through the other three AK Strands, our students learn about ideas that are important to the functioning of societies. In particular, they learn about how these ideas impact people’s lives in countries of the developing world. The knowledge they gain helps them understand key issues from both local and international perspectives.

The AK Strands in practice

The Aga Khan Curricular Strands were developed at the first Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa and are designed to be used in different cultural contexts. Teachers at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad helped tailor the AK Strands for the local environment in India and the teachers at the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka will do the same.

For example, grade 3 students worked on a history and geography unit about Hyderabad that related to Economics for Development. The students examined how the physical features of the area influenced the city and its economic activity. They learned about employment today and also looked at traditional forms of work, including a visit to a nearby weaving cooperative. This unit helped the students understand both general ideas about economics and their impact on daily life in Hyderabad.

Through the Aga Khan Curricular Strands, our students develop attitudes and values that will help them throughout their lives. They also gain knowledge and understanding that will allow them to contribute positively to their societies in the future.


For more information on the educational programme offered at the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka, please visit the Academic Programme page.
