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Nuala Alibhai: Enriching educational and social programmes at the Academy

“The Academy through the International Baccalaureate curriculum has earned a positive reputation for its pluralistic approach, providing a holistic learning environment, developing leaders and achieving educational excellence.”

Nuala Alibhai is the Learning Student Support Coordinator for junior and senior schools at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. In this role, she works in collaboration with the Academy’s Principals to develop on-going systems of support for the student community. This includes providing leadership, management and advice on inclusion within the school to develop a differentiated programme that both challenges and meets the needs of students. She also ensures that the Student Support Unit effectively identifies students with any needs for additional support need, including gifted and talented, as well as vulnerable students.

She was born in Kenya where she acquired her basic education. She obtained her undergraduate degree from University College London as Speech and Language Therapist. Later she pursued her Masters in Inclusive Education, at the University of the West of Scotland where she completed her research in inclusive education at the early years level.

At the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, Nuala works on a Value-based Education Programme, as a Curriculum Designer, through the Professional Development Centre at the Academy. She came to the Academy with a diverse background in inclusive education at a school, community and public policy level. “I was keen to apply this knowledge and skills within a mainstream school setting, to enable every student to achieve and succeed in school, career and life,” she remarks.

It has been Nuala’s endeavour to improve social outcomes through strategic planning and capacity building at the local government and community level. She is also passionate about designing and developing alternative educational programmes for vulnerable children, in order to ensure that they realise their full potential, so they can succeed in life as dignified equals. She has achieved both of these objectives by working for the past 15 years as a speech and language therapist and as an educational consultant in both the private and public sectors in Kenya and the UK.

Since September of 2016, Nuala has been with the Academy and appreciates how the Academy has provided her with opportunities to develop her teacher training skills and curriculum development skills. Nuala says, “I enjoy working with teachers who bring their hands on experience in the classroom and subject relevant knowledge to the table so we can enrich the educational and social programmes at the Academy.” 

When asked what led her to choose a career in teaching, Nuala replies, “Karma! I started my career as a health professional but on my return to Kenya, I was sought after to do training, policy work and change management in the education sector. As my experience and confidence in the area grew, I began specialising in education. I have always seen myself working with children, so education was also an attractive choice.”

According to Nuala, the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum and the Aga Khan Academy strands set the Academy apart from other educational institutions. “It is one of the few schools in Kenya that offers the IB curriculum, which I consider to be the gold standard in education because of its holistic approach, academic rigor and emphasis on community service. The strands are added dimensions that help students make better sense of themselves, others, the world around them and the interconnectedness of all these elements.” 

In terms of ensuring a climate of pluralism on campus where students from different racial, ethnic and faith backgrounds work together, Nuala feels the pluralism strand is already integrated into the lessons in the classroom, extracurricular activities after school and during out of school activities. “Collaboration skills are one of the approaches to teaching and learning, so students are exposed to activities that encourage and enable them to work with others who are different from them and have different opinions than them. They are encouraged to listen to others respectfully and consider their perspectives. This builds communication skills and empathy in students. These skills are then transferred to the student’s day-to-day interactions and not only in the classroom,” she reiterates.

When asked about the most rewarding aspect of teaching at Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, she replied, “The collaborative spirit and practice amongst the staff.” She further adds that there is appreciation and inclusion of every individual’s knowledge, skill and experience in decision-making. According to Nuala, strategies and unit plans are collectively produced not only to enhance the quality of the teaching and learning experience for the student, but also to allow the adult to grow, as a professional, in the process. “The teachers on the whole are approachable, warm and a joy to work with,” she comments. Parents are also involved as much as possible in their children’s education, she mentions. Parents get regular updates from the school on their child’s progress and well-being and are given recommendations of how to extend the learning and support beyond the walls of the school, she adds.

Nuala strongly feels that her position at Aga Khan Academy Mombasa has given her the opportunity to individualise the learning for every student. “My prayer is that this opportunity helps them become more self aware, reveal their talents and inspire them to make bigger strides forward with direction and confidence.” 

Sudipta Roy: Incomparably simple and unpretentious

Mr Sudipta Kumar Roy is the Diploma Coordinator at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad and comes with over 20 years of extensive experience in pedagogy. He joined the Academy in the year 2013 and since then has become a favourite amongst the students, peers and parents. 

A Bengali born in Kanpur and brought up in Chennai, Mr Sudipta has an interesting background to his credit. His father Shri (late) Narendra Kumar Roy had worked in the Indian Ordnance Factories Service under the Mistry of Defence, and his mother Smt Namita Roy was a housewife. Mr Sudipta graduated in Physics from the Loyola College, Chennai and later pursued a Master in Science Education in Physics from Regional Institute of Education (RIE-NCERT), Mysore. His journey as a teacher formally began in June 1994. "I went to Bhutan after my father retired. I was there for 12 years and most of my early teaching-learning happened in Bhutan," he recalls. 

When asked what persuaded him to choose a career in teaching and education, Mr Sudipta swiftly pushed back his thick eyeglasses and responded with a smile, "It was my passion to interact with young learners and support them in becoming successful global citizens. I have always considered myself to be a constant learner- by learning along with my students! I had spent most of my early teaching career in remote places where students did not have adequate means and resources to afford a good education. AKAH, on the other hand, supports students, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds." 

Like many others, Mr Sudipta too was swayed by the Academy's beautiful green campus built on a massive 100 acres land. But that was not the only reason why he decided to join the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. "The most important factor that lead me towards the Academy was the school’s philosophy which involves an ethical approach to leadership. In today's time, it is important that we also teach our children some valuable lessons that would eventually help them grow as responsible individuals." 

Mr Sudipta believes that the Academy has helped him in acquiring knowledge and skill sets that are essential to succeed as a professional IB facilitator. He also gives credits to his students and quotes, "I thank all my students from whom I have developed many new skills especially in last 6 years. I think it has always been two-ways of learning that was happening. But I also understand that there is a lot more to learn in coming times and I will dedicate myself towards the vision of the Academy."  

He has acted as a mentor to so many of Academy's senior school students and always took pride in their accomplishments. One such memory that he holds onto dearly is of his ex-student. "The day I got to know that my student had designed software for cruise control electric cars, I felt so happy that I couldn't stop myself from smiling all day! My student has now completed projects with IBM and has proven to be a successful lifelong learner! She is also working towards building technology for better sustainable future. The same day called for double celebrations as I got promoted to the role of a Diploma Programme Coordinator. This meant that I had bigger challenges set in front of me and a lot of expectations to fulfil. I could also feel the amount of faith my colleagues had in me!" 

Physics being his favourite subject, Mr Sudipta enjoys designing study materials for students. He has a dedicated website and a Youtube channel where he publishes many useful resources that are easily accessible to anyone for free! Mr Sudipta is one of the many teachers in the Academy who works tirelessly for the betterment of students. His views on motivating students is thought-provoking! He says, "I believe that every child has a potential and all we need to do is to trigger that within the child. I have found that motivation plays a key role in the development of the child. When I was in Bhutan, I learnt that people measure their GDP with happiness!" 

Incredibly soft-spoken, humble, helpful and a camera-shy, Mr Sudipta gently radiates a powerful persona. His integrity has not only earned him a favourable spot in the hearts of many students and colleagues but also makes him stand-out from the rest!

Titus Mutemi: A transformative educator

In 2015, Titus Mutemi joined the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa as part of the Teacher Preparation Programme (TPP), which aims to train teachers to become transformative International Baccalaureate educators in their communities. This became a turning point for Titus' career as he has since further developed his extensive knowledge and skills and forged a pluralistic view of the world.

For Titus, the priority has always been to ensure that students have the best learning experience. As a result, he reviewed and vertically aligned the mathematics programme to ensure that there were no existing gaps between mathematics knowledge, concepts and skills across all the grade levels in his role as a Homeroom teacher. This step brought about a significant improvement in the students' performance of the subject.

Titus’ proudest moment at the Academy was to see the students he taught from Year 1 successfully complete their Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition. “It was my pride to see them demonstrate their understanding of the world around them; to make more informed choices and confidently express themselves. In their projects, they engaged in discussing issues that require deeper and critical thinking skills, in the effort to make the world a better place.”

As the new PYP Coordinator, Titus looks forward to collaborating with the teachers to continue to develop effective teaching practices, which will give students the best learning experiences. He also plans to continue supporting students to help them realise their full potential.

Expressing her pride and excitement for Titus, Junior School Principal Annia Dear said, “Titus has come into his new role in an exciting, albeit challenging time, but has without hesitation accepted and moved forward with all that his role demands. His knowledge and understanding of the needs of students and teachers at this crucial time has been invaluable. His calm nature, positive attitude and commitment to achieving ongoing success with students, parents and teachers is an asset.”

Having been a part of the Academy for over five years now, Titus appreciates being part of a supportive community that is united by a common mission and vision to develop the leaders of tomorrow. As he expresses, “There is no greater joy than nurturing young learners and witnessing them grow into more responsible, reflective and increasingly independent individuals.” 

Aga Khan Curricular Strands

The Aga Khan Curricular Strands (AK Strands) are a unique part of the programme offered by the Aga Khan Academies. The AK Strands are areas of learning aimed specifically at developing knowledge, skills and attitudes required by future leaders.

Our goal at the Academies is to develop young people who have strong local roots and are also globally minded. They should be able to become leaders in whichever fields they choose.

To help achieve this goal, we have identified five areas of learning, the Aga Khan Curricular Strands, that we believe are important for our students. These are:

  • Ethics
  • Pluralism
  • Cultures (with an emphasis on Muslim civilisations)
  • Governance and Civil Society
  • Economics for Development

Implementing the AK Strands

The Aga Khan Curricular Strands are not taught as independent subjects. Instead, we weave them into the existing subject areas of the academic curriculum. They help inform the selection of content and themes for study. The AK Strands also provide direction for school life outside the classroom in areas such as policy making, recruitment, student life and residential life.

Two of the AK Strands, Ethics and Pluralism, help students develop values and dispositions required by ethical leaders. Our students learn about these areas in theory and are also encouraged to practice what they learn in their everyday lives.

Through the other three AK Strands, our students learn about ideas that are important to the functioning of societies. In particular, they learn about how these ideas impact people’s lives in countries of the developing world. The knowledge they gain helps them understand key issues from both local and international perspectives. 

The AK Strands in practice

The Aga Khan Curricular Strands have been developed and tested over several years at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. This has led to new ideas and creative methods of teaching.

For example, teachers in different departments are using the AK Strands to collaborate in interesting ways. In one project, year 7 students worked on a unit that related to Governance and Civil Society in both humanities and English. They linked their theoretical understanding of authority structures to their study of the novel, The Giver.

They looked at questions of governance, freedom of choice, security and related ethical questions through the lenses of both subject areas. This allowed for a unique learning experience that was both broad and deep.

Through the Aga Khan Curricular Strands, our students develop attitudes and values that will help them throughout their lives. They also gain knowledge and understanding that will allow them to contribute positively to their societies in the future. 

For more information on the educational programme offered at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa please visit the Academic Programme page.

Head of Academy's Welcome

As I look across the vast open field adjacent to the buildings of the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka, I see students playing in the Maidan – a spectacular green space that resonates with youth, vigour and striving with enthusiasm. A place that inspires students to become successful in every aspect of life – being lifelong learners, internationally minded, principled and ethical.

The Aga Khan Academies is a network of Academies across South Asia and East Africa, promoting an internationally designed learning environment following the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. The latest addition to the network, the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka in Bangladesh, was established in 2022 to realise His Highness the Aga Khan’s vision of a global learning community. We select students solely on their merit regardless of their socio-economic background.   

The Academy in Dhaka has been carrying the 35-year-long legacy of the Aga Khan Education Service, Bangladesh, fostering an enabling environment to contribute to Bangladesh’s education. The Academy adds to this legacy through our Professional Development Centre (PDC), which provides professional development opportunities for our teachers to strengthen their pedagogical skills. Additionally, the PDC contributes to the Bangladeshi education sector through various outreach programmes, such as the Knowledge and Innovation Exchange project and the Teacher Preparation Programme and it partners with the government on various initiatives.       

The Aga Khan Academies network invests in exceptional students who are expected to become future leaders committed to giving back to their community. For example, the Class of 2024 achieved a unique distinction in their IB Diploma Programme examinations with an average score of 34.8, which surpasses the IB global average of 30.32. We are committed to achieving more in the future. Besides striving for excellence in education, we want our students to become better humans, having the core attributes of the Aga Khan Academies Learner Profile instilled in them.   

Our students are achieving remarkable results in various fields, from academics and sports to service learning activities that contribute to various social causes. Their responsible actions and commitment to society’s betterment make us proud as a community consisting of parents, teachers and staff. In addition to keeping up with the fast-paced dynamics of the 21st century, we inspire students to look back and become resilient, so they act responsibly towards their community and the planet.  

Welcome to the Aga Khan Academy Dhaka! We are fortunate to have you in our community as we embark on this exciting journey of true academic excellence!  

Yours truly, 

Suvina Shunglu,  
Head of Academy   

Learn more about Ms Suvina and her background here.  

Anjum Budhwani - living her dream

Anjum Budhwani, facilitator for grade 3K, has been at the Academy Junior School for seven years now and she has brought the same energy into her teaching since her first day. “Every day is rewarding for me as it was my dream to be here and I enjoy coming to the Academy,” she says.

Anjum has been teaching since the time she was an undergraduate student. She began as a volunteer at her community Religious Education Centre as part of the Institute for Ismaili studies’ Ta’lim programme, a course designed to introduce children to the faith, ethics, history and cultures of Muslim peoples and of the Ismaili community in particular. “Compassion builds a strong relationship between teacher and student,” she says. “If a teacher is caring and loving the student feels safe with her, and learning will happen successfully in turn.”

Anjum received her first bachelor’s degree in commerce from Hyderabad’s Osmania University, and went on to collect another bachelor’s in education followed by a master’s degree when she decided to become a teacher. Her aspiration was to join the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad, and she realized this dream in 2012. “I feel elated when I hear people saying ‘She works at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad.' ” It was also her mother’s dream to see her daughter become a teacher.

Though she says every day at the Academy is special, some days have been more special than others. “I cherish the day when His Highness the Aga Khan was here on 15th April 2015,” beams Anjum, remembering some his words to our teachers. “He mentioned that there will be difficult times while you are teaching and learning and you will have failures during your journey of teaching. But remember the result and keep the goal in your mind that we are working towards creating future leaders and that it’s not going to be easy.” These words are a part of what inspire Anjum to teach at the Academy and to better herself as a facilitator to young students.

One of her favourite things about teaching at the AKA Hyderabad is discussing teaching practices with her colleagues. Anjum has imbibed the philosophy of being a lifelong learner; learning from her colleagues, she explains, has been key to her growth as a teacher. “We have regular and ongoing professional development, which has provided me with a lot of opportunities to improve myself,” shares Anjum. “Sharing best practices, professional development reading, action research and other platforms where we get to learn from each other gives us the chance to reflect on our learning and teaching process.”

These collaborative efforts have helped Anjum grow into the ideal PYP teacher who believes in giving her students voice, choice and ownership in their school work. “I design assessments and learning engagements with students in order to provide them with ownership and accountability in their learning.” Miss Anjum’s classroom is decorated with student input, with students also influencing their seating arrangement. In her class you will see the Innovation Corner, where students create new things from recycled material. Students of 3K have a duty list, where students are given charge of classroom resources like books and stationery. Giving students responsibility and ownership of their space this way helps allows them an early understanding of stewardship.

“She endeavors to exemplify stewardship through her actions,” says Academy Junior School Principal, Sreelatha Kumar. “Equanimity and her unquestionable commitment are her best qualities." Sreelatha adds that it is remarkable how Anjum deals with adults and children with the same grace and evenness.

It is very common that parents visiting the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad Junior School, upon seeing students in the sand pit or in the art room, wish that they could have done their primary education here. Should they peep into Miss Anjum’s grade 3 classroom, they will understand that it is teachers like her whom they missed having in school, because they are the ones who help create the idyllic aura of a primary school. 

Written by Ajay Sundaram

Lucy Mwandawiro: The inspiring chemist

Lucy MwandawiroLucy Mwandawiro is an experienced teacher who has been teaching students chemistry at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa for 10 years. She has also taken on a role as a coordinator for the Educating Girls in Science project in the Academy’s Professional Development and Outreach department in addition to her teaching responsibilities. Her commitment to the school both academically and socially has impacted the school in a significant way.

Mrs Mwandawiro is a proud to be Kenyan. She studied at Kenyatta University where she was able to earn a degree in education. “I was so excited once I graduated and earned my degree,” stated Mrs Mwandawiro. In addition to her Bachelor of Education in science, she also holds a degree in environmental chemistry from the University of Nairobi.

Before coming to the Academy, Mrs Mwandawiro taught at the Jaffery Academy in both Nairobi and Mombasa. She was also involved in the government schools as she worked in the Teacher Service Commission. She became one of the faculty members at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa 10 years ago. “This is my 11th year and I am proud to be a teacher,” she says emphatically. Although Mrs Mwandawiro had been considering teaching since her college days, she was not always sure that it was the career for her. However, over time she came to enjoy teaching. She explains that teaching is a career which comes with many rewarding aspects.  For Mrs Mwandawiro, the most satisfaction comes from when students understand what is being taught. She says, “It is just so rewarding seeing a concept change from hard to easy for a student.” She also says that “another rewarding aspect of being a chemistry teacher is when students link chemistry to their everyday life.” 

Mrs Mwandawiro is also a dorm parent in the residential programme at the Academy. In her opinion, the residence has an atmosphere where students nurture good habits, develop independence and set high standards for themselves. In addition, she says that “the residences are a wonderful way to let students from different parts of the world bond together and learn from each other’s cultures.”

Mrs Mwandawiro appreciates the opportunities for professional development at the Academy. “I learned different and effective ways to approach teaching and learning that were friendlier to my students. I like the way the Academy believes that teachers are still learning.”

In addition, she cites the values system informed by the Aga Khan Curricular Strands that make the Academy unique as we strive to be ethical people who respect and accommodate others who are different from us.

Mrs Mwandawiro has been an encouraging teacher at the Academy for 11 years now and has inspired many students.  With a Bachelor of Education in science, she has helped many students in the Middle Years and Diploma Programmes, as well as those beyond the Academy. Through her experiences at the Academy, she has learnt and helped others learn as well. 

30 November 2016

By Sara Alidina, year 8 (The Reporters)

Photo by Saher Budhwani, year 7 (The Reporters)

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Sharing practice across oceans

Andrew Jones is a teacher from Ontario, Canada who has spent the past year at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa, working with the Junior School as part of a teacher secondment partnership between the Aga Khan Academies and the Province of Ontario.

On first arriving at the Academy Andrew said, “I [am] expecting an enriching experience that will allow me to learn about another culture by being immersed in it. I expect to grow as an educator because different settings, both culturally and through the [International Baccalaureate] programme, will allow me to expand my skill set as to how best practices support student learning.” One year later, he reflects on his experience.

Almost two years ago now, I was reading the book, Everyone Can Learn to Ride a Bicycle, by Chris Raschka to my new grade one class in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. This book helps me encourage my students at the start of the year to continue developing resiliency through adopting a growth mindset by trying new things, taking risks and reflecting on both successes and mistakes. Little did I know, I was not just teaching my students this skill, but I was also going to follow this advice myself.


Ever since I began teaching almost 10 years ago, many changes in my job assignment have sparked a passion for professional learning and development in my teaching practice. Over this year, I have immensely enjoyed this new job working for the Ministry of Education in Ontario on an educational partnership between our government and the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa. I have had the opportunity to grow and learn as both an educator and an individual through my interactions at the Academy and through daily life in Mombasa. 

Working at the Aga Khan Academy Mombasa has been an immense opportunity of both professional and personal learning that I am thankful for. I ask myself this very question, “What best teaching practices am I learning about that I should share with Ontario teachers?”

Here are three that I have learned more about since being here.

Building Confident Leaders – Students build their confidence and exude enthusiasm as they try new things and take risks during their participation in a variety of classroom activities, sports galas, enrichment opportunities and Friday assemblies. Students are confident, have strong leadership skills and advocate for equity. Confidence stands out as a defining characteristic of the learners present here in the Junior School.

Promoting Pluralistic Thinking – The Junior School’s demographic is vibrant and diverse, reflective of the Mombasa community’s cultures, religions and backgrounds. Activities at the school, such as the Arts Week performance, continually emphasise appreciation and understanding toward different views and beliefs and encourage students to think pluralistically as they work together.

Dual Language Practices – I have been learning Kiswahili “pole pole” this past year, and I am quite experienced in giving directions to tuk tuks and boda bodas. As I learn a new language, it helps me think about the world in different ways and makes me more pluralistic in my thinking. Likewise, students at the Academy develop academic competency and fluency in both the national language of Kenya, Kiswahili, and the official language of Kenya, English. Additionally, learning similar concepts in two languages allows students to develop pluralistic view points as languages sometimes look at similar ideas in different ways.

I am thankful to explore Kenya’s beauty and diversity, so far from Mount Kenya to the Masai Mara to Mombasa. I continue to grow and to learn and am thankful to the kind and generous Mombasa community that has made my transition to working at the Academy warm and welcoming. I feel very privileged to be working with such a dedicated and caring staff and with phenomenal students.


By Andrew Jones


Community Links

The vision set out by His Highness the Aga Khan is for each Academy to become an integral part of the greater community in which it resides. This value applies not only to the students but also to the teachers at each of the Academies.

This focus comes into play at the admissions stage where potential students are chosen not only for their thirst for knowledge and intellectual merit, but also for having a high level of social awareness. This includes the desire to work towards, and instigate, positive change and the potential for leadership in community service.

Community service plays a large part in each of the levels of education offered at the Academies, which in turn allows for graduates that are civic minded. In choosing the sites for each school, special attention is paid to not only what the area can offer the students but also what the Academy can offer the community. 

While supporting students in developing an understanding of global issues, the Academies’ educational programmes also reflect great sensitivity to local languages, history, cultures and environment. Each school is committed to inspiring and empowering students to use their gifts for the betterment of humanity.

Creativity, activity, service

In choosing the International Baccalaureate programme, the Aga Khan Academies chose to incorporate the creativity, activity, service (CAS) component.

This integral programme is designed to create global citizens through active participation in and reflection upon experiences gained through a variety of creative endeavours, physical activities and community service projects.

Students develop a greater level of self-confidence, teamwork and leadership skills, and a sense of civic responsibility.They take part in sustainable projects that have real and lasting effects on the greater community. And they develop strength of character and an understanding of their ability to bring about change.

The CAS programme is valued for its power to transform not only the lives of students but also those with whom the students interact.

It also serves as a platform for interpersonal exchange, personal growth and greater understanding of the issues we face as a global community.

For more information of our CAS projects in action, visit our school websites.

Professional development outreach

Emphasis on community outreach and service is extended to the staff at each Academy as well, especially the teaching staff.

Each school will incorporate a Professional Development Centre (PDC), which will promote excellence in teaching on campus and strengthen the profession of teaching in the region as well.

"At the Academy, I feel part of a community. I am active in service projects that are making a real and lasting difference to people. I had no idea how important this would become for me."Senior School student, Aga Khan Academy MombasaThe Academy’s PDC supports excellence in teaching by promoting best practices in teaching and learning and by providing ongoing, collaborative training of Academy faculty as well as teachers and headteachers from neighbouring government, private and not-for-profit schools.

Faculty members are also enriched by opportunities to collaborate with colleagues across the globe and to teach abroad within the Aga Khan Academies network.


Visual Arts Educator Models Lifelong Learning

Within the three International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes at the Aga Khan Academy, the arts are given special focus. Students are encouraged to function as artists, as well as become learners of the arts. Art is understood and emphasised as a tool to build awareness of the aesthetic to support the development of an empathetic worldview, while students develop appreciation for art in the context of culture and history. At the Academy, the growing profile of the Art Department is demonstrated by talented and imaginative student outputs and directly reflect the enthusiasm and artistic capability of their teachers.

Vijayaraghavan Srinivasan is a prolific painter and video artist whose work explores the intersection between self and society. He facilitates IB Visual Arts at the Academy, in his words, “aimed at developing a strong formalistic and aesthetic understanding as a basis for unique personal expressions in my students. I believe the post-modernist approach to teaching Visual Arts enables students to rediscover the intelligence towards relationships by creating links with multiple disciplines and capitalise on imaginative novelty.”  

Over the last decade, he has participated widely in various biennales, video festivals, and art residency programs across India and the world. This allows him to gain insights into contemporary art styles and enhance his pedagogical strategies in teaching art appreciation to promote creativity, critical thinking and encourage artistic independence along with a spirit of inquiry.

“For seven years,” Vijay tells us, “I have had the wonderful opportunity to instruct a diverse group of primary, middle and senior school students. I encourage and expect my students to be confrontational towards themselves as well as towards what they are seeing, to always question – never settle, and to be aware of the wonder that can be revealed by the creation of a work through honesty, passion and empathy.” 

In 2016, Vijay’s piece The Trinity Saga was published by Aesthetica Magazine in the UK. The Aesthetica Artists Directory is a global network of artists engaging with the professional art world through forums for discussions and interactivity both in the print and digital spheres, where the best in emerging art from around the world has a chance to be discovered.

Proving that he embodies the philosophy of lifelong learning, in the summer of 2016 Vijay attended an advanced-level visual arts course at the Berlin Art Institute Studio Program, which is closely tied to the IB Diploma Programme art curriculum. The course work offered advanced-level studio art practice and experimentation with mixed media. “The avant-garde art practices and experiments with unconventional processes further enhanced my understanding of contemporary art practice,” says Vijay, “and focused on producing artwork in a transdisciplinary way, with compassion and responsibility as key themes.”

After the course, Vijay had the opportunity to work on a collaborative project with Kelly Reedy, an American experimental artist who specialises in art therapy. Labelled Under the Ageis, the mixed media video installation explored the archaic myth of Medusa in relationship to the primal aspects and duality of the ‘great mother’ and ‘terrible mother’ archetypes. Reedy’s research into psychological theories concerning the quality of the attachment of the primary care giver or “mother” in relation to the development of her child’s security and sense of self, accentuate her exploration of the transformative powers of the creative process in art to heal and make whole again.

“I encourage my students to develop  a strong formalistic and aesthetic understanding of art as a basis for expressing their own personal vision,” says Vijay. “I encourage each of them to grow on their own, to be free to make mistakes, to push themselves in ways that their work takes them. I feel that self-directed education is inevitably the best way to guide young people in their education as students of art.”

