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The Aga Khan Academy Dhaka - concept

Tours of the Academy

There’s no better way to get a feel for the Academy and student life than by visiting us on one of our open days.

Take a couple of hours to gather all the information you need, ask all your questions, explore the campus, and chat with the admissions team. If you would like to schedule a tour, please make a prior appointment by email or phone.

For more information, please contact the admissions office.

Teacher Resources

The Aga Khan Academies work to develop curriculum units that are relevant to cultural contexts of schools in the developing world. These resources develop students’ understanding of the Aga Khan Curricular Strands – Ethics, Pluralism, Cultures (with an emphasis on Muslim civilisations), Governance and Civil Society, and Economics for Development.

Resources are freely available for schools to download and use for education purposes, with appropriate attribution. We would welcome feedback about your experiences using these resources in your school. If you have comments, ideas for improvements, or would simply like to know more about our work, please send an email to: 

The Aga Khan Trust for Culture

The following units have been developed as part of a collaborative project between the Aga Khan Academies and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. They follow the guidelines for IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) units, but can be used in any curriculum.

Parks and Gardens as Sanctuaries: an interdisciplinary unit for MYP1 students bringing together learning from language and literature or language acquisition (Phases 3-5) and the arts. 

Evolving Identities and Navigating Cultures: a unit to promote student well-being, which could be used as part of a pastoral or PSHE programme in MYP2.

Musical Expression is a Universal Feature of Human Experience: a music unit for students in MYP4 or MYP5.

Treasures of the Silk Routes

Treasures of the Silk Routes: Interdisciplinary Unit Planner

Treasures of the Silk Routes: Teachers' Guide

Treasures of the Silk Routes: Objects from the Aga Khan Museum Collection (slideshow)

2016 Yearbook Arrives This Week!

It is with great pleasure that The Academy announces the unveiling of its much awaited 2016 Yearbook. The 2016 Yearbook Team has spent 4 months working hard to capture the essence and significance of life at The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad this year, working with designers and writers, both internal and external. The 2016 Yearbooks will be presented to students, staff and Academy families on Tuesday 31st May at the last Senior School Assembly of this 2015-16 academic year.

Taxonomy family: 

Advait Surana: Academy football champion represents Telangana state

I always wanted to play, but I never got a chance to in my previous schools. One of the reasons I joined the Academy was its sports facilities.”

Advait Surana is a residential grade 10 student at the Aga Khan Academy in Hyderabad. He was selected as one of 18 students from different schools to represent Telangana state at the national U-15 football tournament in Delhi in early September 2016. This was the first time that Telangana reached the quarter finals, where they lost to Haryana who eventually went on to win the cup.

Advait, who started taking football seriously after he joined the Academy two years ago, underwent rigorous training and practice before the national tournament. He had first been observed while representing the Academy at a Rangareddy district football competition. 

“My goal is to participate in the U-18 in a few years,” said Advait. “I haven’t thought about playing football professionally after that, but it is an option.”

Advait aspires to become a software engineer. As part of his International Baccalaureate grade 10 personal project (an independent and practical exploration in which students connect classroom learning engagements with their own experiences and interests), he is building a mobile app that has riddles and puzzles for all age-groups.

However, sport is always on his periphery. When asked why he thinks he was selected, he declared with confidence: “I practiced a lot, and I think I deserved it. I think I was better than the other kids.”

The Academy is incredibly proud of Advait’s achievement, as testament to our commitment to holistic education and the development of student talent across the board, in both academic and extra-curricular activities.



The Times of India: School With Difference Nurtures Pluralism

Nikhila Henry, from The Times of India, describes her visit to The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa, where she experiences first-hand how the Academy bridges diverse cultural and economic backgrounds, providing students with a rich learning environment that encourages pluralism and free thinking.


Saturday, January 28, 2012
The Times of India

Firstpost: The Aga Khan Academy at Hyderabad formally launched

The Firstpost reviews the inauguration of The Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad with a quick look at the Academy’s trajectory: from the foundation stone laying ceremony in 2005, to the opening of its doors to students in 2011, to its professional development centre for teachers and its part in the growing network of Academies that will span across Africa, the Middle East and Central and South Asia.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Telangana Formation Day at The Academy

We are celebrating Telangana Formation Day at The Academy with a special menu and lunch for all, The Commons, Wednesday 1st June 2016. Academy staff, students and support teams (catering, landscaping, security and housekeeping) join the state of Telangana in celebrating this milestone event with a home cooked Hyderabadi meal. Parents and visitors to the campus are most welcome to attend.


Taxonomy family: 
