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International Day for Tolerance

International Day for Tolerance

Meet Terencio Alberto Tovele

Terencio Alberto Tovele

Meet Rachael Marie O’Dwyer

Rachael Marei O’Dwyer

PE teacher wins second place in international acrobatic jump rope championship

Elves, middle, with his team in Paris for the competition

PYP Earth Month assembly

PYP fashion show

Grade 6 field trip to Tunduru Gardens

Grade 6 students at Tunduru Gardens

Africa Day 2022

Staff and students dressed in capulana outfits for Africa Day

End of academic year assemblies

Senior School assembly at AKA Maputo

Staff orientation for the 2022-2023 academic year

Staff together at the orientation

Reading and service

AKA Maputo MYP students became reading buddies for PYP students
