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Partnership to provide equitable access to an international standard of education in Mozambique

Admissions open / Inscrições abertas

AKA Maputo admissions notice 2017

Join the celebration!

Diamond Jubilee of His Highness the Aga Khan

His Highness the Aga Khan

A visit to the Academy

Assemblies at the Academy

Focus on language development / Foco no desenvolvimento da língua

Professional development session on language development

New trees for the new campus

Moringa trees initiative

A better world through education: The Aga Khan Academies

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The International Baccalaureate featured the Aga Khan Academies and our approach to creating home-grown leaders as part of their 50th anniversary commemoration. Watch to learn how the Academies work to transform the communities in which they are located.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Mozambican teachers graduate from the Academies’ Teacher Preparation Programme
