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Community Service

Community service is a major part of the student experience at the Academy. Both the curriculum and student life incorporate aspects of community service.

Service opportunities extend the educational experience beyond the classroom and help our students learn about the real-world applications of their studies.

Through community projects with local organisations and groups, our students gain a sense of the connections between their education and the world around them. Students can participate in a variety of structured community initiatives and internships to learn about their place in the world and how they can make a difference to the lives of people in their community.

By partnering with local agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), students learn first-hand about the work of the organisation, and make tangible contributions to the agencies' projects.

In addition, community engagement gives our students an understanding of broad concepts such as human rights, dignity and autonomy, while emphasising the ethos of leaving the world a better place.

The Aga Khan Academy Mombasa used the hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic to rethink and enhance its service learning programme. Although a part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, the Aga Khan Academies further developed and connected the IB's service learning programme with AKDN's approach to development. From being a standalone experience for residential students on Saturday mornings, which was voluntary for day students, the service learning programme has now been incorporated into the school's timetable, occurring on a weekly basis. Led by the service learning team, all Senior School Middle Years Programme (MYP) mentors have been inducted into the new model and all MYP students now participate in the programme. A handbook has also been developed and all service learning activities are explicitly linked to the curriculum to ensure the programme connects to classroom learning. At the culmination of their service initiatives, the MYP students showcase their projects to the Academy's community, and engage with the Academy's Primary Years Programme students as well as external community partners.  

Examples of service projects:

Coast Rural Support Programme: Tree planting at Mtaa community reservoir. The reservoir was created as a community project. The outreach project involved planting 700 indigenous seedlings around the reservoir.

East African Quality in Early Learning: Creation of the fun reading day initiative to promote early grade reading. Inspired by the common 1:10 ratio of students to books in local public primary schools, the first project was to collect books to establish a library at Ng’ombeni Primary School. Through a book drive and other community projects, students collected books and catalogued and prepared them for library use.

Our Junior School and Diploma Programme (DP) students visited the Ng’ombeni Primary School for group reading sessions. This project was then handed over to upcoming DP students to continue.

Education for Marginalised Children in Kenya (EMACK): Student’s council training workshop at Longo Primary School. Sarrah Sheikh came to know the Longo Primary School through her summer placement service. She went on to assist EMACK in establishing student leadership bodies, beginning with Longo Primary School. Topics covered went from effective leadership to communication tools, and the difference between prefects and elected student leaders. Three weeks after this project, the Kenyan government announced the phasing out of the prefect system and the introduction of elected student councils.

“I realised that what we take for granted is like a miracle for other people.”

Hafsia Parpia, DP student

Madrasa Resource Centre: School painting project at Mpirani Nursery School. After visiting a school in disrepair, the DP students decided that a bright place was needed for the students to learn. They mobilised their fellow students to create bright learning materials and to repaint the school.


Early Years Celebration of Learning

The Early Years programme students will have a Celebration of Learning on Friday, 3 June at the Aga Khan Academy Maputo. KG1 and 2 students will have their ceremony from 11 am-12 pm and KG3 students will have theirs from 1.30-2.30 pm. Additional information will be shared with parents of Early Years students.

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AKA Mombasa Senior School staff meeting

Meet the Staff

Senior leadership team

Head of Academy  

Colin Webster

Head of Finance  

Patrick Wambua


Principal Senior School

Principal Junior School


Francis Kariuki

Nuala Alibhai

Dean of Studies  

Bernard Dudi

Head of Residential Life  

Benson Wafula

Head of Facilities and Campus Infrastructure  

Bruce Iningu

Head of Human Resources  

Stella Njagi


Administration and support services

Personal Assistant to Head of Academy

  Florence Oduol  

Business Analyst

  Sheetal Shah  

Maureen Makachia

Hannah Kinuthia

Amorale June

Michael Kizito

Finance Manager  

Evangaline Wachira

Head of Administration  

Morris Kitheka

Administration Assistant  

Nanna Adede

Assistant Manager, Facilities Administration  

Fredrick Agolah


Housekeeping Supervisor


Kennedy Ogwang'

Laundry Supervisor  

Wilson Guya 

Laundry Attendants  

Raphael Ngala

Hellen Mbori

Jackline Odhiambo

Victor Mukabana

Mary Okoth

IT Manager  

Alex Oyugi

IT Technicians  

Eugene Auka

Byran Otieno

Bonface Mulama

Human Resource Officer  

Conceptor Odeke

Festus Nyawa

Executive Chef  

Nancy Chepkoech

Assistant Manager, Dining & Events  

Gideon Ondieki

Head Cook  

Kithunga Mangi

Procurement & Special Projects Manager  

Sameer Rahemtulla

Procurement Assistant  

Peter Amiani

Communications Manager  

Aalia Kurji

Marketing Manager   

Mary Wanjiru Kimani

Admissions and PR Manager  

Rukaiya Husain-Devani

Admissions Assistant  

Naomi Nyakundi

Data & Examination Coordinator  

Domnic Bollo

Administration Assistant, Senior School  

Elizabeth Bwana

Lab Technicians  

John Ngala

Kennedy Cosmas

Stephen Kassim



Events Assistant


Victoria Sada

Bakari Kazungu

Vice Principal - Data & Academic Systems  

Kipkemoi Serem

Residential Manager  

Benson Wafula


Senior School Librarian

Assistant Librarian


Joyce Wangari

Maureen Mumasaba

Curriculum Development Manager  

Alex Holland

Service Learning and Student Leadership Development Manager  

Kauthar Mohamed

Vice Principal Student Support and Well-being  

Minal Shah




Junior school faculty


Nuala Alibhai

Vice Principal, PYP Coordinator  

Kepha Mogere


Administrator – Junior School

Junior School – Library Clerk                     


Rebecca Davis

Tungwa Nyiro


Student Support and Well-being Co-ordinator - Junior School 

  Peter Muraguri  

Class Teachers

Year 1 Class Teachers  

Margaret Mwaka

Year 2 Class Teachers  

Hope Lumbukeni 

Year 3 Class Teachers  

Enitta Olang'

Lillian Mwendwe

Year 4 Class Teachers  

Ruth Msae
Catherine Gambo 

Year 5 Class Teachers  

Anuradha Mohsin
Michelle Perez 


Teaching Assistants

Junior School  

Tom Odhiambo

Janet Ambila

Edgar Barasa

Maryam Shallo




Single Subject Teachers


Esther Kariuki


Parveen Samnani





Alice Adhiambo

Gloria Muthoni


Beverlyn Injairu


Fatuma Mukoya


Student Learning Support Unit

Junior School Student Support & Well-being Co-ordinator  

Peter Muraguri


Professional Development Centre & Outreach

Head of Professional Development Center  

Dr Maina WaGioko

Learning Toolkit Kenya Coordinator  

Enos Kiforo

Learning Toolkit PD Coordinator  

Rose Iminza

Foundation for Learning (F4L) Course Coordinators   

Charles Maina

Ahmed Ibrahim

Dr Benerdeta Malusi

F4L Monitoring & Evaluation Officer  

Paul Ngugi

Administration Assistant, F4L  

Pius Mulatya

IT Support Officer, F4L   

Samuel Kimwele

TPP Coordinator  

Dr Tom Abuto


Senior school faculty


Personal Assistant to Senior School Principal


Francis Kariuki

Lillian Kameno


Diploma Programme Coordinator

Middle Years Programme Coordinator


Julius Menza

Nancy Oruko


Vice Principal, Data and Academic Systems

Vice Principal Student Support & Well-being


Serem Kipkemoi

Minal Shah


Teacher Coaches


Antoinette Blain

Natasha Haque 


Science Department

Alice Ndung'u (Head of Department) 

Erick Agira

Godfrey Kokeyo
Moses Orwe

Lucy Mwandawiro

Kiran Pandey
Duncan Russell
Fred Bongu
Jackson Ltorisha


English Department

Priti Avetikian  (Head of Department)

Iyad Yuka
Amos Muuo
Faith Abuya
Beatrice Mecha

Mathematics Department

Eric Ouma (Acting Head of Department)

Vincent Mboga

Edwin Basiime

Evance Ogada
Safari Fondo
Catherine Orwe


Fredrick Wagah (Head of Department)

Serem Kipkemoi

Nelson Wakesa

Perpetual Mwangi



Expressive Arts

Grace Owaga – Head of Department

Antoinette Blain (Teacher Coach)

Ernest Kisali

Census Wandera

Joyce Agiri

Eric Mukiira


Modern Foreign Languages

Michael Ojuma (Head of Department) 

Shariff Al Beiti
Henry Nyagah
Husniya Sharkamamadova
Fatuma Ibrahim
Daniel Otogo
David Ochola


Humanities Department

Susan Abuto (Head of Department) 

Mary Nyandieka
George Kamau
Charles Sebalinga
George Kamau
Beryl Owino

Lydia Kemunto 


Physical Health Education Department

Antony Ndungu (Head of Department)

Jackson Kanyingi
Polycarp Ageta
Yusuf Kauli
Pauline Juma

Life Guards:

Raymond Mwatsuma

Yusuf Kauli

Sports Store Keeper

Farid Ahmed

University Counsellors
Lucinda Ochieng
Paula Russell

Academy Fellows

Jordan Westlake

John Morris Nyagaka

Shane Omole

Ozru Abdurahmonov

Zahra Muia

Catherine Delight


Health & Wellness Center

Medical Doctor: Dr Eric Wekesa Wanjala 


Kelvin Mbaya 

Eunicate Karimi

Jacktone Okoro

Milka Gatungoh


Head Cooks


Emily Oyugi

Kithunga Mangi

Irene Kwekwe




Irene Kwekwe

Dones Mwachia

Jedidah Muthui

Fridah Mkara

Mary Mukana

Salim Juma

Jean Livumbazi

Irine Auma

Isaac Achevi

Peter Kaviti

Brenda Kaiza




Jacob Kitsao

Betty Khavele

Sophie Okeyo

Eunice Indulachi

Phyllis Bwamula

Kioko Muli

Emily Salame






To contact any staff via email, put their first and last name together and separate it with a "." followed by (ex:  

Marrabenta Day Celebration

To celebrate Marrabenta Day on Friday, 11 February 2022, the Aga Khan Academy Maputo invites all students to come to school in local traditional clothes. The Academy will host an assembly and several activities to celebrate this local tradition with our entire school community.

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Grade 10 Moving Up Ceremony

On Friday, 27 May the Aga Khan Academy Maputo will host a special ceremony for its Grade 10 students from 2-2.45 pm in the Commons. Invites to the ceremony have been shared with Grade 10 parents via email. 

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Africa Day: community event

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo will be organising a community event for Africa Day on Saturday, 28 May from 11 am to 3 pm for the school community and beyond. Parents are requested to present their child's student ID to enter. Additional details will be shared with parents via email.

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Early Years students resume in-person learning

Early Years students have resumed in-person learning on campus from Monday-Friday. Parents have been sent information about this via email.

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Co-curricular programmes enable students to realise their potential in a variety of settings beyond the classroom.
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