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Academy wins prestigious all-Asia industry award for contribution to Education K-12 category

Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Library Wins First Place in Maktaba 2015 Awards

Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Library Wins First Place in Maktaba 2015 Awards

Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Earns Top School Award at International Science Fair

Team Queso wins "Best Innovative Research Project Award" at robotics tournament

Simran Khataw awarded a 'runner up' certificate for her art work

Visit to the Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique - A student's story

Senior School Awards

Find out the winners of the first semester Senior School awards on 05 February.

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MYP/DP Results Awards

The MYP/DP Results Awards Ceremony will take place this Friday, September 12th.

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