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IB in action!

Workshop at AKA Maputo on Sept 21, 2018. For more details, contact: +258 21720963

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Lucrecia Paco

An internationally renowned Mozambican actress will be visiting Maputo Academy in the month of October.

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Admissions closing

For more details, please contact admissions department (

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PYP - Dual Language approach

Parent's session on 8th Feb 2019 at 8:00am at the AKA Maputo.

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MYP open day

on April 5th 2019. For more details, please email at

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Term break

AKA Maputo will be closed from 5 October to 19 October for term break. Enjoy your holidays!

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Campus safety guidelines for COVID-19

Check out the latest safety guidelines in place at AKA Maputo for in-person learning here

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Public holiday

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo will be closed on 7 September to commemorate Victory Day.
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End of term break

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo will be closed on 19 December 2022, with classes resuming in January 2023. 

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Classes resuming

Classes will resume for the new term at the Aga Khan Academy Maputo on 16 January. 

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