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Food and culture fair

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo will host a "Food and Culture Fair" on 9 December 2023. For more information, please contact the school reception or email:

Taxonomy family: 

Rosa Jorge: Encouraging expression through the arts

A new arrival at the Academy in Maputo, Rosa completed the Academies’ Teacher Preparation Programme (TPP) at the AKA Mombasa in December 2019. Calling it one of the most rewarding experiences of her life, she lauds the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Sessions for pushing her to be a better teacher.

Looking back at her TPP journey, Rosa recounts, “I, personally, have seen myself grow as a teacher and a social individual. The experience has changed the way I approach the teaching and learning process. As teachers, it is possible to change the world through education – all we have to do is believe in that and go do it!” 

Drama in the family

She began her now 20-year journey with drama from the nascent age of 14. When her brother and friends were taking up extra-curricular activities such as swimming and football, Rosa’s only interest was joining Mutumbelinhas, a local children’s theatre group. She credits her aunt, who ran the group, for helping her break away from her shy persona. “My hubsand put together a play called ‘Ziraldo’ based on the Brazilian writer's life. It was such a big change for me because I was a shy kid and through drama, I became a different person,” she recounts.

Since then, the stage has become her life. It is where she met her husband, who is a director of the Mbeu theatre group and a teacher at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. It is also the field of work for her son, a theatrical producer and her sister, an actress.

Empowering students with confidence through arts and drama

She hit the ground running in Maputo taking on her role as the Academy’s Drama teacher in January 2020. One of Rosa’s passions include organising workshops promoting self-expression,  believing these are key in providing different methods of communication be it, art, movement, singing, or dialogue and bringing children out of their comfort zone in a safe space. Rosa explains, “Through these workshops, children simply react to the directive and break out of their shell, forgetting that they were shy in the first place.”

Drama goes beyond the stage for Rosa who has been bringing to the fore issues of local cultures and traditions. Over the past few weeks, she has invited many artists to speak about the ethnic groups of Nyau and Mapiko, whereby the children have been learning through the method of mask making and movement classes. Drama has always been more than just performance for Rosa who said, “ is a very strong tool to build various capacities within young students. It sharpens their communicative, social, collaborative and emotional skills.” 

Geared to take on the years to come, Rosa shared that she can already see the seeds of transformation taking root in some students. “I believe that my training in theatre supplemented by the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum will present the opportunity to pick up the diamonds in the rough and shine them up,” she explained. “In my opinion, it is important to have Drama as part of a balanced school curriculum in order to develop a socially, emotionally and culturally-aware individual.” 

Fee schedule test

Fee schedule for the 2018–2019 academic year.

Fee Schedule AKA Maputo 2018-19 Eng-Pt.pdf

* Does not include transport and lunch fees. A 50% premium will be applicable on tuition fees for international students.

  1. One-time, non-refundable admission fee is payable for each student enrolling for the first time.
  2. One-time refundable security deposit is payable upon acceptance of admission. It is refundable when the student leaves the school as long as the required notice has been given in writing and “No dues” clearance is obtained from the school. No interest is paid or payable on this deposit.
  3. A sibling discount of 5% of tuition fees will be applicable for second and subsequent children.
  4. Tuition fee may be paid in full with an early payment discount of 3%, if paid before 31 July.
  5. Tuition fee may be paid in two equal instalments, no later than 31 July and 31 December of each academic year.
  6. Tuition fee must be paid within 30 days of admission to secure a place at the Academy.
  7. Tuition fee includes course fees, the use of essential course books, library books, IT structure, science laboratory equipment and certain classroom supplies. This, however does not include school uniform.
  8. Parents of returning students will be invoiced four to six weeks prior to the new academic year.
  9. The fees can be paid in US dollars or Meticais. For making payment in metical, exchange rate of invoice date i.e. 15 June and 15 November will be applicable. The Academy however reserves the right to change this policy.
  10. Parents must provide the finance department ( proof of payment made through direct deposit or bank transfer even if payment is done by an organisation or a company.
  11. If a student wishes to leave the school, one term’s advance notice of withdrawal must be given in writing or, in lieu of notice; one term of the annual fees will be due and payable. School clearance will not be possible until an account is settled in full.
  12. The Academy reserves the right to withheld results, school certificate, transcripts or any other information and/or documents until all outstanding dues are settled in full.
  13. Students who have been admitted to the Academy, and can demonstrate need, will be considered for financial aid.
  14. The above terms and conditions may be modified or new terms may apply to reflect changes in the law or our services.
  15. For further information, please contact us via email on


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The Aga Khan Academy Maputo celebrates its first graduating cohort

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