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AKA Maputo hosts mathematics workshop for parents with Karim Ismail

Academies in Mombasa and Maputo hold online classes on observational drawing

AKA Maputo faculty members receive training for their professional development

AKA Maputo faculty receive first aid training

High Commissioner of Rwanda to Mozambique visits the Aga Khan Academy Maputo

H.E. Mr Nikobisanzwe greeted by Head of Academy Andrea Spinner

President of the Democratic Republic of East Timor visits the Aga Khan Academy Maputo

Head of Academy Roy White, H.E. President H.E. President José Ramos-Horta and Rui Carimo of AKDN walking on campus.

The Aga Khan Academy Maputo’s agent of change: Esther Nondi

Ambassador of the United States to Mozambique visits the Aga Khan Academy Maputo

Ambassador of the United States to Mozambique visits the Aga Khan Academy Maputo

AKA Maputo take part in energy use awareness initiative

Meet Smita Gangola - our new AKA Maputo MYP Coordinator

Meet Smita Gangola - our new AKA Maputo MYP Coordinator
