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School photo day!

March 25 and 26 are dates for school photo day. For more details, please contact the school office.

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Half term break

starts from 13 April until 21 April 2019.

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PYP Exhibition

on 30th April. For more details, contact school office.

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Africa Day celebration

on 25th May from 12:00pm to 4:00pm.

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New parent orientation

is organized on 14th August from 14h00-15h00 in the Junior School Library.

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Residential Programme Orientation

will be held on 14th August from 9:30am onwards.

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After school activities

commence on Tuesday 3 September. For further information, please contact the school office.

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Learning through play

A Parent's workshop on 8th Nov. Come and learn by playing Lego!

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Mango Challenge 2019

on 30 November 2019. For more details, contact school office.

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Last day of school

is 18th Dec. School will reopen on 13th Jan 2020.

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